Shelley Duvall

Shelley Duvall

Рождение : 1949-07-07, Fort Worth, Texas, USA


Shelley Alexis Duvall (born July 7, 1949) is an American actress and producer known for her portrayals of distinct, often eccentric characters. She is the recipient of several accolades, including a Cannes Film Festival Award, a Peabody Award, and two Primetime Emmy Awards. Born in Texas, Duvall had no acting experience growing up in Houston. She was an honor student in school and sold perfumes at a department store, but being an actress never crossed her mind. Duvall recently quit a short stint studying science at a local college, when she was discovered by Robert Altman's crew at a party. Altman was impressed with her upbeat presence and cast her in Brewster McCloud (1970). Despite her hesitance towards becoming an actress, she continued to work with Altman, appearing in McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971) and Thieves Like Us (1974). It was her involvement in Thieves that solidified her desire to pursue acting. Her breakthrough came with Altman's cult film Nashville (1975), and she earned widespread acclaim with the drama 3 Women (1977), as the self-absorbed Millie Lammoreaux, for which she won Best Actress at Cannes. That same year she appeared in a supporting role (as a reporter for Rolling Stone) in Woody Allen's satirical romantic comedy Annie Hall (1977) and hosted Saturday Night Live. In the 1980s, Duvall became famous for her leading roles, which include Olive Oyl in Altman's live-active feature version of Popeye (1980) and in Stanley Kubrick's horror film The Shining (1980) as Wendy Torrance. She initially received negative reviews for her performance in the latter, but received widespread acclaim for it in the decades following its release. She appeared in Terry Gilliam's fantasy film Time Bandits (1981), the short comedy horror film Frankenweenie (1984) and the comedy Roxanne (1987). She ventured into producing television programming aimed at children in the latter half of the 1980s, notably creating and hosting the programs Faerie Tale Theatre (1982–1987) and Tall Tales & Legends (1985–1987). In 1988, Shelley founded Think Entertainment, a production company focused on bringing quality educational content to children. The company, which dissolved in 1993, produced Nightmare Classics (1989), Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme (1990), Bedtime Stories (1992), and Mrs. Piggle Wiggle (1994). Duvall sporadically worked in acting throughout the 1990s, notably playing supporting roles in Steven Soderbergh's thriller The Underneath (1995) and The Portrait of a Lady (1996), directed by Jane Campion. She also appeared in more children's movies like Suburban Commando (1991), Frogs (1992), and Casper Meets Wendy (1998). In addition to TV and film, Duvall recorded two albums Sweet Dreams (1991) and Merry Christmas (1991), and wrote It's a Bird's Life (1993), a 3DO video game. Amidst all this, the 1994 Northridge earthquake destroyed Duvall's Studio City home and she relocated to Texas to be closer to family. Her last performance was in Manna from Heaven (2002), after which she retired from acting. Duvall for many years kept out of the public media, keeping her personal life generally private; however, her health issues earned significant media coverage. After a 20-year hiatus from acting, Duvall is set to return in an upcoming horror film titled, The Forest Hills (2023).


Shelley Duvall
Shelley Duvall
Shelley Duvall
Shelley Duvall
Shelley Duvall
Shelley Duvall
Shelley Duvall
Shelley Duvall


The Forest Hills
Rico's Mother
A man is tormented by nightmarish visions after enduring head trauma while camping in the Catskill woods
Обожаемый мальчиком Виктором пес Спарки погибает в результате несчастного случая. Мальчик, не желая мириться с потерей друга, призывает науку на помощь и…возвращает питомца к жизни! Казалось бы, все не так уж плохо, но когда Спарки сбегает от Виктора, его друзья, родители, учителя и жители городка узнают, что возвращение к жизни домашнего питомца может повлечь за собой неожиданные и даже ужасные последствия!
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Dan Aykroyd
Bad Ballet Dancer
A collection of classic Saturday Night Live sketches featuring Dan Aykroyd.
Manna from Heaven
Detective Dubrinski
Manna From Heaven is a comedic fable about what happens when you get a gift from God (a financial windfall), but many years later you find out it was a just a loan and it's due immediately. Once upon a time, many years ago, a neighborhood in Buffalo, NY is mysteriously showered with 20 dollar bills. Theresa, a young girl who everyone thinks is a saint, doesn't have much trouble convincing her loose-knit "family" that the money is a gift from Heaven. Years later, Theresa, who has become a nun, has an epiphany that it is time to pay the money back, so she calls the eccentric group together to repay the "loan." The problem is, nobody wants to give back the money, nobody has the money, they don't know to whom it belongs, and most of them can't stand each other. Along the way, the characters learn about family, romance, reconciliation and redemption, and by working together they begin to realize their full potential.
Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures
With commentary from Hollywood stars, outtakes from his movies and footage from his youth, this documentary looks at Stanley Kubrick's life and films. Director Jan Harlan, Kubrick's brother-in-law and sometime collaborator, interviews heavyweights like Jack Nicholson, Woody Allen and Sydney Pollack, who explain the influence of Kubrick classics like "Dr. Strangelove" and "2001: A Space Odyssey," and how he absorbed visual clues from disposable culture such as television commercials.
