Erik Hollander

Erik Hollander


Erik Hollander


Саманта Кроуфрд живёт счастливой жизнью, ведь у неё есть любимый муж. Но всё для неё теряет смысл, когда его жестоко убивают. Она остаётся разбитая, без веры в сердце. Однажды она неожиданно встречает старого друга Джо, который становится её поддержкой и опорой, и вновь приносит смысл и свет в её жизнь…
The Shark Is Still Working: The Impact & Legacy of 'Jaws'
After three decades, Jaws continues to intrigue, thrill and frighten viewers. This documentary focuses on the many ways in which Jaws has helped to shape popular culture.
The Shark Is Still Working: The Impact & Legacy of 'Jaws'
After three decades, Jaws continues to intrigue, thrill and frighten viewers. This documentary focuses on the many ways in which Jaws has helped to shape popular culture.
The Shark Is Still Working: The Impact & Legacy of 'Jaws'
After three decades, Jaws continues to intrigue, thrill and frighten viewers. This documentary focuses on the many ways in which Jaws has helped to shape popular culture.
Гризли Парк
В Американском штате Калифорния, создан участок для проведения исправительных работ провинившихся, так называемых, трудных подростков. Калифорнийский лес, в который отправляются восемь ребят, за сомнительную репутацию, был прозван Гризли Парком. В это же время, из близлежащей колонии сбегает опасный серийный убийца. По всем предположениям он направляется в тот же лес в поисках новой жертвы. Но он не единственный хищник, устроивший охоту в этом лесу. Медведь Гризли, ожившая легенда, преследует своих жертв, не оставляет им шансов на жизнь. Счет трупов растет, и земля страшного леса становится красной от крови…
Hollywood- Lights, Camera, Blasphemy
"No film may throw ridicule on any religious faith..." So began Article VIII of the Hollywood Production Code, a series of ethical guidelines that for forty years helped the motion picture industry produce many of the greatest and most family-friendly films in history. That was then, however, this is now. A revered "historical" movie quietly takes every opporturnity to lie and twist the facts in order to make Christians appear as backward, foolish hypocrites. An actress jumps at the chance to play a Christ-hating role, saying, "I'm an atheist, so it was a joy." One of Hollywood's most respected directors films a passion play written by a disciple of Friedrich Nietzsche, the father of the "God is dead" movement. Not surprisingly, the movie's Jesus helps crucify people and later confesses that satan is inside him. A media mogul states that "Christianity is a religion for losers."
Hell's Bells: The Dangers of Rock 'N' Roll
Journey through the dark side of rock as Hell's Bells unmasks the message behind the music. There you will look squarely into the face of something beyond the human potential - the spiritual power of rock and roll. Hell's Bells - The Dangers of Rock and Roll is shockingly real most comprehensive presentation ever done on the musical seduction of today's youth coupled with a positive message. Eric Holmberg, writer and host of Hell's Bells, spent his young adult life immersed in the rock music scene. This first-hand experience coupled with several years of research has produced this video - the most exhaustive analysis ever done on rock's spiritual roots
A Nation Adrift
Graphic Designer
Visually rich and fast-paced, A Nation Adrift provides a fascinating historical survey of the spiritual, social and technological changes that have molded America. You will be amazed by little-known facts about the Founding Fathers, the wars, the Industrial Revolution, the Wright brothers first flights, Henry Ford's first assembly line, the Great Depression, the atomic bombing of Japan, and much, much more! Totally illustrated. No "talking heads."