Itzhak Finzi

Itzhak Finzi

Рождение : 1933-04-25, Sofia, Bulgaria


Itzhak Finzi


The Time Is Ours
Writer Martin Sestrimsky and Secret Service agent Boyan Tilev got to know each other on the day when Martin gave Tilev a special dossier of grave consequences, which the writer has tried to surmount. With the ousting from power of Todor Zhivkov’s totalitarian regime, their relations take a new turn, when Tilev’s stepdaughter, Nevena, a mysterious young woman of double identity steps in. While Tilev is making a fortune from illicit deals, Sestrimsky, encouraged by Nevena, is doing his best to reconcile to his past. The truth of the two men’s shared past will come to light.
King Grandpa
Clemens lives and breathes his grandfather’s stories. When his grandfather passes away, it is difficult for him to understand that it is now his turn to continue telling his stories. Story-telling becomes a way for him to not only keep the stories but also the memory of his grandfather alive.
Migration of the Belted Bonito
The film tells the story of two neighbors in a small Bulgarian village and their two sons. Their families live poorly. The ways they earn their daily bread are quite unusual. The film gives a humorous, yet accurate diagnosis of present-day Bulgaria.
The Child Prodigy
Sergei Rachmaninov
On the keyboard, the young hands fly rapidly and the melody rises. For the child, nothing is easier; he hears the sounds in his head. These hands belong to 6 years old André Mathieu. He won his audiences and fired up concerts halls in London, New York, Paris and around the world. Adulated, hailed, praised, the child prodigy seemed to have everything to succeed. From the top of his vertiginous successes, to depths of torment, the life of the "Little Canadian Mozart" blends into his music. A romantic and passionate composer wishing for happiness, his story is nevertheless played on tragic notes.
Сторож мертвых
A thirteen year old kid, "the boy", lives and works in a cemetery. The cemetery is his whole life, and growing up with the dead instills in him an obsession and respect for death. His friends depend on him: An unhappy old man, a former political prisoner yearning for death, and makeup artist for deceased, a former artist who dreams of painting a masterpiece. The boy does what he can to help them. The old man attempts suicide, but upon learning the date of his death and seeing his beautiful plot chosen for him by the boy, he is able to bear his life. Upon meeting the beautiful Maria, "the boy" gives the former artist a surprise date with her. But when Maria and the artist become closer, the boy realizes that she is the daughter of the old man. The kid thinks the old man would die unhappy if he knew of her existence and so decides to hide the truth.
Fly by Rossinant
A story about Bulgarian musicians, making a tour of Europe. In the morning they had a matinée in Graz and at nigh they are supposed to have a gala in Vienna. Fly by Rossinant is a musical incorporating opera and silent movies elements.
Заяц Ватанена
Рассказ о фотографе, который в современном мире, как человек, исчерпал ресурсы своего мастерства, разочаровался и пострадал от жизни, окружающей его. Случайно он оказывается в машине, которая по пути через лес сбивает зайца. Встреча с зайцем явилась для Тома Ватанена знаком с неба. Заяц стал для него проводником в новую жизнь. И в этой жизни, в лесу, он обретает то, чего ему не хватает в мире современных людей, — свободу. Среди природы, вбирая в себя её красоту, он учится чувствовать, любить. И, в конце концов, обретает сам себя...
Fate as a Rat
It is a story about a group of friends who live in a small seaport town. Their lifestyle is rigorous, their joys are simple and their sex life is raw. Their concepts of man's dignity, friendship and duty are wrong and primitive. The film helps us to understand and forgive them.
Rabbi Lebowicz
18 января 1943 года. Нацисты собираются раз и навсегда покончить с евреями варшавского гетто, отправив их в «последний путь» — в концлагерь Треблинка. Но их зловещие планы были разрушены: вооруженные мужчины и женщины из «Еврейской Боевой Организации» дали отпор фашистам!
Город страха
When reporter Steve Roberts acts on a call from his good friend, Charlie, urging him to report on a hot scientific story in Bulgaria, he ends up in a world of disappearance, death and deception.
Operation Delta Force 4: Deep Fault
General Miloshevic
When a group of seismologists are taken prison, the forces that be know that there is only one team of rescuers to turn to--the highly elite Delta Force. Upon beginning this difficult mission to track down and save the hostages, the men on the Force are met with several surprises--surprises that lead them to think this may be one mission they cannot get out of.