Их поменяли мозгами
Mrs. Stein
У Фрэнка - самые обычные мечты: иметь подружку, быть своим в «тусовке» и оживлять покойников. И однажды ему предоставляется шанс. Двое школьных хулиганов случайно убивают своего одноклассника Карла. Фрэнк предлагает им вернуть его к жизни. Но - с одним условием: ребята помогут ему заполучить все, о чем он мечтает. Сделка заключена, и, достав свежий мозг из отцовской лаборатории, Фрэнк приступает к делу. На следующее утро недотепа Карл превращается в наглого сердцееда и настоящего монстра. Как оказалось, Фрэнк пересадил в его голову мозг серийного маньяка-убийцы Скитера, которому очень нравится новое молодое тело. Карл - Скитер намерен насладиться всеми прелестями жизни, а для начала превращает свой дом в «камеру ужасов».
Четвертый этаж
Martha Stewart
Джейн Эмелин — скромному дизайнеру в Нью-Йорке — наконец улыбнулась удача. После смерти родной тети она унаследовала ее отличную квартиру в старой части города. Это событие так изменило ее отношение к жизни, что она даже отказалась переехать жить в дом к любимому человеку — известному телеведущему Грэгу Харрисону. Реальные прелести самостоятельной жизни для Джейн кажутся более притягательными, чем призрачное семейное счастье. Однако старый дом не очень-то приветливо встречает нового жильца. Странные события, происходящие в нем, с одной стороны, и страстное желание любимого человека жить вместе имеют одну цель — Джейн должна уехать из этого дома, чтобы поселиться у Грэга. На грани нервного срыва, ставшая в глазах у друзей, соседей и полиции душевнобольным человеком, Джейн тем не менее готова стоять до конца в борьбе с невидимым врагом, пытающимся выжить ее из собственного дома.
Вот такие пироги
Mrs. Jackson
У двух молодых людей умирает отец, а при жизни он изменял их матери. Братья пытаются найти разлучницу. Один из них хочет убить ее, а другой, случайно с ней познакомившись, влюбляется и хочет жениться, а она при том еще и беременна. Если родственные связи смешать немного с вертолетами, приправить гамбургерами, а затем залить все любовью, получатся те еще пироги!
Каспер встречает Венди
Каспер, доброе привидение, встречает Венди — маленькую ведьмочку. Скрываясь от вредного волшебника Десмонда, Венди и три ее тетки — Грет, Габби и Фанни — случайно встречают Каспера и его дядюшек — Длинного, Толстяка и Вонючку.
Мумия: Принц Египта
Edith Butros
Великий фараон Аменхотеп выдал свою дочь за чужестранца по имени Талас. Новый принц Египта оказался жестоким и кровожадным черным магом. По приказу фараона Таласа убивают, а на его гробницу налагают вечное проклятие. Но в день Великого парада планет Талас может вернуться к жизни, если его гробница будет открыта. В XX веке археологическая экспедиция находит гробницу Таласа. Саркофаг принца перевозят в Британский музей. Приближается день Великого парада планет, когда ужасный дух зла обретет свободу. Мумия оживает и начинает хладнокровно убивать людей и забирать у них внутренности. Только археолог Саманта и детектив Райли могут помешать новой реинкарнации Таласа…
Вдовец фермер Джон Уэбб впал в депрессию с тех пор как умерла его жена Бесси. Стараясь сохранить ежегодную прибыль, за неимением средств ему придется принять трудное решение относительно своей фермы.
Mrs. Randall (uncredited)
Когда компьютерный гений Фред Рэндэлл создал новую навигационную систему, у него появился реальный шанс испытать ее на деле. После того, как новоиспеченный космонавт случайно покалечил двух «коллег» из его группы, отправляющейся на Марс, он вынужден занять их место на корабле.Командир экипажа недоволен подобной заменой: вместо первоклассных летчиков ему достается балбес — новичок, прошедший неполный курс подготовки. Единственный на борту, кто понимает Фреда без слов, — шимпанзе по кличке Одиссей, настоящий космический волк. Но на Марсе корабль землян поджидают опасности. Профессионалы бессильны, но, как известно, новичкам всегда везет.
Twilight of the Ice Nymphs
Amelia Glahn
Peter Glahn is released after years of incarceration as a political prisoner and is now returning to his homeland, the mythical Mandragora where the sun never sets. On board the ship home, he meets the mysterious Juliana Kossel who vanishes after stealing his heart. Once he arrives on the island, he goes to the family ostrich farm run by his sister Amelia. He finds Amelia living with a farmhand named Cain Ball who fears that Peter's return will endanger the agreement he made with Amelia that will see him inherit the farm. Amelia has since fallen for the vain Dr. Isaac Solti who controls the island and has a hold on both Zephyr Eccles, the widow of a local fisherman, and Juliana, Peter's dream girl from the ship. Solti's true obsession is a recently discovered statue of Venus that possesses strange powers. All the characters meet at Solti's lab where the sexual tensions erupt.
