József Romvári

Рождение : 1926-09-11, Pécs, Hungary

Смерть : 2011-07-25


Remembrance of József Romvári
A short portrait of Hungarian production designer József Romvári, made by his granddaughter. Included as a special bonus feature on the release of Mephisto, Confidence, and Colonel Redl, by director István Szabó through Kino Lorber.
Remembrance of József Romvári
Production Design
A short portrait of Hungarian production designer József Romvári, made by his granddaughter. Included as a special bonus feature on the release of Mephisto, Confidence, and Colonel Redl, by director István Szabó through Kino Lorber.
Горбун из Нотр Дама
Art Direction
Позднее французское средневековье, Париж конца XV века. Сюжет фильма предстает в виде истории - легенды на фоне мастерски воссозданного исторического колорита. Трое мужчин: архидиакон Собора Парижской Богоматери Клод Фролло, звонарь собора - горбун Квазимодо и поэт Пьер Гренгуар добиваются любви одной женщины - цыганки Эсмеральды, но основное соперничество возникает между Фролло и Квазимодо...
Production Design
A prominent conductor's nervous breakdown leads to love in this thoughtful Hungarian romantic drama. For sometime, Landos, a noted conductor, has suffered anxiety and a lack of confidence about his work. The problem is made worse by his wife's successful dental practice. Eventually it becomes too overwhelming and the conductor is sent to a mental hospital for rest. There he encounters clinical psychologist Andrea Novak. At first she seems colder than alpine snow, but when he sneaks out to return to work and she finds him there, things quickly turn hot. The two become engulfed in passion that they ignore their own spouses and professions, causing Novak to be formally reprimanded. Eventually Landos finds himself forced to choose between his wife and Novak. Unfortunately, he loves them both. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide
Гражданин Икс
Production Design
Поиск продолжался восемь долгих лет. День за днем Виктор Бураков вел охоту за страшным маньяком — убийцей современности Андреем Чикатило.
Ruthless Times
Production Design
Hungary, end of World War II. Five Hungarian soldiers desert their troop which has been directed to Germany. They are escaping with the help of a stamp and unfilled travelling warrants, trying to survive until the war ends.
The Josephine Baker Story
Production Design
Biography of the African-American who became a major performer in the Paris cabarets of the 1920s and 1930s. The film follows her life beginning as a struggling performer in 1917 St. Louis, her frustrations leading to her move to France, and follows to her death in 1975. Written by John Sacksteder
Hungarian Requiem
Production Design
1958. In the cell of the condemned, seven men await the signs of an approaching execution. All of them recall their pasts and envision their wish-dreams.
Max and Helen
Production Design
In trying to bring a former concentration camp commandant to justice, Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal uncovers the tragic story of two lovers separated by the war.
Stand off
Production Design
In a border town two sons of the local commander using stolen arms take hostages of eighteen girls in a dormitory, because they want to go West by plane.
Production Design
Австрийский солдат Клаус Шнайдер, раненый в голову в Первой мировой войне, проходит курс восстановления у доктора Беттельхайма. Вскоре врач обнаруживает, что вследствие перенесённого ранения у Шнайдера развились поразительные способности предсказывать будущее и читать мысли других людей. Уже после окончания боевых действий Клаус выбирает себе псевдоним Хануссен и перебирается в Берлин, где начинает давать платные представления и таким образом приобретает известность. Он всегда говорит правду, которая привлекает внимание нацистских главарей.
Love, Mother
Production Design
Contemporary genre-painting of a Hungarian "middle class" family of four. The scene is the villa apartment almost finished, where the tourist guide mother, father who also works for the second economy and the lonely big girl preparing for her maturity examination turn up alternatively. It is only the teen-ager boy who really "lives" in this place: instead of attending school he stays home all day and observes the life of the surrounding by a self-made periscope. Internal communication of the family is accomplished in writing, on the pin-up board in the kitchen.
