Henrik Zein


Executive Producer
In a moment of cowardice, Detective Carl Mørck sends Rose, his junior colleague in Department Q, to the remote Danish island of Bornholm to answer his old colleague Christian Habersaat's repeated requests. But during his forced retirement ceremony Christian kills himself sending Rose into a journey deep into her own traumatic past. Later, Department Q are embroiled into an old cold case of a girl found dead hanging in a tree.
Nightwatch: Demons Are Forever
Executive Producer
Martin's daughter, Emma, meets with Wörmer in his isolation cell, and this pulls the convicted commissioner out of his coma and sets in motion a chain of fateful events.
Birthday Girl
Executive Producer
Nanna has invited her daughter Cille and her best friend to celebrate Cille's 18th birthday on a cruise ship bound for the Caribbean. But the first evening of the dream vacation itself turns into a nightmare.
Andra akten
Executive Producer
Jomfruer fra rummet
Executive Producer
High school is coming to an end for the shy Gustav and his best friend, Buller. The two outsiders only think about sex and talk about nothing else. Gustav is hopelessly in love with popular Barbara, who is barely aware of his existence. But the boys' lives change completely when an alien in the form of a handsome guy named Allan suddenly drops from the sky. Without knowing about Allan's plan to take over the earth by procreating with as many people as possible, Gustav and Buller form a special friendship with him. Suddenly, Barbara also catches sight of the clumsy Gustav. In time, it dawns on both Gustav, Buller and Allan that sex is about more than procreation, and that truth changes their world forever.
Битва при Нарвике
Executive Producer
Апрель 1940 года. Взоры всего мира устремлены на Нарвик, маленький городок на севере Норвегии, источник железной руды, необходимой для военной техники Гитлера. За два месяца ожесточенной зимней войны Гитлеру нанесено его первое поражение.
Baby Pyramid
Executive Producer
Hannah, a young fertility doctor, longs to carry a baby but is struggling to get pregnant herself. After meeting an older patient who is fertile but above the legal age for treatment, Hannah’s ethical and moral boundaries are questioned. Driven by jealousy and powerlessness, how far is she willing to go to make her greatest wish come true?
Fathers & Mothers
Executive Producer
Follows Piv and Ulrik, who are trying to become part of the parent group in their daughter's new school class, going to great lengths to be admitted.
Alle for fire
Executive Producer
Two brothers Timo and Ralf are petty criminals. When Timo hears that his girlfriend does not see a future with him, he with Ralf and his friend Martin try to carry out a dangerous coup that may eventually win her eternal affections.
Executive Producer
В серии остроумных диорам рассказывается о том, как недоразумения и искушения постепенно разрушают некогда счастливый, полный любви брак.
Все ненавидят Йохана
Executive Producer
Йохан — последний представитель отважного семейства Гранде, чья страсть к пиротехнике настраивает против себя жителей местной общины. Он рано потерял родителей, сумел прослыть «белой вороной» и с юных лет безответно влюблен в соседскую девушку. Отвергнутый родной деревней Йохан покоряет Америку и спустя годы возвращается на родину, чтобы в очередной раз просить руки непреклонной гордячки…
Beck 46 - The Crying Police
Executive Producer
The police receive massive criticism after a 14-year-old boy was shot to death.
Beck 45 - 58 Minutes
Executive Producer
Alex Beijer will be on morning TV where the entrepreneur Tomas Tormalm will also participate. But in the middle of a live broadcast, an armed man appears and threatens Tormalm and suddenly everyone in the TV studio is drawn into a hostage drama. For the Beck group, a fight against the clock is now beginning to free the hostages, where one of their own is included. Beck - 58 minutes is the 45th film in the series with Peter Haber.
Дикий мужчина
Executive Producer
Безуспешно испытав все виды экстрима, обычный менеджер Мартин решает уйти в горы, чтобы почувствовать себя реальным мужчиной — добывать себе пищу луком и стрелами, как это делали викинги. Пока жена в шоке, а полиция пытается понять, что делать с агрессивным здоровяком в звериной шкуре, который в провинциальных супермаркетах меняет сигареты на боевой топор, к Мартину прибивается молодой Муса, у которого явно нешуточные проблемы с законом...
Beck 44 - Rage Room
Executive Producer
A man is found brutally murdered at a running track in the woods. At the same time, Josef resumes the relationship with a former girlfriend from school, Cissi, whose father recently died of a sudden heart attack during a robbery. Josef goes against Alex's directive and begins an unofficial investigation into Cissi's father's death, which puts him in a complicated conflict situation.
Beck 43 - A New Life
Executive Producer
A body is found in the water near Liljeholmen. The body belongs to a 39-year-old Danish citizen with a solid criminal record and who was a member of a notorious Danish drug gang. Should the Beck Group get a gang war on their necks? Martin Beck is back to the joy of the entire Beck group. Martin's daughter Inger is not as happy but has to accept her father's decision to start working again.