Guy Maddin: Waiting for Twilight
Interviews with Guy Maddin and his pals are included in this documentary about the Canadian film-maker's life and movies. Features clips from most of Maddin's films up to Twilight of the Ice Nymphs, including Careful and Archangel.
Changing Habits
Sister Agatha
An aspiring artist runs from men as a result of an early life problem that has left her relationship with her father strained. She decides to move into a convent where troubled women receive cheap lodging in exchange for work. She finds a dirty area in the basement where she paints a mural that deals with all of her psychological problems. While some find it gaudy, others such as the mother superior realizes its potential to save the convent which is to be closed. During all this the artist starts a relationship with a man who owns an art supply shop where she shop-lifts her supplies. Written by John Sacksteder
Shadow Zone: My Teacher Ate My Homework
Mrs. Fink
Thirteen-year-old Jesse is a typical teenager who hates his teacher, Mrs. Fink. While visiting a vintage clothing shop, Jesse sees a doll that looks exactly like his dreaded teacher, and he convinces the shopkeeper to sell it to him. When Jesse accidentally pierces the doll's arm with a sewing needle, he is shocked to find Mrs. Fink with her arm in a sling the next day and gets spooked when a spot on the doll's face appears, exactly where Mrs. Fink has a mole.
Портрет леди
Countess Gemini
Закат XIX века — не лучшее время для истинной любви, но прекрасное для браков по расчету. Изабель Арчер — свободолюбивая девушка с душой бунтарки — шокирует ближайшее окружение своим отказом от выгодного замужества. Верная традициям и общественным устоям семья давит на нее. И даже неожиданное наследство не приносит ей долгожданной свободы. Пользуясь неутолимым любопытством юной Изабель, ее коварная подруга интригами и обманом устраивает брак девушки с эгоистичным деспотом, своим бывшим любовником. Но очень скоро жестокая правда раскрывается, и, сбросив цепи семейных оков, Изабель вырывается навстречу настоящему чувству, несущему свет и надежду.
Robert Altman: Giggle And Give In
Paul Joyce’s documentary profile of Robert Altman, with contributions from Altman, Elliott Gould, Shelley Duvall, assistant director Alan Rudolph and screenwriter Joan Tewkesbury. Originally broadcast on July 17th 1996 in Channel Four’s Cinefile series.
Там внутри
После нескольких лет отсутствия Майкл Чамберс возвращается в свой родной Техас, чтобы присутствовать на свадьбе матери. Когда-то он был вынужден спешно покинуть город, оставив большие долги, родных и возлюбленную Рэйчел. Теперь он намерен отыскать ее, вернуть назад и наладить жизнь. Майк устраивается охранником и начинает работать вместе с новым мужем матери на инкассаторской бронированной машине. А вскоре оказывается втянутым в неприятную криминальную историю.
Aliens for Breakfast
Sinbad plays Ari, an alien who comes to Earth in a cereal box in order to warn a kid about an imminent alien invasion.
Коммандо из пригорода
Jenny Wilcox
Халк Хоган, играет роль интергалактического героя по имени Шеп. Миссия атлетичного Шепа — исправлять и перевоспитывать плохих. У героя есть специальный силовой костюм, который делает его практически неуязвимым. Когда космический корабль Шепа ломается, он совершает вынужденную посадку на планету Земля. Астронавт поселяется в пригороде, у семьи Уилкокс. Шеп отставляет силовой костюм дома, чтобы не привлекать внимания людей, и отправляется гулять по окрестностям, где он сразу обнаруживает несколько «плохишей». Это хамоватые разносчики газет, водители-лихачи и уличные грабители, которым Шеп преподаст суровый урок. Тем временем отец семейства обнаруживает силовой костюм астронавта и примеряет его…
They're back! Arlo and Gus return in the rollicking, "ribeting" sequel to the award-winning WonderWorks family movie FROG. Gus, a former frog prince turned lounge singer, shows up on his friend's doorstep just when Arlo has little time to help him. But when Gus tangles with a wicked witch, Arlo must come to the rescue, catapulting them into s series of adventure in which they both come to realize you must be true to yourself.
Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme
Set in the mythical world of Rhymeland, Gordon Goose returns home to discover that his mom has mysteriously vanished. Now the characters of Rhymeland are in danger of disappearing unless Mother Goose returns.
Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme
Executive Producer
Set in the mythical world of Rhymeland, Gordon Goose returns home to discover that his mom has mysteriously vanished. Now the characters of Rhymeland are in danger of disappearing unless Mother Goose returns.
Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme
Little Bo Peep
Set in the mythical world of Rhymeland, Gordon Goose returns home to discover that his mom has mysteriously vanished. Now the characters of Rhymeland are in danger of disappearing unless Mother Goose returns.
Dinner at Eight
Society matron Millicent Jordan arranges a dinner party to honor some visiting aristocrat oblivious to the health and financial problems of her husband.
