Приехавший в Лондон из Дремучего Перу медвежонок стремится обрести в британской столице новый дом и стать настоящим английским джентльменом. В этом смелому и предприимчивому путешественнику решает помочь семейство Браунов, обнаружившее маленького скитальца на Паддингтонском вокзале.
Prizak (uncredited)
Место и время действия жестко ограничены; герои — пассажиры корабля — люди разных национальностей, представители разных слоев общества, и команда гигантского лайнера «Вера». Один из пассажиров философствующий карлик Глокен, дает лайнеру новое имя «Корабль дураков».
Им предстоит совместно совершить рейс из порта Веракрус (Мексика) в Бремерхафен. Они «обречены на совместное путешествие», которое продлится несколько недель. Чужие друг другу люди, предстают неким символом человеческого сообщества, отягощенного пороками и низменными страстями, которые, в конечном счете, по мнению Портер, и сделали возможным приход к власти Гитлера.
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Фильм о юристе из Алабамы, воспитывающем без матери своих двоих детей. Помимо темы расовых предрассудков на Юге, это рассказ о том, как двое детей из мира фантазий делают первые шаги в совершенно иной мир подростков, где уже формируются такие понятия, как благородство, сострадание, справедливость и неравенство. В обстановке экономической депрессии, преисполненной фанатизма и ненависти, мудрый, мягкий, с тихой речью и великолепными манерами алабамский юрист должен защищать в суде негра, ложно обвиненного в изнасиловании.
Senator (uncredited)
Роберт Леффингуэлл кандидат на пост государственного секретаря. В Сенате по его персоне нет единодушия. Сторонники Леффингуэлла пытаются протолкнуть назначение, но и среди них нет согласия — молодой сенатор Брингэм Андерсон, чей голос чрезвычайно важен, не хочет поддержать лидера своей партии. Это приводит к тому, что сенатор Фред ван Аккерман, беспощадный, рвущийся к власти коллега, начинает шантажировать Андерсона. Он находит доказательства гомосексуализма Андерсона и угрожает их обнародовать в прессе, если тот не проголосует «правильно». Это неожиданно приводит к самым трагическим последствиям.
Courtroom Reporter (uncredited)
Этот фильм посвящен событиям 1925 года в Дейтоне, штат Теннесси, когда школьный учитель был осужден за преподавание эволюционной теории, что в то время было запрещено. Несмотря на моральную победу адвоката (ранее протестовавшего против такого запрета) в этих дебатах, учитель был осужден и приговорен к штрафу в 100 долларов.
Sardi's Patron (uncredited)
Лэрри Маккей, профессор колумбийского университета, становится ведущим театральным критиком Нью-Йорка и постепенно приобретает репутацию беспристрастного и порой безжалостного рецензента. Его жена Кейт мечтает о переезде в загородный дом, более подходящий для них и их четырёх сыновей, чем тесная нью-йоркская квартира. После переезда в деревню Кейт начинает принимать активное участие в постановке спектакля местными энтузиастами и совершенно довольна загородной жизнью. Лэрри же всё больше и больше погружается в театральную среду Нью-Йорка и вынужден разрываться между работой и семьёй.
Observer at Scene (uncredited)
A mysterious hypnotist is suspected by the police of being responsible for a wave of young, attractive women committing various forms of self-mutilation.
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Сэру Уилфриду Робэртсу, престарелому адвокату, бережно опекаемому медсестрой мисс Плимсолл, поступает предложение защищать интересы Леонарда Стивена Воула, которому инкриминируется убийство. В невиновности подопечного его убеждает искренность чувств красивой женщины - Кристин Воул, в девичестве Хелм, и многоопытный юрист берётся за дело.
Американский фильм, действие которого происходит на границе Мексики, - разоблачает продажность и коррупцию, царящие в маленьком городке, превращённом при поддержке местных властей в центр торговли наркотиками и женщинами.
Newspaper Worker (uncredited)
Смерть медиамагната Амоса Кайна вызывает борьбу за власть между руководителями подразделений его империи. Тем временем нью-йоркские женщины становятся жертвами серийного убийцы, прозванного "Помадный убийца". Репортер Эдвард Мобли в этих обстоятельствах становится ключевой фигурой в расследовании этого дела.
Thief (archive footage) (uncredited)
Joe Besser and Jim Hawthorne are detectives trying to recover stolen jewels. They see a necklace on a furry arm, and deduce that a man wearing a fur coat was the thief. They, instead, encounter a gorilla.