Мистериум: Эффект Марко
Executive Producer
Его зовут Марко, и он — член преступного клана. Марко мечтает лишь об одном — сбежать и зажить нормальной жизнью. Однажды он узнает о страшном убийстве, за это клан приговаривает его к смерти. Единственный шанс на спасение — начальник отдела полиции Карл Мерк, храбрый и неподкупный одиночка.
The Prodigal Son
Executive Producer
A jawbone is found in the middle of the forest. When the rest of the body is found, it turns out that it has just recently been moved and belongs to Viktor Eklund, who has been missing for five years.
Beck 41 - Death in Samarra
Executive Producer
A candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize is brutally stabbed to death in central Stockholm just after a meeting with two lawyers from the war tribunal in The Hague. One of the witnesses worked with Alex when she was in the Middle East.
Beck 40 - Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Executive Producer
During a police intervention, a macabre discovery is made in the trunk of a car. Josef and Oskar find themselves in the line of fire of a seemingly cold-blooded killer. But things are not what they seem.
Beck 39 - Undercover
Executive Producer
A young gang member is found dead, and the Beck group's investigation indicates that a drug network is behind it. Klas Fredén has been monitoring the network for a long time, and the Beck group - led by Alex Beijer - is most graciously allowed to work with the murder investigation in parallel. She will soon end up on a collision course with Fredén. Thus, Martin Beck, who is now head of department, is also involved in the case.
Бог грома
Executive Producer
Повелевать стихией, обращать в пепел прикосновением и заставлять всё живое трепетать от страха — удел языческих богов. Но что произойдёт, когда планета столкнётся с одним из них во плоти? Ведь этот древний Бог всего лишь человек.
My Dad Marianne
Executive Producer
Hanna's world turns upside down when her dad, the priest, reveals that he wants to be a woman.
Совершенно нормальная семья
Executive Producer
У Эммы была нормальная семья, пока её отец Томас не стал трансгендером. Теперь его зовут Агнита. Но младшая дочь не хочет с этим мириться.
Пока не наступили холода
Executive Producer
Сельская Дания середины XIX века. Большинство местных фермеров на грани разорения; кажется, только у шведов карманы полнятся деньгами. Старик Йенс за бесценок продаёт корову — но и это не гарантия от голода и бесчестья: и вот уже в церкви Йенса оттесняют с «престижных» мест вблизи пасторской кафедры. Когда исчезает последняя надежда на урожай, Йенс решает «продать» дочь — в смысле, выторговать ей выгодную партию, вопреки чувствам девушки; иначе не прокормить взятых на воспитание племянников и не выжить самим.
То самое время года
Executive Producer
Рождество — непростое время для семьи, которая вновь собирается вместе, чтобы встретить светлый праздник. Между ними прочно укоренились взаимные обиды, но, несмотря на это, всегда остаётся нечто, что связывает разных, но родных людей.
Счастливчик Пер
Executive Producer
Действие разворачивается в конце XIX-го века в Дании. Питер — амбициозный парень из религиозной семьи, уезжает из ютландской деревни в столицу, чтобы получить образование инженера. В Копенгагене Питер называет себя Пером и задумывает большой инженерный проект — строительство системы каналов в Западной Дании. В городе парень сближается с богатой еврейской семьей и соблазняет старшую из дочерей. Но несмотря на свои успехи, Пер все ещё страдает от детских травм и патриархальных устоев, которые навязал ему отец-священник...
Слепое пятно
Executive Producer
Родители не замечали проблем своей юной дочери, чье психологическое состояние дошло до критической точки. Однажды это приводит к трагедии. В фильме показаны проблемы молодежи, на которые общество практически не обращает внимания...
Executive Producer
Диспетчер службы спасения, бывший полицейский Асгер Хольм, принимает звонок от похищенной женщины. Когда связь обрывается, приходит время начать поиски жертвы и похитителя, и каждая прошедшая минута уменьшает шансы на благополучный исход. Однако, вскоре Асгер понимает, что это совсем не обычное похищение…
Beck 36 - The Thin Ice
Executive Producer
Simon Lindström, the popular coach of a suburban junior hockey team is found stabbed to death. Does the murder have something to do with his side project: teaching unaccompanied refugee children to ice skate? This undertaking has certainly not been appreciated by everyone in their small, sheltered community. Martin Beck, who has returned in a more senior position, struggles to find a replacement for the temporary head of the group, Steinar Hovland. But the Norwegian is becoming more and more interested in keeping his new role. The question is whether Martin can trust him?