Полковник Редль
Production Design
Это событие в 1913 году, накануне мировой войны всколыхнуло всю Европу. Начальник разведки австро-венгерской армии Альфред Редль, изобличенный в измене, покончил с собой. Что явилось причиной измены?
The Long Ride
Art Direction
This movie is about the love and protection of a man from another culture for the lowly horsemen of the the plains in Hungary during World War II.
The Long Ride
Production Design
This movie is about the love and protection of a man from another culture for the lowly horsemen of the the plains in Hungary during World War II.
We're Getting Along
Production Design
More than a storyline with a beginning, middle, and end, this tale of a foundry worker who engages a woman -- and fellow worker -- to do housekeeping for him is a tale that holds up the Hungarian social system against the morality of an exploitative male-female relationship. After his wife dies, the rough-cut and intentionally nameless "man" (Jozsef Madaras) eventually coerces the "woman" (Julianna Nyako) into doing his housework for a small remuneration. Everything goes along passably well for awhile, until the man adds in more household responsibility in the form of chickens to raise. Due to extra work at the factory, the woman cannot tend to the chickens as she should and the result is that some of them die. The man is furious, verbally abuses her, and then rapes her. Later, the woman discovers she is pregnant, with dire consequences.
Art Direction
Это осовремененная версия легенды о Фаусте. Пользующийся признанием критиков сценический актер Хендрик Хофген устал от легких развлекательных театральных условностей и ищет чего-то более революционного в духе Брехта. Несмотря на эти свежие идеи, слава не раскрывает своих объятий. Отчаявшийся Хендрик продает свою душу, но не Дьяволу, а нацистам, так как жажда славы сильнее ненависти к захватчикам. Только позже, полностью попав под пяту Третьего Рейха, он понимает свою ошибку...
Вторая жена
Production Design
очь богатого промышленника Сильвия узнает, что у нее не может быть детей. Пытаясь сохранить семейное благополучие, она уговаривает свою подругу Ирэну за крупную сумму денег родить от ее мужа ребенка. Но Ирэна и Акош полюбили друг друга.
Duty Free Marriage
Production Design
Dini goes to Sweden illegally and abandons his fiancée, Mari. After several months a young Finnish businessman called Pekka arrives in Budapest, carrying a letter and package from Dini. The sympathetic Pekka is judged by the friends of Mari to be suitable for the task of a nominal marriage, by which Mari could get out legally to Dini.
Доверие обязывает
Art Direction
Во время Второй мировой войны мужчина и женщина живут вместе как муж и жена, спасаясь от нацистов. После освобождения они должны смириться с новой ситуацией и решить, как быть дальше.
Доверие обязывает
Production Design
Во время Второй мировой войны мужчина и женщина живут вместе как муж и жена, спасаясь от нацистов. После освобождения они должны смириться с новой ситуацией и решить, как быть дальше.
The Trumpeter
Production Design
In the late 17th century, Hungary moved from Turkish to Austrian domination, becoming a key part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In this story, which takes place shortly after that time, three outlaws murder a group of people on their way to a wedding. One young man was a slave travelling with the group to entertain them with his skills as a trumpeter. The outlaws spare him for the same reason. He allows himself to believe that they are really an unattached group of independence-fighters, but after seeing their brutal and callous ways, he cannot believe that they are good men, and he turns them in to the authorities. At that point, he is unnerved to discover how nobly they bear the rigors of captivity. ~
Budapest Tales
Production Design
"Budapest Tales" is about a group of people (consisting of Szabo regular Andras Balint along with Ildiko Bansagi and Karoly Kovacs) who find a broken down tram while trying to go to the city. The people band together and try to get the tram back on the train tracks and head towards the city. Along this journey the passengers encounter many people who join them on the tram. What started out as only a handful of people has now turned into a small village. As the people travel on to the city each person takes on certain roles and through the course of time these roles will change. Some people fall in love, others out of love, and a few even die. But life goes on. The people keep the tram going hoping to reach Budapest.