Nick - Thief (uncredited)
Hired as guards to protect an antique shop, Joe and Jim run into a gorilla who has been trained by a gang of thieves to rob the store.
Motorcycle Cop
A soldier survives a bombing in which his three fellow soldiers were killed. When he recovers he discovers he has amnesia, and since his companions' bodies were burned beyond recognition, the army doesn't know which one of the four he is. He goes AWOL and searches out the families of the three dead soldiers, hoping to find out his own identity.
Motor Officer
Duke and Jeanie Benson, an outlaw couple hiding out under assumed names. Duke realizes that he has a winning sweepstake ticket and will win $150,000 if he can cash it in without getting apprehended
Baseball Player (uncredited)
This short film highlights the odd 1930s fad of playing baseball while riding donkeys.
Deputy Sheriff (uncredited)
John and Mary Sims are city-dwellers hit hard by the financial fist of The Depression. Driven by bravery (and sheer desperation) they flee to the country and, with the help of other workers, set up a farming community - a socialist mini-society based upon the teachings of Edward Gallafent. The newborn community suffers many hardships - drought, vicious raccoons and the long arm of the law - but ultimately pull together to reach a bread-based Utopia.
Motorcycle Cop
Taken to a hospital, after suffering a dizzy spell, Charley is told by a 'nut', posing as a doctor, that he suffers from 'Tetra-Ethyl", and the only remedy is to sit down, relax, clear the mind and recite a nursery rhyme. The fake doctor gives Charley a package to deliver to Mr. Henderson, the "Supreme Crown of the Knights of the Brown Derby." At the hotel, hosting a convention of "Brown Derbies," Charley suffers a dizzy spell and the only place he can find to sit down is in Mr. Henderson's lap, where he recites "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Mr. Henderson, it is revealed, also suffers from "Tetra-Ethyl." Seized by an attack, Henderson sits down and tries to recite "Who Killed Cock Robin," but forgets the lines, which Charley and Henderson's daughter, Betty, sing in a song together. That, coming at the end of the second reel,is all it takes for Charley and Betty to decide to get married.
Практически, это продолжение фильма «Окружная больница». Нога у Оливера болит (подагра) и доктор рекомендует им со Стэном поехать пожить на природе, в горах, на чистом воздухе. И наши друзья, арендовав небольшой трейлер, тронулись в путь. Но надо же было так случится, они остановились невдалеке от избушки, где только что полиция арестовала бутлегеров! А перед арестом бутлегеры успели вылить несколько бочек своего виски в ближайший колодец! Стэну и Олли очень понравилась колодезная вода, вкусная и немного щекочущая горло. А тут к ним в гости зашли Чарли Холл с женой, у которых кончился бензин. Жена попросила попить, а Чарли попросил у друзей канистру бензина, получил ее и пошел за машиной.
Продолжение этой же сюжетной линии – «Tit For Tat» («Зуб за зуб»).
Jeanette and Eddie get married, but their wedding night is a fiasco. First, their wedding guests follow them, resulting in a police chase, then the guests show up at their apartment, disrupting the building. Then, a rowdy sailor friend of Eddie's shows up, accompanied by a squad of even rowdier buddies and an enormous vengeful mosquito.
Motorcycle Cop No. 3
Miss Madeline Fane is a famous California screen star who has been devoted to her baby son Michael since her husband's death the previous year. One morning she awakens to find Michael has been kidnapped. After a day, she calls in the police, who instantly begin an all-out search.
Motorcycle Officer Baker
The girls win a car in a raffle.
Traffic Cop
Charley falls in love with Betty on a camping trip.
Charley and his buddies are captured and imprisoned by an Arabian sultan.
Motorcycle Cop
After running over a police officer's motorcycle, Ben and Billy are chased by the law onto a docked ship where they disguise themselves as a European baron and general. In the same guises they then invade a high society party with the gendarmes in close pursuit.
Patrolman (uncredited)
When the boys run over a dummy, they think they've killed someone. They decide to dispose of the "body" and mistake a seminary for a cemetery.
When Billy must prove that he's married in order to keep his job, he disguises Ben in drag in an attempt to pass him off as the little woman.
Tired Feet (1933) is a Harry Langdon comedy short done for Educational Films.
Daisy is visiting her sailor boyfriend Glenn aboard a submarine when it leaves port. Fearful of what may happen if an officer discovers a woman on board, she is hidden in a big chest.
The Globe Broadcasting Company does a radio broadcast from Dutch New Guinea, with the aborigines as performers.