Belated Full Moon
The story largely centers on a grandfather who finds himself deeply depressed by the dramatic downward turns Bulgarian society has taken. The changes of the past half century have created a deep communications gap between generations and he is unable to communicate with his troubled son. Nor is the old man able to do much to help his grandson who is making his first forays into criminal life, blaming it all on his mother who admits she is incapable of loving him. The grandfather tires of life with the bleak family and so goes to an old folks home. But that proves repressive, so he and a couple of friends leave to enact a money-making scheme. When that fails, the old man finds himself alone and destitute on the rough streets of Sofia where his despairing eyes witness the further ruination of his homeland.
The doctor
The story of a neurotic bachelor who, after marrying a beautiful woman, submits her to increasingly deranged accusations of infidelity and pleas for forgiveness.
Protected Zone
The Camp
Glasat na ostareliya Todor (voice)
In this earnest movie from Bulgaria, the minds of the young people attending a Young Pioneer (communist youth) camp in the 1950s are shown to be easily molded into a conformist vein. Later, at a "voluntary labor" camp in the 1960s, the final touches are put on their education as proper young communists.
Walks with the Angel
The Painter
Stephan is a sculptor. He refuses to do work that compromises his integrity. He has a guardian angel he talks to. We can't see him but we can hear his voice commenting on events Stephan gets involved in. As he crosses paths with the Artist, the Professor, the Director, the Poet, the Musician, the Actress and the Beloved, a world of characters arises to display a whole array of personalities and lives that share the spark of the creative spirit but also the lack of successful career. The voice of the angel reflects upon patronage in art and protecting your talent against corruptive forces, yet not through escapism but by learning the rules of the game.
Az grafinyata
A Bulgarian "Drugstore Cowboy." A teenage girl's rebellion through drugs becomes a metaphor for the struggle between individuality and totalitarianism. Amidst the political upheaval of 1968, Sybilla (the "Countess") is sent to a girls' re-education camp when she is caught using drugs. After a failed affair and an abortion, Sybilla's drug use lands her in a mental clinic where she resists efforts to remold her personality. Based on a true story.
Only You, My Heart
The title of the film is taken from the popular Bulgarian song. This is a film about the life of a common Bulgarian worker. The action focuses on his family, his relatives, and his friends.
Romantic Story
The Director
The story of a passionate love
Constantine The Philosopher
The story of St. Cyrilus (Constantine The Philosopher) in his quest of enlightening the Slavic people.
King for a Day
This film is a comedy about a poor man named Purko. Purko always fails in his attempt to escape from poverty. The film illustrates the social and the moral atmosphere in Bulgaria during the 1930's.
Csontváry / Z the actor
История о времени и поисках смысла жизни среди смерти, войны, любви, природы, людей и творений их рук и ума отличается поразительной фантазией и экспрессивностью, свойственных творчеству Чонтвари, одному из немногих венгерских художников, известных за пределами Венгрии.
The Rain of Paris
Street Painter
A street artist draws pictures on the pavement in Paris, begging for money. After a rain all his paintings are erased so he starts all over.
Near a large Bulgarian city begins the construction of a large factory. There is a fertile land in close by. Prof. Dimov, Director of the Environment Protection Institute has to submit his official approval for the civil works to begin. He and his co-worker Prof. Radev refuse.
A Cricket in the Ear
Two young men decide to migrate to the big city. While on the road, they start considering the ways of life through the relationships in the society.
Дачная зона
Обычная болгарская семья проводит теплый осенний день в загородном доме. Подготовка к праздничному столу идет полным ходом. Формальная причина заключается в том, что сын уходит в армию, а настоящая причина заключается в том, чтобы устроить матч между ним и дочерью босса. Все схемы рушатся, так как оказывается, что парень уже женился на другой девушке. И хозяева, и гости теряют над собой контроль, развязывая череду трагических или комических ситуаций.
The Wardrobe
The Docent
A young couple dream of having a wardrobe. When they buy it the wardrobe begins to totally manipulate their life - it orders their deeds, sets their taste, enslaves them.
My Father, the Painter
the agent
A former history teacher, currently a house painter is broke before the New Year. Faith meets him with the rich man, who wants his living room to be painted by 4 o'clock for a hefty pay. The father and his six children begin the heavy task with a song. When all is done, the rich man calls that he is going to pay the house painter on the 2nd of January. The father decides to celebrate New Year no matter what.
