Hunter Jackson
Hunter Jackson is an actor, producer and writer.
The first Raven adventure
Documentary on the shock rock group "The Mentors".
Frat Boy
Влюбиться в вампира — страшно и романтично. Но потерять любимого, решившего ценой разрыва спасти свою девушку от роли пешки в вечном противостоянии кланов «ночных охотников», — это просто невыносимо. Белла Свон мучительно переживает исчезновение Эдварда и безуспешно ищет забвения в дружбе с мальчишкой-индейцем Джейкобом Блэком. Она даже не подозревает, что её лучший друг — порождение ещё одного «народа Тьмы». Народа, куда более жестокого и опасного, чем аристократы-вампиры...
Frat Boy
Семнадцатилетняя девушка Белла переезжает к отцу в небольшой городок Форкс. Она влюбляется в загадочного одноклассника, который, как оказалось, происходит из семьи вампиров, отказавшихся от нападений на людей. Влюбиться в вампира. Это страшно? Это романтично, это прекрасно и мучительно, но это не может кончиться добром, особенно в вечном противостоянии вампирских кланов, где малейшее отличие от окружающих уже превращает вас во врага.
Techno Destructo
The movie is set up like an awards show, where Oderus Urungus and Sleazy P. Martini reminisce with montages. They are the only two members of Gwar to make appearances, save a brief cameo by Balsac the Jaws of Death at the end, though some of the other Slave Pit Inc. employees are featured. The announcer at the awards show is played by Chris Bopst, who was the first person to play Balsac the Jaws of Death.
That's right scum, Gwar's manager Sleazy P. Martini is back with his own fudge-packed talk show. Join Sleazy and crew as they welcome a host of ridiculous guests who exist only to be destroyed. The fur really starts to fly with the arrival of GWAR and nut-chinned mystic scumdog Scroda Moon. All this and less awaits you in It's Sleazy!
Scroda Moon
That's right scum, Gwar's manager Sleazy P. Martini is back with his own fudge-packed talk show. Join Sleazy and crew as they welcome a host of ridiculous guests who exist only to be destroyed. The fur really starts to fly with the arrival of GWAR and nut-chinned mystic scumdog Scroda Moon. All this and less awaits you in It's Sleazy!
A Surprising Burst Of Chocolaty Fudge is another Slave Pit video released by Gwar. Documenting their 1997 Hell-oween tour, this video contains the only official release of their cover of The Mentors Golden Showers.
Full length live concert video recorded at D.C.'s legendary 9:30 Club. Gwar's longtime nemesis Techno Destructo attempts to defeat Gwar once and for all and claim the hand of Slymenstra Hymen as his prize. With a little help from some radioactive penguins and a robotic clone of Gwar manager Sleazy P. Martini, Gwar will surely be destroyed at long last!
Techno Destructo
Combination of live footage (1989-1992) and short films that chronicle GWAR's early battles with archnemesis Techno Destructo.
GWAR, the bloodthirsty alien antiheroes, conduct a worldwide telethon to feed souls to the World Maggot, which will transport the members of GWAR off our miserable planet once it grows. GWAR's tele-casts attract the attention of GlomCo, the world's monopolistic entertainment giant. GlomCo attempts to bribe GWAR's manager, Sleazy P. Martini, into selling GWAR out to the mainstream of Sunday morning cartoons. GWAR's revenge on the sniveling executives at GlomCo uncovers a dastardly plot to homogenize all humanity by the evil doctor Skulhedface!
RAWGWAR: The Next Mutation is heavy metal band Gwar's third video release. It was sent out to promoters and the like, prior to Gwar signing to Metal Blade Records. It is a compilation of early MTV and cable TV appearances and a live show from 1989. Track 1 is from Gorgon's video magazine, 2 is of an interview from MTV, 3-5 are live, 6 is a video filmed in the studios where they made their appearance on Dr. Gruesome's Movie Morgue and features a demo version of the song, 7-14 are live, 15 is another Dr. Gruesome video, 16 & 17 are live, and 18 is a video featuring the Hell-O version of "Black And Huge".