The Phantom on Horseback
Production Design
A ghost is haunting Lubló: Kaszparek Mihály, trader of wines, does not refrain from haunting his native town even in broad daylight. He rides his horse sitting backwards, pays with false gold and pays frequent visits to his widowed wife, who is far from being appalled by the caresses of her dead husband.
Production Design
While awaiting his release from the Soviet detention camp he is being held in, a half-starved refugee (Andras Ambrus) finds that an error has been made and his name is not on the to-be-released list. It is then that he is forced to assume the identity of a dead man whose name is on the list. Ambrus at first refuses, but because he was an orphan and cannot produce evidence of his true identity, he has no other choice. However, when he returns to the outer world and the community he was raised in, he is greeted with suspicion. When he tries to claim his part-ownership of a farm from his adopted uncle, he is refused and beaten by farmhands the uncle sets on him.
The Pendragon Legend
Production Design
Bátky János a 20th century intellectual studies the secret of the Rosicrucians in London libraries during the day and in the evening takes pleasure in the "decent" everyday joys offered by the fair sex. He gets involved in the wildest ghost-story in the mysterious Wales castle of the Pendragons, where Earl of Gwynnedd from the 18th century is making experiments to prove his ancestors' slogan, "the resurrection of the body". In the meantime St. Claire, a beautiful, demonic woman and her companions try to kill him for the huge legacy.
Production Design
In the summer of 1944 soldier Csorba is rewarded with furlough at a price of having committed a murder. He escapes. He tries to get to the heights of the Carpathians with Mother, to the cave of those who wish to die. That is where his mother and his father, the deserter, might be hiding.
Production Design
The scene is Ukraine. In 1943, after the Hungarian' defeat at the river Don, soldier Balogh decides to visit his family.
Bastion Promenade Seventy Four
Production Design
Mr. Dezső and Rezső are selecting the heroes for their new operetta. They represent different tastes and styles, and keep arguing about the casting of the four boys and four girls.
Cat's Play
Production Design
Karoly Makk's heartbreaking story of two unmarried sisters who cast wistful glances back at their lives, but still believe in hope and love, earned an Academy Award Nomination for Best Foreign Language Film in 1974. In this follow-up to the director's internationally acclaimed Love, Makk once again exhibits his extraordinary skills at drawing emotionally compelling performances from his talented female leads. Makk's film opposes the bleakness of the outside world with passion, love, and loyalty.
Football of the Good Old Days
Production Design
The film is set in Budapest, 1924. Laundryman Ede Minarik's only passion is football. His dream is to see his team, Csabagyöngye, qualify for the first division. For this goal he would be willing to sacrifice everything he has. But he has nothing, even footballers just barely. The team is just like the times. But still, "we need a team!"
Улица пожарных, 25
Production Design
Недавнее прошлое страны и переплетающиеся с ним судьбы отцов, их исторические испытания явились здесь ведущими мотивами. Как в калейдоскопе, перемешались образы снов и обрывки памяти.
Beyond Time
Production Design
The story of the film takes place in 1929 in a model prison providing a kind of reflection how society works out there. Udvardi, the weakling and indulgent director is experimenting with putting in practice a kind of pseudo-humanist utopia about the institution of a 'civilised prison'.
Martin Cuckoo
Production Design
Marci, an impertinent crook buries his drunk parents and chooses to wander instead of becoming an apprentice.
There Was Once a Family
Production Design
This film describes the narrator's childhood, the years before and after the Hungarian Soviet Republic, in a burlesque and fabulous style and with the humour of a child's fantasy.
Мертвый край
Production Design
This Hungarian film chronicles the slow deterioration in the life of Juli, a farmer's wife. As the countryside grows ever more deserted because people are moving to towns or large collective farms, she spends more and more time alone. Despite her best efforts to appreciate her situation, her despair grows. The loneliness is briefly interrupted when she and her husband take in an old woman and care for her, but the woman dies. Shortly after her son visits, she is killed in an accident which may have been a suicide. ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi
The Whistling Cobblestone
Production Design
The week-days of a youth-camp, playing democracy, are depicted in this documentarist satire. Due to faulty organisation, the Budapest high-school students get only working tools, but no work to do. The camp leadership tries to cover up facts and urges them to be initiated into "community life".