The Eyes of the Panther
Executive Producer
A crusty Old West hermit relates the story of the eerie experiences of a Midwestern pioneer family whose home was invaded by a mysterious panther. But in the years that follow, an unnatural curse haunts the family's beautiful daughter Irene, who finds herself answering the call of primordial, inhuman instincts.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Executive Producer
Henry Jekyll, a shy and unassuming doctor, is obsessed with the idea of separating the good from the evil within humans by using the chemical concoctions he made. He is also obviously attracted to Rebecca, daughter of the head teacher of the medical school he works for, but the timid doctor just cannot say so until he himself drinks the potion to become Mr. Edward Hyde, a handsome and confident gentleman whose wish should never be denied.
Executive Producer
Lonely young Marie and her father live on a plantation just before the Civil War. Their placid lives are invaded when they rescue a mysterious woman from a carriage wreck, and soon bodies start turning up with holes in their necks...
The Turn of the Screw
Executive Producer
A governess is hired to look after two neglected children, who show signs of having been corrupted by the insidious influence of the groom Peter Quint. Quint, although hanged for murder, still makes an appearance among the shadows of the manor house along with Miss Jessel, a previous governess who took her own life.
Earthquake Survival
How-to documentary on earthquake preparedness.
The Dancing Princesses
A king with six daughters who is extremely over protective locks them in their room at night. But for some reason they order shoes from the cobbler practically every day and the king has to pay for them. And when he ask them why, they don't give him a straight answer. So he sends word that whoever figures out why they need so many shoes, he will have the hand of the daughter of his choice. But so far none have succeeded cause they make sure no one can find out. But a soldier upon learning of this decides to find out after being given a cloak that renders him invisible.
The Dancing Princesses
Executive Producer
A king with six daughters who is extremely over protective locks them in their room at night. But for some reason they order shoes from the cobbler practically every day and the king has to pay for them. And when he ask them why, they don't give him a straight answer. So he sends word that whoever figures out why they need so many shoes, he will have the hand of the daughter of his choice. But so far none have succeeded cause they make sure no one can find out. But a soldier upon learning of this decides to find out after being given a cloak that renders him invisible.
Судьба довольно жестоко подшутила над пожарным Си Ди Бэйлзом, наградив его вдобавок к большой душе непомерно большим… носом! Все в городке его уважают, но из-за одиозной внешности у него совсем не клеится с женщинами. А ведь сердцу не прикажешь! И когда в городке появляется романтичная и добрая красавица Роксана, герой безнадежно влюбляется в эту прелестную чудачку. Вот только какие у него шансы? — ведь вниманием Роксаны уже завладел местный мачо Крис, подчиненный Бэйлза. Правда, выдающееся косноязычие и неотесанность Криса не дают герою шанс признаться в своих чувствах: Бэйлз, поэт в душе, соглашается тайно вместо него писать Роксане любовные послания. Но когда-нибудь все тайное станет явным…
The Little Mermaid
A mermaid princess is willing to sacrifice anything for love.
The Little Mermaid
Executive Producer
A mermaid princess is willing to sacrifice anything for love.
Rip Van Winkle
A lazy man falls asleep for twenty years.
Rip Van Winkle
Executive Producer
A lazy man falls asleep for twenty years.
Executive Producer
Arlo Anderson loves his reptiles, and so when he decides to buy a rare breed of frog with his date money he winds up with more than he bargained for! Gus, the frog, happens to be Italian royalty who was cursed by a witch some 600 years ago. So with the help of Gus, Arlo plans to win this year's science fair but he also somehow has to get Gus a kiss from a girl to free him from his curse. The only problem: the girls don't really like nerdy Arlo and his reptiles...
Mrs. Anderson
Arlo Anderson loves his reptiles, and so when he decides to buy a rare breed of frog with his date money he winds up with more than he bargained for! Gus, the frog, happens to be Italian royalty who was cursed by a witch some 600 years ago. So with the help of Gus, Arlo plans to win this year's science fair but he also somehow has to get Gus a kiss from a girl to free him from his curse. The only problem: the girls don't really like nerdy Arlo and his reptiles...
Mr. Bill's Real Life Adventures
Based on the "Saturday Night Live" shorts, Mr. Bill stars in his own show, but this time he's played by a human actor.
The Princess Who Had Never Laughed
There was once a very serious kingdom. So serious, that the King demanded to be addressed as Your Seriousness...
The Princess Who Had Never Laughed
Executive Producer
There was once a very serious kingdom. So serious, that the King demanded to be addressed as Your Seriousness...
Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp
Based on the story "Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp", directed by Tim Burton and starring Robert Carradine.
Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp
Executive Producer
Based on the story "Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp", directed by Tim Burton and starring Robert Carradine.
Bonnie and Billy have to rescue the Popples when their parents accidentally send them to Goodwill following a surprise remodel of the family's attic.
