Joseph De Grasse

Joseph De Grasse

Рождение : 1873-05-04, Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada

Смерть : 1940-05-25


Most famous for his work directing with his wife Ida May Park.


Joseph De Grasse


The Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Dr. Cummings
A 12-episode serial in which scholastic sports star Frank Merriwell leaves school to search for his missing father. His adventures involve a mysterious inscription on a ring, buried treasure, kidnaping and Indian raids. He saves his father and returns to school just in time to win a decisive baseball game with his remarkable pitching and hitting.
The Dawn Rider
Dad Mason
When John Mason's father is killed, John is wounded. Attracted to his nurse Alice, a conflict arises between him and his friend Ben who plans to marry Alice. John later finds the killer of his father but goes to face him not knowing Ben has removed the bullets from his gun.
Avenging Angel
Dad Mason
A re-edited, digitally colourised and re-scored version of vintage black and white Western 'The Dawn Rider', complete with contemporary, pulse pounding music. The re-edit brings 'The Dawn Rider' down to a 22 minute short version.
The Drunkard
Mr. Miller
An unscrupulous lawyer uses alcohol to swindle an innocent family.
The Cowboy Kid
John Grover
Our hero catches a gang of bank robbers while taking time out to romance the banker's pretty daughter.
The Hidden Way
The film tells the tale of three ex-cons who finally go straight, through the redemptive power of love. After rescuing Mary from certain death, the “three bad men” meet her saintly mother and stay on to help on their farm. In The Hidden Way, two of the ex-cons conspire to steal the family’s tiny nest egg, but through plot twists involving a medicinal spring, a wronged woman, a villainous Casanova, his avaricious father, and government inspectors (!), the pair eventually see their error and join the third in turning over a new leaf.
So Big
Simeon Peake
After graduating from a fashionable finishing school and touring Europe with her father, Selina Peake returns to the United States, where her father is accidentally killed after losing his fortune in a gambling den. Selina is reduced to teaching in a high school in the Dutch community at High Prarie near Chicago. She boards in the farmhouse of Klass Poole, a dull-witted market gardener, and finally marries Pervus DeJong, a poor and backward farmer. She shares the drudgery of her husband's futile life and finds happiness only in their small son, Dirk, whom she calls "So-Big."
Robert Wells is an American born in China who, unbeknownst to him, has an Oriental half-brother. Wells' uncle sends him to help Ray Williams build bridges in China. Williams is in league with Chinese reactionaries and he discredits Wells by turning him into a drug addict. Wells eventually becomes an outcast and is in a stupor when he is found by his half-brother, Kong Sue, the son of the Lord of Thundergate, a powerful Mandarin reactionary.
The Girl I Loved
John Middleton is distressed to learn that his family is taking in an orphan girl named Mary. He turns aside all her attempts to befriend him. But with the passage of time, John discovers (long after everyone else has) that he loves Mary. But by now it's too late. She plans to marry his friend Willie.
A Tailor-Made Man
A tailor tries to pass himself off in high society by wearing some of his rich customer's clothes.
The Old Swimmin' Hole
The normal life of a young farm boy as he goes to school and as he relaxes in the country is depicted.
The Midlanders
45 Minutes from Broadway
Kid Burns vicariously enjoys life with his wealthy playboy pal. But complications ensue when Kid falls in love with a girl who just happens to be his friend's housemaid.
Bonnie May
Young actress Bonnie May finds work in a private play given at Mrs. Baron’s mansion, where she endears herself to all, especially Victor Baron, the invalid son who has written the play. He begs her to stay on to help him write another play, despite the reluctance of his mother.
His Wife's Friend
Unhappily married to Sir Robert Grimwood, an older man whose only passion is chess, Lady Marion finds solace in the arrival of her old suitor, John Heritage.
Heart o' the Hills
Family tensions in the Kentucky hills are inflamed by an outsider's dishonest scheme to exploit the area for its coal.
The Wildcat of Paris