Beck 35 - Flesh & Blood
Executive Producer
A man is beaten to death in the Middle East. In Stockholm, a young woman disappears on her way home from work. These two events will prove to be related. Since Martin Beck has quit, Steinar Hovland leads the search for the missing girl. But Martin is drawn into the case when he decides to help the national Security Police investigate a suspected terrorist. They soon realize that they are in a race against time to stop a catastrophe.
12-й человек
Executive Producer
Группа бойцов норвежского сопротивления получает задание добраться до северо-западного норвежского побережья на судне «Браттхольм» и совершить диверсию на одной из немецких авиационных баз. Но миссия потерпела фиаско еще в море: судно было атаковано немецким кораблем и потоплено. Единственным человеком, которому удалось спастись, оказался Ян Болсруд. Ему удается добраться до берега и бежать в сторону шведской границы. Преследуемый гестапо, Болсруд ищет убежище в горах. Здесь его настигает снежная буря, он прячется в пещере, которая оказывается смертельной ловушкой.
Выбор короля
Executive Producer
On 9 April 1940, German soldiers arrive in the city of Oslo. The King of Norway faces a choice that will change his country forever. The King's Choice is a story about the three most dramatic days in Norway's history, the royal family's escape and King Haakon's difficult choice after Nazi Germany's invasion of Norway.
Саамская кровь
Executive Producer
Фильм рассказывает о переломном моменте в детстве Элле-Марии, 14-летней девочки народности саамы (лапландцы), попавшей в 1930-x в шведскую деревенскую школу. Там детей саамов воспитывают в шведском духе, заставляя забыть на время обучения о своих обычаях и языке. Элле-Мария окружена презирающими её происхождение взрослыми и издевающимися над ним одноклассниками. Но вместо ненависти к шведам у девочки просыпается желание любой ценой стать одной из них и не иметь ничего общего со своей идентичностью.
Beck: The Last Day
Executive Producer
Two traffic officers on a quiet morning shift try to stop a car for speeding. When the car finally pulls over, the driver gets out and shoots at them, killing one of the officers in cold blood. A national alert is issued and an extensive search for the ruthless killer begins, with the Beck group at the lead. Neither the officer’s shocked and wounded colleague nor any of the witnesses have seen anything helpful to the police. Finally, they find the car registration number using a surveillance camera. But, when they enter the car owner’s apartment, they find him shot to death. The first day of summer is a long one for the Beck group, as the killer has more victims on his list.
Beck 33 - End of the Road
Executive Producer
Three brutal murders are committed in a house in a quiet suburb. The victims are a former police officer, his wife and their 10 year old son. The Beck group takes on the case and find that there is a hidden security room in the victims’ house, containing stolen weapons. They find fingerprints from a criminal who was involved in a robbery 4 years ago. After the robbery, he shot his accomplices and disappeared without a trace, along with their haul of 6.3 million. The question is how the former police officer ended up with the weapons and how is he connected to the thieves? The case wakes strong feelings at Police Headquarters and takes highest priority.
Executive Producer
1204 год, Норвегию раздирает гражданская война. Незаконнорожденного сына короля Хокона III Сверрессона и Инги из Вартейга хранят в глубокой тайне. Мальчик был внебрачным сыном короля и родился после его смерти, что спровоцировало кровавую междоусобицу. Биркебейнеры (ополчение, созданное его дедом, королем Сверре Сигурдсоном) признали мальчика наследником трона Норвегии. Однако католические священники объявили охоту на ребенка с целью его уничтожения. В 1206 году группа вооруженных биркебейнеров помогла Инги и Хокону бежать на север под покровительством короля Инге Бордссона. По пути их небольшой отряд попал в снежную бурю, но два могучих воина, Торстейн Шевла и Шьервальд Шрукка, продолжали продвигаться на лыжах, неся ребенка на руках. Когда Хокона доставили в Тронхейм, король Инге взял его под своё покровительство.
Beck 32 - Steinar
Executive Producer
An unidentified body is found in the remains left after a fire in a trailer at a run-down caravan park. The owner of the trailer, a young drug-addicted woman, is missing, but is she really the victim? And what role has the so-called neighbourhood watch from the nearby community played? The case is difficult to solve, with everyone involved guarding their secrets, regardless of social class. Furthermore, police supervisor Klas Fredén decides to go over Martin Beck’s head and recruit charismatic, Norwegian homicide investigator, Steinar Hovland. The newly-structured Beck group faces the blight of a power struggle. And Martin struggles to find his way back to his old self.
Beck 31 - Gunvald
Executive Producer
An investigative journalist is found beaten to death in his home, where the fingerprints of a notorious criminal debt collector are also found. The murdered journalist has been threatened by right wing extremists, but it is the victim’s work with a book about “society’s dark side” that captures the Beck group’s interest. When the case takes an unexpected and terrible turn, there is suddenly much more at stake than finding the journalist’s killer. Martin Beck and his colleagues have never had to protect the balance of their professional and private lives with the same tenacity as they do now.