Darlin' Clementine
Clementine (Shelley Duvall) is the sole woman in her mining camp who cares for everyone around her until her selfish father (Ed Asner) learns a valuable lesson.
Darlin' Clementine
Clementine (Shelley Duvall) is the sole woman in her mining camp who cares for everyone around her until her selfish father (Ed Asner) learns a valuable lesson.
Casey at the Bat
Down-on-his-luck baseball player Casey Frank (Elliott Gould) follows his dreams to become the biggest star in the game.
Casey at the Bat
Down-on-his-luck baseball player Casey Frank (Elliott Gould) follows his dreams to become the biggest star in the game.
Pecos Bill
Self - Host (uncredited)
Steve Guttenberg portrays Pecos Bill, the "King of the Cowboys," in this rootin' tootin' epic. Raised by coyotes, Bill puts the "wild" in the Wild West settlement of Petunia City. When his rowdy behavior gets him run out of town, he heads for Mexico. There, Bill lassos a cyclone to save the state of Texas from drought. His heroics become campfire legend, proving that selflessness and bravery are never forgotten.
Annie Oakley
The Host
Young Phoebe Mosey (Jamie Lee Curtis) defies expectations and proves herself to become "Little Miss Sure Shot" Annie Oakley, the legendary sharpshooter and "Wild West" icon.
Annie Oakley
Young Phoebe Mosey (Jamie Lee Curtis) defies expectations and proves herself to become "Little Miss Sure Shot" Annie Oakley, the legendary sharpshooter and "Wild West" icon.
The Emperor's New Clothes
Two con men take advantage of an emperor's vanity.
The Emperor's New Clothes
Executive Producer
Two con men take advantage of an emperor's vanity.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Executive Producer
Ichabod Crane becomes the headmaster at a schoolhouse. He falls for Katrina Van Tassel but she has a lover: Brom Bones. Brom scares him off acting as the Headless Horseman only to meet the real one himself.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Ichabod Crane becomes the headmaster at a schoolhouse. He falls for Katrina Van Tassel but she has a lover: Brom Bones. Brom scares him off acting as the Headless Horseman only to meet the real one himself.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Self - Host (uncredited)
Ichabod Crane becomes the headmaster at a schoolhouse. He falls for Katrina Van Tassel but she has a lover: Brom Bones. Brom scares him off acting as the Headless Horseman only to meet the real one himself.
Puss in Boots
A young man (Gregory Hines) journeys from rags-to-riches thanks to his talented Puss in Boots (Ben Vereen). Starring Ben Vereen, Gregory Hines, Alfre Woodard, George Kirby, and Brock Peters. Narrated by Shelley Duvall.
Puss in Boots
Executive Producer
A young man (Gregory Hines) journeys from rags-to-riches thanks to his talented Puss in Boots (Ben Vereen). Starring Ben Vereen, Gregory Hines, Alfre Woodard, George Kirby, and Brock Peters. Narrated by Shelley Duvall.
An oppressed young woman finds happiness when she secretly attends the royal ball.
Executive Producer
An oppressed young woman finds happiness when she secretly attends the royal ball.
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
The town of Hamelin pays the ultimate price after reneging on their promise to the pied piper. Based on the poem by Robert Browning.
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Executive Producer
The town of Hamelin pays the ultimate price after reneging on their promise to the pied piper. Based on the poem by Robert Browning.
Susan Frankenstein
Мальчик по имени Виктор Франкенштейн оживляет пса Спарки, который пугает всю округу, несмотря на свою безобидность.
Ужас в проходах
Wendy Torrance (archive footage) (uncredited)
Своеобразная антология самых страшных и кровавых моментов из знаменитых фильмов ужасов, снятых в 1960-1980-х годах.
Set in the 1860's South, Booker is the impassioned story of the boy who struggled through slavery to found the Tuskegee Institute. Through the eyes of nine-year-old Booker T. Washington, viewers witness the end of the Civil War, the cruelties that endured after slavery was abolished, and the hard work that led Booker to education and true freedom. Booker is a one-hour drama based on the childhood of Booker T. Washington and his quest for education in the chaotic aftermath of the Civil War. Booker was shown nationally on PBS by the series, WONDERWORKS and subsequently on the Disney Channel, the BBC, and throughout the world. Booker continues to be broadcast and used in thousands of schools in America and abroad. The film was chosen as among the top 10 best home video release for children by Parenting Magazine and best script for a children's drama by the Writer's Guild of America.
The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers
An intelligent, fearless boy living in a superstitious Transylvanian village goes out into the world to figure out what everyone else is afraid of, "the shivers." A king hires him to rid his castle of ghosts and evil spirits, expecting him to die like all who have tried before him, but the boy is more fearless than he could have known.
The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers
Self - Host (uncredited)
An intelligent, fearless boy living in a superstitious Transylvanian village goes out into the world to figure out what everyone else is afraid of, "the shivers." A king hires him to rid his castle of ghosts and evil spirits, expecting him to die like all who have tried before him, but the boy is more fearless than he could have known.