In the Prime of Life
Production Design
The film describes the general situation and conditions of the middle-aged intellectuals.
Production Design
Лука регулярно посещает прикованную к постели свекровь. Муж Луки, Янош, был арестован по политическому обвинению, и она не знает, жив ли тот еще. Она скрывает это от его матери, присылая ей письма, от имени Яноша, который снимает фильм в Нью-Йорке. Лука обнаруживает, что Янош жив, и ее увольняют с работы из-за мужа. Умирающая мать с тревогой ждет возвращение ее сына из Нью-Йорка.
A Rose Garden of Six Acres
Production Design
Aunt Ilka, who likes company, opens her house standing in the middle of a six-acre rose garden in the little town for the golden youth of the town. As a result of her benevolence, the tenants are in the position to adore not only the roses but a nice bunch of to-be-married girls of the town.
A Journey Around My Skull
Production Design
The film is a story of a double journey. The main character of the first journey is the author himself, who, while sitting in his customary café, suddenly realises that he has hallucinations. The psychologist reassures him that all this is merely repression. The symptoms, however, appear again. Soon it turns out that the author has a brain tumour. Professor Pötzl in Vienna suggests operation right away. The intervention, through which he is awake, is carried out in a Stockholm clinic.
Krebsz, the God
Production Design
The protagonist of this farce is the enthusiastic, bald, spectacled Krebsz, an employee at the Prime and Sample Institute. He alerts the whole village to organise a beauty contest in the weed-field of Balatonszutykos. Hoping to win the grand prize, the leading role in a two-hour colour-film, the girls make all efforts and use all their tricks.
The Toth Family
Production Design
The Toth family resides in Northern Hungary. The couple has a daughter and a son, the latter a member of the armed forces. When his weary major is ordered to take a vacation, the son talks him into a visit to his family home. Comedy ensues when the Toths go overboard trying to make things pleasant for the visiting major in hopes of an easier life for their son the soldier.
Windows of Time
Production Design
Five social misfits undergo cryogenic suspension. When they awake in the far distant future, they find a world devastated by nuclear war. Yet they discover that each of them has some personal involvement - and responsibility - for the series of the events that ended in the destruction of the world they knew.
Мальчишки с улицы Пал
Production Design
По мотивам одноименного романа Ференца Молнара. "Красные рубашки" стремятся отвоевать игровую площадку у "Ребят из улицы Пал". Под руководством генерала Бока, с помощью песочных бомб и безмерной детской сообразительности, мальчишки защищают свой пустырь от врагов. Но борьба двух групп завершается трагически.
On Home Grounds
Production Design
This ironic comedy is set in the god-forsaken Kiskúnbékás, at the end of the fifties. There are no jobs, the town's "golden team", who once were third class national soccer players have scattered
The Lost Generation
Production Design
The engineer Ambrus has been suspended in his job because he publicly called the attention of the customers to a construction mistake of some goods designed to be exported. His immediate boss learns the news on a business trip to Paris. He meets his old friend Lendvay, an emigrant from Hungary, and his French wife in a cellar bar. After their talk Benkő starts seeing things in a different perspective. When he returns home, he decides to take a stand for Ambrus against Ferenczi, the general director, despite his wife's and the old director's advice.
Three Nights of Love
Production Design
A young man spends his last three nights with his lover before his army regiment is ordered to war. When he deserts his unit to return to her side, he discovers the woman he loves is gone, and he is interrogated by the police when he learns his lover is a communist agent. The two finally are reunited at the police station where the embarrassed man denies ever knowing the accused woman.