A girl from Paris' underworld fights for love and survival during a time of international turmoil.
After the War
A Broadway Scandal
Having been misinformed that all French girls are morally suspect, American soldier David Kendall (Edwin August) is in for quite a shock when he's shipped Over There. After meeting several "nice" Frenchwomen, David returns to the states with a whole new perspective on things. It isn't long before he falls in love with Nenette (Carmel Myers), the daughter of French-born restaurateur Armande Bisson (Andrew Robson). But when Nenette is implicated in a murder, the disillusioned David instantly repudiates her -- and by extension, all Daughters of France.
The Rough Lover
Richard Bolton, a timid bookworm, is too shy to declare his love for the beautiful Helen. While she remains unimpressed, however, the Countess Wintershin pursues him relentlessly, to Richard's embarrassment and her jealous husband's dismay.
The Fighting Grin
A man bets his father $10,000 that he'll marry his girlfriend within the next week, even with the opposition of both his and his girlfriend's fathers.
The Scarlet Car
Paul Revere Forbes, an ancestor of Paul Revere, is a teller at Cyrus Peabody's bank. He learns that Cyrus and his son, Ernest, have speculated with $35,000 of the bank's money, and the entire sum has been lost.
The Winged Mystery
Louis and August Siever, the twins sons of a German father and American mother, are traveling in Europe when war breaks out. August joins the Kaiser's army, but Louis, a supporter of the United States, is practically made a prisoner in Berlin for a year while he tries to prove his American citizenship. After a violent confrontation with Louis, August steals his brother's passport and leaves for New York with Gerda Anderson, a German spy.
Anything Once
Playboy Franklyn Farnum inherits a Western ranch on the condition that he shall run it properly for 6 months. A villain (none other than Lon Chaney) makes an attempt to distract him from reaching the goal, but Farnum, no longer the wastrel of yore, persists and becomes full owner of the property.
The Empty Gun
This melodrama about an actress in love with a playwright and the stage manager blackmailing her for her affections offers a unique glimpse into Chaney’s career before his classic performances in The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Phantom of the Opera.
Pay Me!
During a violent disagreement, a miner strangles his partner and accidentally shoots the man's wife. He then deserts his own wife and son to elope with the saloon keeper's daughter. As they are fleeing, the girl discovers the deed and insists upon caring for the baby found in the dead wife's arms.
Pay Me!
During a violent disagreement, a miner strangles his partner and accidentally shoots the man's wife. He then deserts his own wife and son to elope with the saloon keeper's daughter. As they are fleeing, the girl discovers the deed and insists upon caring for the baby found in the dead wife's arms.
A Doll's House
Nora Helmer has years earlier committed a forgery in order to save the life of her authoritarian husband Torvald. Now she is being blackmailed lives in fear of her husband's finding out and of the shame such a revelation would bring to his career.
A Doll's House
Nora Helmer has years earlier committed a forgery in order to save the life of her authoritarian husband Torvald. Now she is being blackmailed lives in fear of her husband's finding out and of the shame such a revelation would bring to his career.
The Girl in the Checkered Coat
When Mary and Fannie Graham, daughters of a good mother but a father with criminal instincts, are left motherless, Mary flees from her unhappy surroundings while Fannie, inheriting her father's disposition, remains and is raised as a thief.
Hell Morgan's Girl
Roger Curwell (William Stowell) is disowned by his father (Joseph W. Girard) because of his desire to be an artist. But instead of making good as a painter, Roger finds himself drunk and on the skids in San Francisco's Barbary Coast. At a dive run by Hell Morgan (Alfred Allen), he meets Lola (Dorothy Phillips), who nurses him back to physical and moral health.
The Piper's Price
After divorcing his first wife and marrying a more gentle natured woman, Ralph Hadley finds himself again attracted to his ex-wife, a shrewd business woman. Trouble begins when he foolishly invites her to lunch, setting gossipy tongues-wagging. The news reaches his devoted wife who has discovered she is pregnant.