The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers
Executive Producer
An intelligent, fearless boy living in a superstitious Transylvanian village goes out into the world to figure out what everyone else is afraid of, "the shivers." A king hires him to rid his castle of ghosts and evil spirits, expecting him to die like all who have tried before him, but the boy is more fearless than he could have known.
Beauty and the Beast
The beautiful daughter of a merchant sacrifices her freedom to save her father from the punishment of a cursed beast.
Beauty and the Beast
Self - Host (uncredited)
The beautiful daughter of a merchant sacrifices her freedom to save her father from the punishment of a cursed beast.
Beauty and the Beast
Executive Producer
The beautiful daughter of a merchant sacrifices her freedom to save her father from the punishment of a cursed beast.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Snow White must flee from her evil stepmother. She's taken in by the lovable seven dwarves. Will the wicked queen be able to get rid of her rival?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Executive Producer
Snow White must flee from her evil stepmother. She's taken in by the lovable seven dwarves. Will the wicked queen be able to get rid of her rival?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Snow White's Mother / Self - Host
Snow White must flee from her evil stepmother. She's taken in by the lovable seven dwarves. Will the wicked queen be able to get rid of her rival?
Thumbelina is the answer to her mother's prayers but is all too soon stolen away by Mother Toad as a wife for her son. With the help of many different woodland creatures, especially the Swallow, Thumbelina overcomes many obstacles to try and get back to her mother.
Self - Host (uncredited)
Thumbelina is the answer to her mother's prayers but is all too soon stolen away by Mother Toad as a wife for her son. With the help of many different woodland creatures, especially the Swallow, Thumbelina overcomes many obstacles to try and get back to her mother.
Executive Producer
Thumbelina is the answer to her mother's prayers but is all too soon stolen away by Mother Toad as a wife for her son. With the help of many different woodland creatures, especially the Swallow, Thumbelina overcomes many obstacles to try and get back to her mother.
A lonely wood-carver named Geppetto wishes for a son one night before going to bed. The Blue Fairy comes while he sleeps and partially grants the wish by turning his latest puppet, Pinocchio, into a living marionette. Pinocchio can himself fulfill Geppetto's wish of a real human son if he can prove himself to be a good soul. However, the road to becoming a real boy seems to never end, since his innocence continuously causes a problem, especially when the Evil Gypsy and his two goons want to exploit him. Not to mention, every time that he misbehaves or lies, his nose grows...
Self - Host (uncredited)
A lonely wood-carver named Geppetto wishes for a son one night before going to bed. The Blue Fairy comes while he sleeps and partially grants the wish by turning his latest puppet, Pinocchio, into a living marionette. Pinocchio can himself fulfill Geppetto's wish of a real human son if he can prove himself to be a good soul. However, the road to becoming a real boy seems to never end, since his innocence continuously causes a problem, especially when the Evil Gypsy and his two goons want to exploit him. Not to mention, every time that he misbehaves or lies, his nose grows...
Executive Producer
A lonely wood-carver named Geppetto wishes for a son one night before going to bed. The Blue Fairy comes while he sleeps and partially grants the wish by turning his latest puppet, Pinocchio, into a living marionette. Pinocchio can himself fulfill Geppetto's wish of a real human son if he can prove himself to be a good soul. However, the road to becoming a real boy seems to never end, since his innocence continuously causes a problem, especially when the Evil Gypsy and his two goons want to exploit him. Not to mention, every time that he misbehaves or lies, his nose grows...
The Princess and the Pea
A bored prince realizes he would like a wife. His mother searches through all the kingdoms far and wide for a "suitable" princess. In the meantime, a charming and witty young lady, who claims to be a princess, shows up at the castle doorstep with a sprained ankle and is shown hospitality by the prince and his best friend the Fool.
The Princess and the Pea
Self - Host (uncredited)
A bored prince realizes he would like a wife. His mother searches through all the kingdoms far and wide for a "suitable" princess. In the meantime, a charming and witty young lady, who claims to be a princess, shows up at the castle doorstep with a sprained ankle and is shown hospitality by the prince and his best friend the Fool.
The Princess and the Pea
Executive Producer
A bored prince realizes he would like a wife. His mother searches through all the kingdoms far and wide for a "suitable" princess. In the meantime, a charming and witty young lady, who claims to be a princess, shows up at the castle doorstep with a sprained ankle and is shown hospitality by the prince and his best friend the Fool.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
A spirited young girl disobeys her parents and runs off to the wood for the afternoon where she rudely invades the home of a family of bears, taking advantage of all its comforts and thoughtlessly wrecking things. When caught, she learns important lessons about truthfulness and respecting others' rights to privacy.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Self - Host (uncredited)
A spirited young girl disobeys her parents and runs off to the wood for the afternoon where she rudely invades the home of a family of bears, taking advantage of all its comforts and thoughtlessly wrecking things. When caught, she learns important lessons about truthfulness and respecting others' rights to privacy.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Executive Producer
A spirited young girl disobeys her parents and runs off to the wood for the afternoon where she rudely invades the home of a family of bears, taking advantage of all its comforts and thoughtlessly wrecking things. When caught, she learns important lessons about truthfulness and respecting others' rights to privacy.