Ten Thousand Days
Production Design
The changing and turbulent history of Hungary is seen through the eyes of three men over a 30-year period in this somber drama. The three recall the highlights of their lives in flashbacks as they reminisce in the mid 1960s. The venerable trio begin their story in the 1930s, through World War II, and the decade beyond the communist invasion of 1956.
Red-Letter Days
Production Design
Mihály, a retired foundryman has brought up his sons in a very disciplined and strict way, and as a result they have become a doctor, an engineer, and a teacher. However, his half orphan grandson, Misi, has been spoilt, and become skilled in nothing else really but riding his motorbike and going to parties. He has been involved in shady businesses a number of times already. Having experienced so many difficulties, privation and hardship in his own life and now seeing Misi's irresponsible lifestyle, the old man's bitterness is growing day by day.
Late Season
Production Design
Kerekes (Antal Pager) believes he is wanted by the police when his friends play a practical joke in this unusual comedy drama. He returns to his hometown where he was accused of turning a Jewish druggist and the druggist's wife over to the Nazis. With his friends following him, Kerekes tries to find out what became of the couple after they were deported. After being subjected to a mock trial by his friends -- and found guilty -- Kerekes becomes despondent and attempts to kill himself. Flashbacks and hallucinations are employed to tell this story that occurs during the Eichmann trial. Both the film and Antal Pager gained some unwanted publicity when a Variety article from April 23rd, 1967 accused Pager of being a Nazi collaborator for his role in an anti-Semitic film during World War II.
Cyclists in Love
Production Design
When András, Albert and Bence are on a cycling tour around Lake Balaton, their dreams come true. Sunshine, beach and pretty girls. András and his younger brother run after the same girl, Eszter. András persuade his brother not to pinch the girl. András pick her up one night and split up with her next day. Eszter follows the boy, but András sends her away...
Двадцать часов
Production Design
Герой фильма — журналист, расследующий обстоятельства давнего убийства и открывающий при этом выразительнейшую картину событий середины 50-х годов. Репортер проводит 20 часов в одной деревне, реконструируя события последних 20 лет. Постепенно, образуя звенья логической цепочки, проявляются конфликты и трагедии героев картины; параллельный анализ воспоминаний раскрывает шокирующие подробности их жизни. Фильм рассказывает о судьбе четырех друзей, бывших батраков. В послевоенные годы, в результате ошибок, допущенных как в руководстве сельским хозяйством, так и в политической жизни страны, эти люди перессорились и стали врагами, не останавливающимися даже перед убийством.
История одной любви
Production Design
Молодой учёный Янош, переживший все ужасы второй мировой войны, потерявший семью, женится вторично. Считая, что жить надо только сегодняшним днём, ибо человечество идёт к гибели, Янош убеждает жену сделать аборт. Но Тереза отказалась. После бурного объяснения с мужем у неё начались преждевременные роды. Мучительно переживая случившееся и опасаясь за жизнь жены, Янош спешит в больницу, чтобы сказать Терезе, что он был неправ и ребёнок должен жить.
Production Design
Бездельник Терпинко привык ко всему относиться несерьезно. Благодаря своей огромной физической силе он легко зарабатывал деньги и легко одерживал победы над девушками. Однажды на заводе, куда Терпинко устроился работать, он встретил молодого физика Эву Вебер. Любовь к этой замужней женщине заставила его серьезно задуматься о себе и о своем месте в жизни.
Кто их рассудит
Production Design
Веселая компания молодых людей после экзамена на аттестат зрелости приходит на берег Тиссы. У всех отличное настроение — начались каникулы, а впереди целая жизнь. Друзья затеяли игру в воде и не заметили, как утонул Габи. Формально никто не был виноват в смерти юноши. Но трагический случай заставил каждого о многом задуматься, глубоко почувствовать свою ответственность за то, что происходит вокруг, пересмотреть свои взгляды на жизнь, свои взаимоотношения с друзьями.
