Roberto Frattini


La custodia
Original Music Composer
"The world balance depends on the right number of living beings inhabiting it".
Cultural and behavioral differences between Europe and the USA.
Is there a meaning to the thousands of wars fought by mankind? - Esiste un senso nelle migliaia di guerre combattute dall'umanità? Played over the second Hungarian Rhapsody by Franz Liszt, simulated with a virtual orchestra by Roberto Frattini, "Rapsodeus" shows the nonsense that lays behind every war fought by mankind. Directed by Bruno Bozzetto. Animated by Studio Alienatio.
Vintage or Cool?
So many things have entirely changed today. Is the present better than the past?
Sex and Fun
A 4 minutes series of quick and hilarious gags over sex intended in a simple and clean way
Even a dama chess can turn Into something more than a game
Va bene?
A humorous comparison between social mores in Italy and Germany.
Va bene?
A humorous comparison between social mores in Italy and Germany.
Magicsport - Magnetic Football
Score Engineer
Monster Hotel
Original Music Composer
In a monstrous hotel some creatures find themselves involved in funny events
Mr. Otto in 17
After Olympics, the Incomparable and unlucky Mr. Otto performs into 17 gags of Everyday Life.
Storia del mondo per chi ha fretta
The history of the world for those in a hurry: Bruno Bozzetto shows us that sometimes just a few minutes are enough to tell great stories!
Jof (voice)
A blue cat named Jof accidentally pricks his finger while sewing. He rushes off to the hospital to get his finger examined, only to deal with a doctor and his minions who want to test him for everything except his pricked finger.
A man sitting on a couch trying to read ...
Big Bang
Original Music Composer
Planet Earth has become a gigantic landfill, as a gardener and her husband learn too late.
Итальянский короткометражный мультфильм, рассказывающий историю мира и происходящих в нем войн за девять минут. На фоне безмятежной зеленой травы, где резвятся кузнечики, тщеславные люди воюют друг с другом. Сначала они находят огонь и используют его для уничтожения себе подобных. В Древнем Египте и Древней Греции происходят столкновения на религиозной почве и ради власти. Монархи Западной Европы вступают в междоусобные войны. Противостояние христианства и ислама приводят к разрушительным Крестовым походам. Ради расширения своих владений Чингис Хан завоеывает Китай, а испанцы — Америку. И так далее до наших дней!
Under the Chinese Restaurant
Original Music Composer
A young man captures the fancy of an inventor's daughter when he passes through a basement door into another dimension.
A small insect falls in love with a distraught housewife whose husband has just walked out on her. The bug is unable to gain her affection until he finds a book of magic spells. But his problems are not over yet.