Adolph Milar

Adolph Milar

Рождение : 1895-04-11, Davos, Switzerland

Смерть : 1950-05-25


Adolph Milar


Reunion in France
Gestapo Agent (uncredited)
Frenchwoman Michele de la Becque, an opponent of the Nazis in German-occupied Paris, hides a downed American flyer, Pat Talbot, and attempts to get him safely out of the country.
Paris Calling
Gestapo Agent
Marianne Jannetier, a well-to-do Parisian, engaged to Andre Benoit, a high-ranking government official, flees the city when the goose-stepping Nazi storm-troopers arrive. When her mother dies on the road to Bordeaux as a result of Nazi bombing, she returns to Paris and joins the underground movement. Nicholas Jordan, an American member of the RAF, stranded in Paris after the evacuation is also working with the Paris underground. Marianne kills her former fiancée, a pro-Nazi informant, for the traitorous state papers he is carrying, and she and Jordan try to flee over a French seaport...
Man Hunt
British hunter Thorndike vacationing in Bavaria has Hitler in his gun sight. He is captured, beaten, left for dead, and escapes back to London where he is hounded by German agents and aided by a young woman.
Так кончается наша ночь
Black Pig Proprietor
Йозеф Штайнер, Рут Голланд и Людвиг Керн бегут из Германии, спасаясь от нацистского режима. У каждого из них свои причины для бегства: Рут — еврейка, Йозеф, как и многие другие, не желает принимать фашистскую идеологию. С Людвигом ситуация сложнее — он сын еврейки и арийца. Он не знает, кому верить, что взять за истину в своей жизни, его терзают сомнения. Даже во время бегства есть место человеческим чувствам. Людвиг и Рут влюбляются друг в друга, а Йозеф пытается вернуть свою больную жену Марию. Идет война, нацисты вселяют страх, но находится место любви. По роману Эриха Марии Ремарка "Возлюби ближнего своего".
Salesman (uncredited)
An American goes to Germany to find his mother and discovers her in a concentration camp. With the help of an American-born widowed countess he seeks to engineer her escape.
Everything Happens at Night
First Sled Driver
Two reporters compete to discover a scientist living in hiding and win his daughter.
German on Train
In China, a singer and a journalist meet while traveling on a train attacked by bandits.
Pack Up Your Troubles
Ambulance Driver
Three American soldiers help a young girl deliver a secret message across enemy lines.
Man About Town
Producer Bob Temple, who's brought an American show to London, loves his star Diana, but she won't take him seriously as a lover. To show her, he picks up stranger Lady Arlington, whose financier husband neglects her. On a weekend at the Arlington country house, Bob is used by both Lady A. and her friend to make their husbands jealous; this works all too well, and Bob is in danger from both husbands.
Bridal Suite
Hotel Runner at Train Station
A carefree playboy with an aversion to marriage falls for a lass he meets in the French Alps.
Idiot's Delight
A group of disparate travelers are thrown together in a posh Alpine hotel when the borders are closed at the start of WWII.
Irish immigrant meets returning war correspondent on a liner bound for New York. When she resists the amours of another passenger, charges result in her being detained at Ellis Island.
I'll Give a Million
Gendarme (uncredited)
After saving a tramp from suicide, a millionaire takes his clothing and disappears. Word is out that he will give a million dollars to anyone who is kind to a tramp.
Восстание зомби
Gen. von Schelling
Действие происходит в Камбодже после Первой мировой войны. Злой граф Мазовия овладел тайными знаниями, позволяющими лишать людей воли и превращать их в зомби, и собирается создать расу рабовладельцев. К руинам Ангкор-Вата отправляется научная экспедиция, цель которой - открыть секрет зомбификации и положить конец деятельности Мазовии. Но у одного из участников экспедиции есть свои планы...
The Great Impersonation
German (uncredited)
The second of the three film versions of the E. Phillips Oppenheim espionage thriller set largely in an old dark house where a tremulous wife wonders if her husband is really his double, a dastardly German spy.
East of Java
Boer Trader
Survivors of a shipwreck find refuge on a tropical island--but so do the ship's cargo of lions and tigers.
Thunder in the Night
Party Servant
A whodunit set in Budapest, starring Edmund Lowe as a detective investigating the murder of an unemployed vaudeville actor.
Sons of Steel
Chadburne Steel is run by two brothers, old men. They each have different plans for their sons. Curtis (Holmes Herbert) has put Ronald (William Blakewell) through college in style...