Art Direction
The film depicts the period between 1945-60 through the life of a communist couple. Barna Judit, just released from a concentration camp and Horváth László, with an illegal past are brought together by the communist movement. They study and make plans together in the hope of a future that will make sense. The marriage they just entered, however, gets ruined soon by the events of history.
Production Design
The film depicts the period between 1945-60 through the life of a communist couple. Barna Judit, just released from a concentration camp and Horváth László, with an illegal past are brought together by the communist movement. They study and make plans together in the hope of a future that will make sense. The marriage they just entered, however, gets ruined soon by the events of history.
Как дела, молодой человек?
Production Design
Андриш хочет добиться доверия со стороны своих родителей, он нуждается в их поддержке, но отец занят проблемами, связанными с работой. Он должен принять решение по делу о коррупции, вскрытой на предприятии. Скрыть или придать огласке то, что случилось? Разговор между отцом и сыном заканчивается ссорой, но, в конце концов, отец всё же отдаёт предпочтение справедливому решению, он разоблачает злоупотребление служебным положением.
I'll Appeal to the Minister
Production Design
A comedy about the organisation of agricultural co-operatives. In the village of "Rendes", everybody has already entered the co-op, only the stubborn farmer, Bódog Balogh continues to resist. The leadership plays all their tricks and uses all their efforts, but all in vain.
Ружья и голуби
Production Design
Овдовевшая Росария Паронди и четверо её сыновей решают переехать из нищей Сицилийской деревни в Милан, где живёт пятый сын. В поисках лучшей доли и достойного заработка братья не гнушаются никакой работы. Постепенно каждый находит своё место. Но отношения в некогда сплоченной семье раскалываются с появлением девушки Нади.
Sunshine on the Ice
Production Design
Klári, the dancer of the ice revue, is pursued by a mysterious admirer and his roses. Her husband, Rezső, is about to lose his wits with jealousy.
Альба Регия
Production Design
Действие фильма происходит в дни Второй мировой войны. Доктор Хайнал не занимается политикой. Он считает, что профессия врача обязывает его быть нейтральным. Однако происходящие в стране события, знакомство с советской разведчицей, которую он полюбил, заставили Хайнала понять, что честный человек не может стоять в стороне, когда идет борьба за свободу и справедливость.
Красные чернила
Production Design
Новая учительница Мария Кадар быстро завоевала любовь и уважение своих учеников и коллег. Она считала, что в школе детей нужно научить жить так, чтобы слово никогда не расходилось с делом. И вот перед Марией жизнь поставила вопрос, пожертвовать личным счастьем или обмануть детей.
Охотник за приданым
Production Design
По роману Калмана Миксата «История Ности-младшего и Мари Тот» о быте и нравах государственных чиновников и аристократии в буржуазной Венгрии.
С субботы до понедельника
Production Design
О жизни молодежи Венгрии конца 50-х годов, о её радостях, надеждах и мечтах. Когда Йоли поступала на фабрику, ей хотелось быть такой же весёлой и беззаботной, как остальные девушки, и она никому не сказала, что у неё есть сын. И вот теперь, когда уже почти назначен день свадьбы с Ференцем, Йоли ходит грустная и растерянная. Она не знает, как примет Фери известие о сыне. Она боится, что Фери, который очень любит и верит ей, никогда не поймёт и не простит. Но Фери оказался настоящим человеком, и Йоли вместе с маленьким Али нашла своё настоящее счастье.
Production Design
О событиях в Венгрии осенью 1956 года, о разном отношении людей к этим событиям. В центре фильма образы офицера и его отца, cтарого Чендеша... Бывший помещик Геза Мачаи старается заполучить обратно свои земли, переданные кооперативу, и вернуть прежние порядки. Члены кооператива во главе со старым Чендешем препятствуют этому. Тогда Мачаи решает расправиться с Чендешем. Однако сын Чендеша и его друзья спасают старика, помогают членам кооператива сохранить коллективное хозяйство.