The Price of Silence
A woman gives up her illegitimate child, and then marries without telling her new husband about the child.
The Place Beyond the Winds
The story of a young woman living in the wilderness.
The Place Beyond the Winds
The story of a young woman living in the wilderness.
If My Country Should Call
A doctor is called to the home of a young man who wants to enlist in the Army.
The Mark of Cain
The Grasp of Greed
En route to Australia, beautiful authoress Alice Gordon (Louise Lovely) is shipwrecked on a desert island in the company of wealthy book publisher John Meeson. Sensing that his days are numbered, and lacking pencil and paper, Meeson tattoos his last will and testament on Alice's lovely back.
Bobbie of the Ballet
Wealthy Jack Stimson (Jay Belasco) falls in love with Broadway diva Velma Vrooman (Gretchen Lederer), and for her sake bankrolls the musical production in which she is currently starred. But when Velma proves to be fickle and unreliable, Jack shifts his affections to humble chorus girl Bobbie (Louise Lovely).
The Gilded Spider
An unusual story about the crossing paths of the poor Italian family of the sculptor Giovanni (Lon Chaney) and a reckless American millionaire, Cyrus Kirkham (Gilmore Hammond).
Tangled Hearts
Montgomery Seaton, one of the idle rich, pays more attention to his friends' business than to his marital situation.
The Grip of Jealousy
In pre-Civil War days, a woman dies in childbirth. Her sister, believing the child to be illegitimate, leaves the baby in the care of one of her sister's slaves.
Father and the Boys
Wealthy stockbroker Lemuel Morewood wants his sons, Billy and Tom, to learn the business and marry Emily Donelson and Frances Berkeley, respectively. Billy, however, is infatuated with Mrs. Bruce Guilford, a leader of the "smart set," while Tom loves boxing. At a dinner for which Lemuel hires Bessie Brayton, an orphan from the West, to entertain, Lemuel responds to Bessie's taunts about being old-fashioned by winning a lot of money gambling with Major Bellamy Didsworth, who tries to swindle Bessie, and leaves with her to spend it.
The Millionaire Paupers
Mrs. Burne-Smith and Mrs. Winthrop have determined to make a match between their respective children regardless of the fact that the two in question have never seen each other.
A Mother's Atonement
A man recalls his earlier days when he was married and his wife cheated on him.
Alas and Alack
A fishwife tells her young daughter a fairy story about a princess imprisoned by a hunchback in a seashell, a story that parallels her own life.
The Measure of a Man
Jim Stuart
Helen MacDermott, daughter of the Factor at Bear Lake, has been carefully and religiously brought up by her widowed father. Bob Brandt, a dashing young gambler and adventurer, stops at Bear Lake in his wanderings, and having occasion to visit the post to buy supplies, he becomes acquainted with Helen. She quickly surrenders to his charms.
The Measure of a Man
Helen MacDermott, daughter of the Factor at Bear Lake, has been carefully and religiously brought up by her widowed father. Bob Brandt, a dashing young gambler and adventurer, stops at Bear Lake in his wanderings, and having occasion to visit the post to buy supplies, he becomes acquainted with Helen. She quickly surrenders to his charms.
The $2500 Bride
Boss Barnet
Jack Thompson asks "Boss" Barnet for his daughter's hand, and the wise old man asks him how much money he has in the bank. Jack is embarrassed and the "boss" tells him that when he has $2,500 he will consent to the wedding. The young people are disappointed by the turn of affairs, and to hasten the wedding the girl hits upon a clever ruse.
Jealousy on the Ranch
Ralph Tracy
Although Nell Barclay is very young, she has succeeded in falling in love with Ralph Tracy, a big, manly ranch owner and friend of her father. Louis Potosi, a neighbor, is also in love with Nell. The two suitors attend the round-up held on the Barclay ranch and pay court to the pretty girl while watching the roping and branding of the cattle.
For the Sake of the Papoose
Dr. Ray
A western short from 1912 starring Joseph De Grasse & Edna Maison.
Flowing Gold
The film deals with the Texas Oil Industry. A silent film, it was famously remade in 1940 with sound.