Perils of Pauline
Capt. Drake
A famous scientist and his beautiful daughter travel to Indochina to find an ivory disc that has the formula for a deadly gas engraved on it. An evil doctor and his gang are also looking for it.
The Savage Girl
Erich Vernuth aka Alec Bernouth
An intoxicated millionaire commissions an expedition to Africa. A white jungle goddess falls in love with the millionaire's daring consort, incurring the wrath of the jungle itself.
Honeymoon Lane
Based on Dowling's 1925 stage vehicle of the same name, the story is set in motion when the king of the mythical European nation of Bulgravia visits an American health resort. Hero Tim Dugan appoints himself the king's unofficial protector, saving him from the larcenous designs of crooked gambler Arnold Bookstein.
Demon of the Sea
Ahab pursues a whale that chewed off a leg when his brother, vying with him for the hand of a minister's daughter, pushed him overboard. When he has caught the monstrous whale he will then deal with his brother.
Call of the Flesh
Police Officer (uncredited)
A student nun falls in love with a Mexican singer starring in a cafe next door to her convent.
Rain or Shine
Foltz, the Lion Tamer
Young Mary Rainey takes the reins of her deceased father's failing circus. With the help of the Inimitable Smiley Johnson, she hopes to bring fortune back to her ragtag band of ragged shoeleather performers.
The Medicine Man
Peter Schultz
The son and daughter of an abusive shopkeeper turn to a medicine show salesman for help.
Isle of Escape
Dutch Planter
On a South Sea island, Stella operates a hotel for her mother, who is constantly drunk on liquor smuggled by Shane, the principal trader and virtual dictator of the island. Dave Wade, exhausted from the heat, lands on the shore near the hotel and reports having escaped from a nearby cannibal island. Stella has her servants, Manua and Loru, care for him, but Shane, to whom she is married but with whom she has never lived, orders him taken to his house, intent on stealing his gold. In a drunken orgy, Shane takes the gold, provoking a fight in which Stella aids Wade. When Ma Blackney dies and Stella recovers the gold, she suggests they go to another island and establish a trading business; but because of a misunderstanding, Stella is kidnaped by the natives and taken to the cannibal island. Disregarding their differences, Wade and Shane join forces and go to the island; Shane sacrifices himself to stall the cannibals while Stella and Wade flee to the sea.
Бульдог Драммонд
Хью "Бульдог" Драммонд, британский ветеран Первой Мировой, в мирной жизни не находит себе место - ему слишком скучно среди повседневной, обывательской рутины. Но в тот момент, когда он занят поисками чего-то нового и волнующего, к нему обращается молодая девушка с просьбой спасти ее отца - того, без чьего-бы то ни было согласия, упекли в частную лечебницу, где пытаются силой отнять все его состояние. "Бульдог" Драммонд просто не может остаться в стороне...
The Michigan Kid
The Michigan Kid is a gambler in the backwoods of Alaska trying to make enough money to go back to his hometown and impress the girl he loves. His childhood rival for the girl happens to turn up at his casino, in trouble and doesn't want his girl to find about it.
Clothes Make the Woman
Bolshevik Leader
A young Russian peasant feels pity for the Princess Anastasia and saves her life by accidentally wounding her in the massacre of the Romanovs during the Russian Revolution.
The Devil's Skipper
Mate Cornish (as Adolph Millar)
The Devil's Skipper was based on Demetrios Contos, a seafaring yarn by Jack London. Effectively cast against type, Belle Bennett plays a wronged woman who becomes the most brutal and feared slave-ship captain on the Seven Seas.
The Gateway of the Moon
Rudolf Gottman
John Griffith Wray silent South America romantic melodrama starring Dolores Del Rio, Walter Pidgeon, Anders Randolf, Lesle Fenton, and Noble Johnson.
Wandering Papas
The Hermit (as Adolph Millar)
A cook for bridge constructors is told to collect food for dinner-Ritz style trout, Palmer house rabbit and a 15cm frosted cake. He sets off into the wide open spaces to collect the food, coming into contact with a mad hermit, who hates anybody seeing his daughter, before returning to cook dinner
Marriage in Transit
A gang of crooks led by Holden steals a government code, and Cyril Gordon, a Secret Service agent who bears a strong resemblance to the gang leader, is assigned to recover the stolen documents.
Fury is a 1923 silent film
My Friend the Devil
Dryden's Stepfather
Silent romantic drama...