Richard Hemingway


I Live My Life
Master of Ceremonies (Uncredited)
A society girl tries to make a go of her marriage to an archaeologist.
Society Fever
Bob Miller
A mother starts to get worried when she finds out that some wealthy friends have been invited to dinner with her somewhat screwball family.
Строптивая Мариэтта
Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
Драматический мюзикл по мотивам одноимённой оперной постановки. Действие разворачивается накануне первой волны колонизации. В поисках любви и приключений, принцесса Мариетта бежит прочь из королевского дворца. Под видом переселенки она садится на судно, плывущее в Новый Орлеан. У берегов Вест-Индии корабль путешественников подвергается нападению пиратов. К счастью, оказавшийся рядом капитан Уортингтон быстро освобождает пленников.
The Road to Ruin
A young girl gets involved with a crowd that smokes marijuana, drinks and has sex. She winds up an alcoholic, pregnant drug addict and is forced to get an abortion.
The Woman Condemned
Jerry Beall
Jerry Beall, a young newspaper reporter, intrigued by the charm and beauty of Barbara Hammond, a girl accused of murdering a female radio-star, sets out to prove her innocence in the face of a damaging array of circumstantial evidence, abetted by the lack of truth in many of Barbara's statements. But Barbara winds up in a romantic clinch instead of the electric chair, after a series of sequences that reveal the fallacy of jumping to conclusions.