Hansel and Gretel
Abandoned by their parents, a young brother and sister try to find their way home. On the way, they find themselves trapped in the plot of a nasty witch.
Hansel and Gretel
Self - Host (uncredited)
Abandoned by their parents, a young brother and sister try to find their way home. On the way, they find themselves trapped in the plot of a nasty witch.
Hansel and Gretel
Executive Producer
Abandoned by their parents, a young brother and sister try to find their way home. On the way, they find themselves trapped in the plot of a nasty witch.
Little Red Riding Hood
A sheltered but adventurous young woman finds trouble when she encounters a wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood
Self - Host (uncredited)
A sheltered but adventurous young woman finds trouble when she encounters a wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood
Executive Producer
A sheltered but adventurous young woman finds trouble when she encounters a wolf.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Imaginative and creative Jack seeks adventure while trying to provide for himself and his mother. Will he ever solve the mystery of how his father died?
Jack and the Beanstalk
Self - Host (uncredited)
Imaginative and creative Jack seeks adventure while trying to provide for himself and his mother. Will he ever solve the mystery of how his father died?
Jack and the Beanstalk
Executive Producer
Imaginative and creative Jack seeks adventure while trying to provide for himself and his mother. Will he ever solve the mystery of how his father died?
Sleeping Beauty
A prince chases his destiny to an ancient castle in search of a cursed princess, thanks to the help of an informative lumberjack.
Sleeping Beauty
Self - Host (uncredited)
A prince chases his destiny to an ancient castle in search of a cursed princess, thanks to the help of an informative lumberjack.
Sleeping Beauty
Executive Producer
A prince chases his destiny to an ancient castle in search of a cursed princess, thanks to the help of an informative lumberjack.
The Nightingale
Executive Producer
A kitchen maid and a nightingale help save an emperor with the power of song and friendship.
The Nightingale
A kitchen maid and a nightingale help save an emperor with the power of song and friendship.
The Nightingale
Nightingale (voice) / Narrator (voice) / Self - Host
A kitchen maid and a nightingale help save an emperor with the power of song and friendship.
Executive Producer
A sinister witch steals the baby of a simple candlemaker and his wife and names her Rapunzel. Determined to keep Rapunzel for herself, the witch locks her up in a tall tower all alone, with no way in or out except by climbing her long, braided hair. Wonders and dangers occur when the girl meets a handsome prince.
A sinister witch steals the baby of a simple candlemaker and his wife and names her Rapunzel. Determined to keep Rapunzel for herself, the witch locks her up in a tall tower all alone, with no way in or out except by climbing her long, braided hair. Wonders and dangers occur when the girl meets a handsome prince.
Rapunzel / Marie, Rapunzel's Mother / Self - Host
A sinister witch steals the baby of a simple candlemaker and his wife and names her Rapunzel. Determined to keep Rapunzel for herself, the witch locks her up in a tall tower all alone, with no way in or out except by climbing her long, braided hair. Wonders and dangers occur when the girl meets a handsome prince.
Desperate to save her life, a miller's daughter makes a bargain with a strange character - After which, she must find a way to get out of this dangerous bargain.
Executive Producer
Desperate to save her life, a miller's daughter makes a bargain with a strange character - After which, she must find a way to get out of this dangerous bargain.
The Miller's Daughter / Self - Host
Desperate to save her life, a miller's daughter makes a bargain with a strange character - After which, she must find a way to get out of this dangerous bargain.
The Tale of the Frog Prince
A spoiled, selfish princess's fate becomes entwined with a zany and witty frog with a secret past.
The Tale of the Frog Prince
Self - Host (uncredited)
A spoiled, selfish princess's fate becomes entwined with a zany and witty frog with a secret past.
The Tale of the Frog Prince
Executive Producer
A spoiled, selfish princess's fate becomes entwined with a zany and witty frog with a secret past.
Twilight Theater
Television parody. Sketches include: Women Who Have Made It With Me, No-Arms Bandits, Pee-Wee's Playhouse, & Funky High School. Features a performance by Riders in the Sky & Devo's "Beautiful World" music video. Also, excerpts from Tom Tom Club's "Genius of Love" video, & QUASI AT THE QUACKADERO.
Бандиты во времени
Dame Pansy / Pansy
Лента рассказывает о шести предприимчивых карликах, которые устраивают обычному мальчику по имени Кевин грандиозное путешествие по туннелям времени. Дело в том, что крошечные бандиты завладели волшебной картой, принадлежавшей их бывшему хозяину — Верховному Существу, сотворившему Мир. С помощью заветной карты герои путешествуют из одной эпохи в другую и попадают в самые удивительные ситуации: они оказываются в компании подвыпившего Наполеона Бонапарта и царя Агамемнона, отправляются в плавание на корабле морского монстра и злополучном «Титанике», гостят в Шервудском лесу у Робин Гуда и пытаются выбраться из заточения Вечной Пустоты. Но помимо могущественного хозяина карты, ею хочет завладеть и Воплощение Зла, заточенное Высшим Существом в крепость Вечного Мрака.
