Что было после бегства Эйнштейна из нацистской Германии? В документальной драме приводятся архивные кадры и звучат собственные слова гения, испытавшего немало лишений.
Шокирующий документальный фильм о беззаботном бродяге, который стал популярен в сети, пустил свою жизнь под откос и попал в тюрьму.
Marwan Barghouti, often described as the ‘Palestinian Nelson Mandela’, is serving five life sentences in an Israeli prison. This is his story.
An examination of one of the biggest scandals in the history of British education.
Уникальные документальные кадры описывают исчезновение Шеннон Уоттс и ее детей, а также последующие ужасные события.
The border between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland has meandered across rural Irish farmlands since its creation in 1922. Throughout this time film crews and journalists have descended upon the border, attempting to understand its absurdities and contradictions – and the turmoil it can cause. At yet another crucial moment in its history, Border Country: When Ireland Was Divided brings almost 100 years of archival footage together with the stories of people whose lives have been affected by the border.
A first-hand look into the revolutionary rise of the “citizen investigative journalist” collective known as Bellingcat. Comprised of various distinct personalities from around the globe, Bellingcat is an online association of talented and dedicated truth-seekers utilizing advanced digital research techniques to upend the world of journalism. De facto leader Eliot and his fellow researchers give us exclusive access into their tight-knit world as they demonstrate the unlimited power of open source investigation. In cases ranging from the MH17 disaster to the hidden crimes of the Syrian regime, the group’s power and growing global influence is examined and explored.
Культурный портрет американской мечты в критический момент в истории страны. В соответствии с американскими выборами в 2016 году Король проводит музыкальную поездку по стране в Роллс Ройсе Элвиса Пресли 1963 года.
Supervising Editor
Stephen Hawking has warned that the creation of powerful artificial intelligence will be “either the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity”. Inspired by Brian Christian’s study The Most Human Human: What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive, the filmmakers set out on an international investigation highlighting the effects of AI - scenes from our daily lives destructive and constructive.
The Borneo Case is a unique story filmed over 25 years and tells the epic tale of how the rainforest, home of the last nomads was stripped of its natural resources. It reveals how billions of dollars of illegal profits solicited by the Chief Minister of Sarawak State in Malaysia were money laundered with the assistance of the largest global banks into offshore accounts and property portfolios all over the world. The case was labelled as the largest environmental crime of the century.
Moazzam Begg has experienced a generation of conflict. The Confession captures the entirety of Begg’s story, from his forced confession and testimony as a free man, to his experience as a British Muslim and living the War on Terror Commissioned by BBC Storyville and the BFI, The Confession is a gripping account of the rise of modern jihad, its descent into terror and the disastrous reaction of the West. The Confession is now available to watch on iTunes.
Documentary about a bankrupt Jordanian entrepreneur and an unemployed Irish actress who hatch a plan to scam £2.5m off the British taxman by faking the production of a £20m movie. But they are found out, arrested and then bailed. While out on bail, they decide to prove their innocence by actually making a film. They hire a former nightclub bouncer, now a self-made micro-budget gangster film director. In 2011, Paul Knight makes their movie for under £100,000 with a cast of soap and gangster movie stars including Danny Midwinter, Marc Bannerman and Loose Women's Andrea McLean. The film's title is A Landscape of Lies. But the cinematic alibi does not convince the jury when the trial runs in 2013. The producers are convicted of tax fraud and given long sentences.
A look at one of the most exclusive holiday destinations in the world - Necker Island. This reveals how the rich holiday, and what it's like for the staff who serve them. For the first time viewers are given an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at one of the most exclusive holiday destinations in the world - Necker Island. This film is an intimate portrait of how the rich, powerful and famous holiday, and what it's like for the staff who serve them. It's an upstairs-downstairs world where nearly 100 staff cater to just 30 guests - where some have over a staggering £40,000 a night to experience the perfect island paradise. And while Necker is home to Sir Richard Branson and his family, it is also a serious commercial venture. Meeting the needs of these VIPs are the staff of British, European and local islanders. It may seem that they've landed the dream job working in paradise, however the realities of living in the middle of the Caribbean Sea bring a whole host of major challenges.
'Hannah' tells the story of Buddhist pioneer Hannah Nydahl and her life bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West. From her idealistic roots in 1960's Copenhagen to the hippie trail in Nepal, Hannah and her husband Ole became two of the first Western students of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa - the first consciously reincarnated lama of Tibet in 1110. Hannah went on to become an assistant and translator for some of the most powerful Tibetan lamas and a bridge between Buddhism in the East and the West.
With unprecedented access, this program reveals the humour, chaos and passion that went into bringing the Flying Circus to the stage cumulating in the legendary One Down, Five To Go.
'JFK: Seven Days That Made a President' investigates the seven key days in JFK's life that helped shape his character and have come to define him.
Три молодые женщины приговорены к двум годам лишения свободы в российской тюрьме за сатирическое выступление в кафедральном соборе Храм Христа Спасителя. Но кто на самом деле оказался на скамье подсудимых в деле, разделившим страну и мир за ее пределами пополам, — три молодые художницы или общество, в котором они живут?
История самого амбициозного проекта, когда-либо задуманного в интернете, и людей, пытавшихся помешать его осуществлению.
9/11: Heroes of the 88th Floor is an untold story of survival and bravery of those whose lives were impacted when Flight 11 struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Centring on two men -- Frank DeMartini and Pablo Ortiz -- we hear the extraordinary story of how their remarkable acts of heroism, selflessness, and courage saved the lives of over 75 people and touched many more. We also hear from the survivors themselves, their first-hand accounts of what it was like to be at the centre of this tragic day. And through archival footage and dramatic recreations we relive their chilling moments of being stranded on the upper floors of the North Tower and their race against time to survive.
Свежий взгляд на карьеру Рональда Рейгана, его путь к власти и его наследие. В фильме рассматриваются различные мнения на его счёт, высказываемые его коллегами, историками, сторонниками и семьёй, что в купе с архивными съёмками, фрагментами из не видевших свет интервью и комментариями самого Рейгана, создаёт подробный портрет человека, который променял статус звезды киноэкрана на карьеру в политике, и в итоге стал лидером свободного мира.
The search for an enigmatic South Korean shaman, and the inspiration found on the journey, renews a jazz musician's faith in the power of music.
This riveting documentary depicts former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as a warmonger responsible for military cover-ups in Vietnam, Cambodia and East Timor, as well as the assassination of a Chilean leader in 1970. Based on a book by journalist Christopher Hitchens, the film includes interviews with historians, political analysts and such journalists as New York Times writer William Safire, a former Nixon speechwriter.