Narendra Bedi


Клянусь тебе, любовь моя
Главный персонаж фильма был разлучен с отцом еще в детстве. Прошло много лет, и он стал известным певцом с огромной армией поклонниц. Однажды он влюбился в дочь достаточно состоятельного индийского промышленника. Этот кинофильм был одним из самых популярных в свое время. Он обрел популярность, прежде всего, из-за того, что в нем используется музыка Р. Д. Бурмана. Буквально каждая композиция из фильма стала настоящим хитом.
Village bred farmer, brave, and honest, Dharamchand alias Dharma is thrilled when his wife, Radha, gives birth to a baby boy, who they decide to call Raju. Dharma comes to the rescue of Ajit, Suresh, and Sujit, when they are being attacked by a tiger, and they graciously offer him a job in Bombay whenever he needs it. When the region experiences drought, Dharma, Radha, Raju and Dharma's sister, Laxmi, re-locate to Bombay, where Ajit makes Dharma the Manager of his warehouse. Dharma does his job diligently, but one day is arrested by the police for carrying on illegal activities. When in court, he tries to prove his innocence, but is disbelieved and is sentenced to 18 months in jail plus an additional six months for contempt of court. When he returns home, everything has changed. His wife and Raju are near destitution; Laxmi has been raped by Sujit and has killed herself.
Village bred farmer, brave, and honest, Dharamchand alias Dharma is thrilled when his wife, Radha, gives birth to a baby boy, who they decide to call Raju. Dharma comes to the rescue of Ajit, Suresh, and Sujit, when they are being attacked by a tiger, and they graciously offer him a job in Bombay whenever he needs it. When the region experiences drought, Dharma, Radha, Raju and Dharma's sister, Laxmi, re-locate to Bombay, where Ajit makes Dharma the Manager of his warehouse. Dharma does his job diligently, but one day is arrested by the police for carrying on illegal activities. When in court, he tries to prove his innocence, but is disbelieved and is sentenced to 18 months in jail plus an additional six months for contempt of court. When he returns home, everything has changed. His wife and Raju are near destitution; Laxmi has been raped by Sujit and has killed herself.
Maha Chor
Orphaned at a young age, Neetu Singh lives a wealthy lifestyle in Raigadh in a palace which is presided over by her aunt, Rani Maa, and Neetu's paternal uncle, Rajan Singh. She travels and lives for a few years in Switzerland, then returns back to Bombay, India, and has a run-in with some slum-dwellers near Juhu. A few days later she is abducted by two men, who had initially claimed to be palace guards, and is rescued by a male named Raju Khan, a career thief and con-man, who was one of the slum dwellers in Juhu. She reaches Raigadh and shortly thereafter is shocked to find out that Raju is claiming to be the long-lost son of Rani Maa and her betrothed.
Ранджит и Пракаш преступники. Полиция все-таки поймала их и арестовала. У обоих преступников остались жены с сыновьями. Обе жены решили объединиться. И жена Ранджида переезжает вместе с сыном к жене Пракаша. Проходят годы, мальчики уже стали совсем взрослыми. Оба парня Салим и Дев стали музыкантами и выступают на свадьбах. Однажды парни становятся свидетелями убийства, преступниками оказываются их отцы. Дев и Салим вынуждены скрываться. Они переодеваются в женщин и идут работать в женский оркестр.
After helping a stabbing victim to the hospital, a man begins to receive anonymous threats. The only way to save his wife and child is to unravel the mystery of the killer's identity.
After helping a stabbing victim to the hospital, a man begins to receive anonymous threats. The only way to save his wife and child is to unravel the mystery of the killer's identity.
Khote Sikkay
Jhanga (Ajit) is a cruel, brutal, and heartless dacait, who has terrorized the entire countryside. The police are unable to capture him, as he has several hideouts and nearby villagers are afraid to give out any informaiton, fearing the reprisal of his wrath. A black cloaked horseback rider (Feroz Khan) is looking for Jhanga, to avenge the death of his dad, a judge (Satyen Kappu) who had convicted and sentenced Jhanga, however, whenever he comes close, Jhanga manages to escape. Then five men, all petty criminals, come to claim the reward for handing over Jhanga to the police. These five men do not trust the horseback rider, and will not have anything to do with him. While these men waste time who gets to Jhanga first, Jhanga is safe in his hideout, planning more attacks on the hapless community. Will Jhanga ever be apprehended?
Jawani Diwani
Madhu marries Ravi Anand, the son of a mere employee in her Thakur brother's household, and this results in her brother breaking all relations with her. Madhu moves in with Ravi, and his younger brother, Vijay. Years later, she gives birth to a son, and attempts to reconcile with her brother, to no avail. Then Vijay meets Neeta and both fall in love. Little does Vijay know that Neeta is none other Thakur's daughter, who has already been promised to Benny Sinha.
Дорога к счастью
Дхарма и Гаури любят друг друга. Но отец Дхармы — Дживан — вор и мошенник, а отец Гаури — Малик — ростовщик, самый богатый человек в округе. Однажды Дживан по вине Малика попал в тюрьму, его имущество конфисковали, и Дхарме пришлось уйти на заработки в город. А когда он через некоторое время вернулся домой на побывку, его обвинили в убийстве собственного отца. Не сразу была установлена правда..