Key House Mirror
Executive Producer
Lily (76) is sure there’s nothing wrong with her. The only reason she lives in a care home is because of her husband Max's illness: a series of strokes has reduced him to a vegetable. The fact that Lily isn’t exactly the way she used to be becomes slowly clear in the Danish drama Key House Mirror - the title refers to a memory test. It’s not easy for Lily to leave her old habits behind her and fit in with the rules of the home. Her life blossoms when she meets an 80-year-old Swedish neighbour, a charming man who gives her the attention she has long missed. Lily’s daughter, however, is not so happy with the budding romance.
Beck 30 - The Hospital Murders
Executive Producer
An elderly woman dies in a hospital in Stockholm and it turns out that she suffered from an incurable disease. Her son refuses to believe that it was the disease that was the primary cause of her death.
People Get Eaten
Executive Producer
Herluf lives a complacent life with his wife Inger-Lise. Their daily routines are only interrupted by their daughter's marriages, the third now about to take place. But Herluf's problems are more serious than an indecisive daughter, his wife is cheating on him and he's started forgetting things at work. And one day Herluf doesn't return home.
Beck 28 - The Family
Executive Producer
When a well-known crime boss is murdered by a sniper in front of his family, Beck and his team are challenged to discover which one of his many enemies could be responsible for the crime.
Beck 27 - Room 302
Executive Producer
The body of a young woman is found in a Stockholm hotel room. It appears that she has been strangled after a night partying with two young men, but the room was paid for using the credit card of a mugging victim whose alibi doesn't add up. Martin and Gunvald investigate under the supervision of their new boss Klas Freden.
Встреча выпускников 2: Похороны
Executive Producer
Томас, Андреас, Нильс собрались снова — на этот раз для празднования свадьбы Томаса и Лаерке. Андреас устраивает по этому поводу мальчишник. Однако внезапная смерть во время вечеринки другого приятеля — Торбена вносит в планы друзей коррективы. Теперь они должны отправиться в поездку на похороны Торбена. Как всегда, не обошлось без бурных приключений. Успеют ли друзья вернуться до начала свадебной церемонии? Смогут ли они сохранить прочность своей дружбы, разобраться в своих личных проблемах? Им многое предстоит испытать и понять.
Лесной патруль
Из национального заповедника похищают главное его достояние — орла редкой породы. Но при похищении удается спастись его птенцу. Патрульная машина Плодди вместе с верными друзьями спешит на помощь. Им предстоит выяснить, кто же этот коварный похититель, а заодно и присмотреть за малышом, пока не найдется его мама.
Executive Producer
Фильм развивается в двух параллельных плоскостях, которые столкнутся только в одном финальном эпизоде. Где-то в Индийском океане дрейфует корабль с отрядом вооружённых людей, держащих в заложниках семерых членов экипажа, с каждым днём условия всё хуже, рацион всё жиже, а надежд всё меньше; в то же время в евроофисе компании судовладельца представитель компании, находящийся под давлением встревоженных семей моряков с одной стороны и особенностями тонкой политики переговоров с пиратами — с другой, пытается угодить всем — и пиратам, и моряками, и своему начальстсву.
Rosa Morena
Accounting Supervisor
Thomas, a Danish gay man, is unable to adopt in his home country. He visits a friend in Brazil to explore the possibility of bringing home a child. Eventually he meets Maria, a poor woman who is willing to give away the child she is carrying in exchange for money. As he waits for the child, Thomas takes care of Maria, and their relationship develops in a way he did not expect
Beck 26 - Buried Alive
Executive Producer
In a playground in the centre of the urban idyll, the police find a buried wooden box containing a famous and well-respected prosecutor. Martin Beck and his police team initially suspect a highly criminal MC-leader of the attack, but one pretty soon has to re-evaluate the case once the MC-leader is found murdered in a similar wooden box. Soon, more wooden boxes are found and the police realize that they are part of a cat and mouse game with a crazy serial killer. The investigation soon shows that there is a vague connection between the victims in the shape of a 9 year old event, but what Martin Beck does not suspect is that his own life too is at stake, as the murderer has chosen him as the next victim.
Beck 25 - The Eye of the Storm
Executive Producer
When the charred remains of woman are found, Säpo, the Swedish Security Services, suspect Gunvald Larsson of being mixed up in her murder. The dead woman was wanted internationally and a member of a group of militant eco-activists carrying out attacks around the world. Gunvald sets out on his own to find the woman's murderer, with Säpo on his heels. Martin Beck is ordered to arrest Gunvald and his loyalty to his colleague is now put to the test.