Houses Without Fences
Misho becomes an orphan. The good people from the neighborhood take care of him until the child is placed in an orphanage. Everyone is trying to bring joy to the kid. However, Misho is searching for his mother's love in their eyes. Now the people are being kind to him, but there is always an invisible wall. Maybe uncle Elenko is the most sincere, since he shows his feelings in a tragic moment when Misho gets on a roof of a construction site. However, why does he care for Misho end with him convincing him to go to the orphanage?
Перепись диких кроликов
Распорядок дня в селе Югла нарушает писарь-статистик Асенов, который приезжает с заданием подсчитать поголовье зайцев в местности. Он заставляет мэра села Бая Георги мобилизовать местных мужчин на реализацию абсурдной задачи. В тот же день все жители села в поле - мэр, учитель, ветеринар... Естественно, все усилия не увенчались успехом, так как ни одного зайца не было видно.
The Last Word
The seven women inmates in Poslednata Duma are imprisoned because they have been associated with partisans opposing the fascist puppet government of the German Nazis. Each of them has the power to save herself if she will betray the others, and each bravely refuses to do so, even though it means they all will die. Despite their grim situation, and the atrocities perpetuated on them as political prisoners, they manage to laugh, and even celebrate a festival.
Escape to Ropotamo
Dr. Penkov
After a successful concert, the famous singer Lina Dimova disappears. She travels to the seaside, where she pretends to be mute and lives in the cabin of Manol at the bed of Ropotamo River.
Indian Summer
The day that the financial clerk Metodi Rashkov is getting retired comes. He is a shy and quiet man and he accepts all tasks given to him by his son and daughter in law without argument. With time, he becomes a housekeeper; he shops, cooks and looks after his grandson. In order to save his face in front of his friends he lies to them and falls in a number of uncomfortable situations. The "Expolsion" becomes imminent. The reason is insignificant but with great consequences. Rashkov leaves his home. Soon the freedom which he wanted becomes boring for him. The abandoned family begins to miss the grandfather. At the end everyone sees their mistakes and is ready to fix them. The birth of a second grandson is the event which brings everyone under the same roof again.
The Great Victory
The grand auto-tour of Bulgaria begins. Excellent drivers take part in it. The Bonev brothers are in the Bulgarian team. They have decided to win this race no matter what. With great efforts, they manage to get ahead from the rest. An unexpected problem arises - some rocks nave fallen on the road. The confident drivers manage to avoid the crash closely. Their road to victory is open. However, a feeling of responsibility arises. There will be accidents for sure. The brothers stay at he crash site to warn the other.
Third Planet in the Solar System
The Commander
The film is in 3 parts: 1) 'Eden' - Aliens from the planet Rhea have flown with a damaged spaceship to Earth, looking for intelligent beings. They find apemen and take one of them into their ship. 2) 'The Wanderer' - A crime writer, who is travelling to see his dying friend, picks up a strange hitchhiker. On his return from the sanatorium, his car goes off the road, but the stranger lifts it into the air and lands it back on the highway. Then he goes to the writer's house and shows him his supernatural abilities. 3) 'My First Day' - Len, an alien traveler arrives on Earth to share with humans the knowledge of their ancient civilization. He meets its inhabitants, who are served by robots and travel back in time, because their life is boring and meaningless. Every day his hostess Lena visits an ancient Slavic settlement and monitors its inhabitants. One day she appears before the hunter Bayan, who has been captivated by her beauty and takes her into his hut.
End of the Song
Deli Mehmed
A tragic love story set in the Rhodope mountains.
The Sea
The Inspector
Zhana and Toni meet on a crowded beach. She is hanging around bars; he is seeking amorous adventures. They spent the night together, then jump into Mercedes sport car and get into a breath-taking race. In the morning, they learn that a man has been run over during the night. A dark suspicion comes over them. They travel again the same road again. The resulting confessions strip their masks from them... Believing him to be guilty, Toni wants to turn him in. However, the real culprit is detected. They move on - but in different direction...
Jewish Man
О любви немецкого солдата к еврейской девушке Рут, угоняемой фашистами в лагерь смерти, о любви, которая заставила юношу пересмотреть свои взгляды на жизнь и вступить в ряды борцов против фашизма.