Olive Oyl
В поисках отца Попай оказывается в приморском городке Свитхевен. Там он влюбляется в прекрасную Олив, однако она уже обещана здоровяку Блуто…
Making 'The Shining'
Directed and edited by Stanley Kubrick's daughter Vivian Kubrick, this film offers a look behind the scenes during the making of The Shining.
Wendy Torrance
Главный герой — Джек Торренс — приехал в элегантный уединенный отель, чтобы поработать смотрителем во время мертвого сезона вместе со своей женой и сыном. Торренс здесь раньше никогда не бывал. Или это не совсем так? Ответ лежит во мраке, сотканном из преступного кошмара.
The Paul Simon Special
Joan of Arc
Paul Simon just wants to perform his songs although an arrogant director keeps on interrupting him with crazy ideas.
Энни Холл
Главный герой фильма, работающий комиком, с юмором и иронией рассказывает о своей жизни, о людях, которые его окружают. Он скептически анализирует свои неудачи в личной жизни, в которой было несколько любимых женщин…
3 женщины
Set Decoration
Пинки Роуз, наивная молодая женщина, приезжает в коммуну в Калифорнийской пустыне, но скоро сбегает оттуда вместе с Милли Ламморо, которая тоже родом из Техаса и работала вместе с ней в медицинском учреждении. Милли, осознающая, что в мире есть такое понятие, как мода, живет в квартирном комплексе для одиноких и проводит вечера в баре для мотоциклистов. Пинки переезжает к Милли и заводит дружбу с Уилли, молчаливой, беременной женой Эдгара, которому принадлежит комплекс.
3 женщины
Mildred "Millie" Lammoreaux
Пинки Роуз, наивная молодая женщина, приезжает в коммуну в Калифорнийской пустыне, но скоро сбегает оттуда вместе с Милли Ламморо, которая тоже родом из Техаса и работала вместе с ней в медицинском учреждении. Милли, осознающая, что в мире есть такое понятие, как мода, живет в квартирном комплексе для одиноких и проводит вечера в баре для мотоциклистов. Пинки переезжает к Милли и заводит дружбу с Уилли, молчаливой, беременной женой Эдгара, которому принадлежит комплекс.
Bernice Bobs Her Hair
Bernice, a shy young woman, leaves her safe home to go visit her flapper cousin. When her cousin tries to teach Bernice how to be much more modern, Bernice gives her much more than she bargained for.
Баффало Билл и индейцы
The First Lady (Mrs. Cleveland)
Конец ХIХ века в Америке — это время, когда реальность легко становилась легендой и обыкновенные люди возвышались до мифических размеров. Этот период был временем Баффало Билла. Курьер компании «Пони Экспресс», кавалерийский разведчик, кавалер медали Чести, охотник на бизонов, шоумэн, актер, ставший идолом для женщин, и предприниматель Баффало Билл был национальным символом. Но чрезмерное употребление алкоголя и внимание публики не лучшим образом отразились на его характере и послужили причиной тому, что в реальности он далеко не всегда соответствовал образу легендарного героя. Когда Билл, в погоне за славой, уговаривает вождя индейского племени Сидящего Быка принять участие в шоу «Дикий Запад Баффало Билла», то совсем не ожидает, что тот имеет свой собственный тайный сценарий, включающий президента Америки и генерала Кастера.
Marthe aka "L. A. Joan"
Переплетения жизней 24 персонажей на фоне 27 музыкальных номеров образуют многослойную панораму столицы музыки кантри, города Нэшвилл, а заодно диагностируют социально-политические проблемы Америки, уставшей от уотергейтских разоблачений начала 1970-х и готовой с головой нырнуть в омут развлечений эпохи диско.
Воры как мы
Молодой убийца и бандит бегут вместе с матерым уголовником из каторжной тюрьмы Миссисипи. На свободе они снова принимаются за «работу», единственную, которую умеют делать, — грабить банки. Последнее ограбление проходит крайне неудачно, и банде приходится заплатить за все предыдущие успехи.
МакКейб и миссис Миллер
Ida Coyle
Тщеславие — опасная штука. Наш герой очень тщеславен, и поэтому при любом удобном случае выдает себя за крутого и безбашенного «стрелка», способного сбить пулей на лету муху и укокошить пару сотен недругов одним выстрелом. А на самом деле — он всего лишь мелкий жулик и игрок, постоянно мыкающийся в поисках денег. И вот однажды ему приходит в голову совершенно потрясающая идея Открыть в городишке самый настоящий публичный дом.
Брюстер МакКлауд
Комические приключения сироты, который мечтал о крыльях, а когда умудрился их сконструировать и собрался взлететь, появилась полиция.
Hello, I'm Shelley Duvall
Documentary chronicling Shelley Duvall's 32-year career as an actress and producer.