Ilaria Spada

Ilaria Spada

Рождение : 1981-02-27, Latina, Italy


Ilaria Spada
Ilaria Spada
Ilaria Spada


Un matrimonio mostruoso
Vladimiro and Brunilde are grappling with the disappearance of Nando, the head of the family. The sad event brought together the human family of Luna, daughter of Nando, and the monstrous one of her husband Adalberto. Humans, vampires, witches, werewolves and ghosts will find themselves in the throes of a new monstrous marriage...
Italian Gigolò
Filippo is the hottest male escort around. Incredibly sexy, he makes up in looks for what he lacks in wits. When an accident causes him to undergo transformative plastic surgery, he wakes up to find himself in a new body, with a new face and a new kind of beauty. As demand plummets, Filippo gets more and more desperate, till he finally resorts to asking for help. Once the greatest gigolò ever, Max retired in mysterious circumstances, but he's still the only one who can teach Filippo how to seduce women through eloquence and charm rather than appearance alone. Despite that, things are not looking up as they should. Until one day, a Colombian beauty named Juanita decides to hire him. What Filippo doesn't know is that her parents are dangerous drug lords. Suddenly, the end of his troubles turns instead into the very beginning.
Жуткая семейка
Выходя замуж, любая девушка осознает, что выходит замуж не только за него, но и за всю его семью. Молодожены Луана и Адальберто узнают, что скоро станут родителями, и молодому супругу ничего не остается, как представить свою прекрасную жену семье. Но Луана себе даже не представляет, что она породнилась с вампирами, зомби, ведьмами и призраками.
Notti in bianco, baci a colazione
Paola Barbato
Назад в настоящее
Из-за травмы головы Филиппо теряет память — он забыл последние двадцать пять лет, зато отлично помнит друзей юности. Именно они приходят к нему на помощь, чтобы заново познакомить его с самим собой, а заодно вспомнить молодость — даже если не все их общие воспоминания приятные.
Tutta un'altra vita
Gianni is a taxi driver dissatisfied with his life. One day by chance he gets the opportunity to take possession of the villa and life of a billionaire on holiday.
Молодой актёр Томмазо решает положить конец серьёзным отношениям с Кьярой, поскольку не считает её «женщиной всей своей жизни». Томмазо думает, что теперь его ждёт свобода и бесконечные авантюры. Но все любовные связи завершаются для актёра одинаково — его одолеваю мысли, в которых он не хочет себе признаваться, и парализующий страх.
Vacanze ai Caraibi - Il film di Natale
Three comedic and intertwined episodes.
The Last Will Be the Last
Luciana is a factory worker married to the love of her life. She is living the simple and quiet life she’s always desired: she works and she is deeply in love with her husband Stefano, even if he doesn’t always have a job and they both need to struggle to keep on going. They are happy and always on each other’s side, but shortly after she finds out she’s pregnant, she gets fired and her world starts falling apart. After having tried to have a baby for years, the joy of impending motherhood lasts only a few months. Begging for help but with no one ready to listen to her, completely desperate and shattered, Luciana decides to kidnap the managing director of her former company, asking for the justice she deserves.
Everyone Wants It
Giovanna, Carla, Francesca, Chiara. What these women have in common so different from each other? Which will never be the not insignificant detail that makes their lives secretly imperfect? And what mystery female is so intimate and private, that more private you can not? Whatever it is, all they want. A food designer, her first love and one sciampista for dogs are the stars of this comedy merrily shameless telling women what no one had ever dared to tell.
В семье не без священника
Томмазо — уважаемый кардиохирург, преданный муж и любящий отец двоих взрослых детей. Он также убеждённый атеист, поэтому когда его сын Андреа на семейном обеде объявляет, что он хочет пойти в священники, Томмазо приходит в ужас. Ему кажется, что во всём виноват дон Пьетро, харизматичный местный священник, который запудрил его сыну мозги — и потому Томмазо решает во что бы то ни стало вывести святого отца на чистую воду.
Arance & martello
A 'period' piece set in the hot summer of 2011, in the midst of the Berlusconi era. The life of a quiet corner market is shaken when the mayor decides to close it down. The only political organization people can turn to is the local section of the Democratic Party, which is separated from the market by a concrete wall, built to allow the construction of the subway.
A Fairy Tale Wedding
After twenty years, five high school classmates meet again at Daniele's wedding, the only one who has built a career for himself. During a long weekend in Switzerland, the five friends rediscover the affection and complicity of the past, and they get a chance to straighten out their destinies. A whirlwind of misunderstandings will bring down their shaky balances, and they'll all find the courage to put themselves on the line and start their lives afresh
Рим, 1946 год. Известный дирижер Валерио Де Лука уходит из жизни, оставив горячо любимую дочь Аврору во власти злой мачехи. Но унаследованные от родителей талант, любовь и вера помогают девушке преодолеть все невзгоды.
Come trovare nel modo giusto l'uomo sbagliato
Questa notte è ancora nostra
When a producer refuses to cut Massimo and his band a record unless they hire an "ethnic" singer to spice up the act, he tries to seduce Jing, a Chinese girl with a beautiful voice disinterested in both him and rock, to get her on board. She pretends to cave in in order to escape an arranged marriage, but in the weeks preceding the concert the two begin to grow closer, complicating the secretly fake nature of their relationship.
Прости за любовь
37-летний красавец Алекс ведет себя как подросток и не желает взрослеть, он расстается со своей «вечной невестой» Еленой, «крутится» на работе и по жизни. Вскоре Алекс знакомится с не по годам развитой 17-летней Ники. Между ними завязывается дружба, вскоре перерастающая в любовь, от которой не в восторге абсолютно все родственники и друзья главных героев.
If I Were You
Via del Corso
Three girls want to have fun on a Saturday in Rome by trying to score with at least 3 guys. Meanwhile, their friends seek out two rapists and a stolen scooter.
Dicono di te
Uomini da marciapiede