Train Official (uncredited)
A small country on the verge of bankruptcy is persuaded to enter the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics as a means of raising money.
Police Chief
Stan and Ollie check into a seedy hotel and help a young girl escape the clutches of the landlord. They are forced to flee the hotel with no money and Ollie arranges for Stan to fight at a local boxing hall for $50. Stan's opponent turns out to be Musgy who uses a loaded glove. During the fight the glove is swapped and Stan triumphs only to find that Ollie has bet their fee that he would lose.
The Hardys wish to have a quiet evening in their apartment, but are interrupted when the Laurels pay a visit. Stan and Ollie go out for ice cream, and manage to prevent a shrewish woman from committing suicide on the way back home. The woman is ungrateful and makes threats against the them unless they look after her. They spend a chaotic evening trying to keep her hidden from their wives.
Police Sergeant Schroeder (uncredited)
The boyfriends rush into action when the girlfriends think there's a burglar in the house.
Some college students attend a nightclub, "The Pirate's Den", that the Dean of the college has declared off-limits to students. They start to wreck it in their playful mood when another student arrives disguised as the Dean, and they all vacate the premises. The student tells the proprietor that if he will returns the I.O.U.s signed by a student, he will see to it that the students visit his place every night. He, of course, is the student who signed the tab. But the real Dean then shows up.
Boxing Fight Referee (uncredited)
Маленький Бродяга встречает красивую слепую девушку, торгующую цветами на улице, которая по ошибке принимает его за богатого герцога. Узнав о том, что операция может вернуть ей зрение, маленький Бродяга пускается на поиски денег.
A wife demands that her husband take over the household responsibilities, while she does his job, unaware that he is a piano mover. They both land in the hospital, sadder and sicker as a result of their experience.
Mickey overhears the gang rehearsing a play and thinks it's real.
Minor Role (uncredited)
Revenuers have been chasing a gang of bootleggers for years. They're hot on the trail near a gas station operated by Harry, a seemingly slow witted fellow with a cheery and spunky girlfriend. A shootout between treasury agents and the gang - they transport the hooch in manikins seated in a touring car - takes place in front of Harry's filling station. While Harry's gal stays outside, Harry carries the liquor-filled dummies into the station. Will there be a reward for the heroics of Harry and his honey?
Charles Murray is running for mayor. Opponent Eddie Baker has a young woman go into his shoe shop and, while changing stockings, say things that will alienate the women voters; Baker tells her it's a practical joke, and he'll get her boy friend out of jail.
Как известно, Северо-западная конная полиция всегда забирает своих людей, никто не сможет скрыться от них. А вспомогательный отряд службы шерифа заберет все, что угодно - от рояля до Большого Каньона. Именно в таком вспомогательном отряде служат Лорел и Харди. Шериф поручает им забрать у мистера Кеннеди радиоприемник, взносы за который тот не платил с 1921 года и наши друзья решительно отправляются выполнять свой профессиональный долг.
Eddie Barry bewilders himself backstage at a show.
A man believes that the baby in his livingroom is the "surprise" his wife messaged him about, and must contend with the real father's attempts to get his daughter back.
A man believes that the baby in his livingroom is the "surprise" his wife messaged him about, and must contend with the real father's attempts to get his daughter back.
The Petty Officer
Billy Dooley is sent on a mission inside a submarine.
Jimmie Adams comedy produced by Al Christie.
Jack Duffy had two skills that helped make him the lead in a nice series of short comedies in the 1920s: the usual ability to take one of the bone-breaking falls that slapstick called for and the ability to make himself up as an old coot, which gave him a nice character and made the pratfalls more impressive. In this one he manages to get himself tangled up coming down the pole at the fire station -- very amusing.
'One-Round' Demsky
Wimpy sailor boy Billy Epsom has just arrived from New Guinea with a guinea pig in a box for his sweetheart. But today's newspaper headline reads, "Guinea Pig With Deadly Germs Roaming Our Streets". Billy causes havoc at the Yellow Cab stand when a cabbie catches sight of his cute little "piggy". Billy sets out to see his girl at her father's mansion. On the streetcar, he takes the guinea pig out of its box. Soon passengers and driver are diving off, and the runaway car is gaining on a dynamite truck!
A Rin Tin Tin comedy spoof.
The Stage Manager
Chaos behind the scenes at a show.
James Parrott joins every lodge in town to get in good with people as he tries to sell his fire extinguishers.
Bobby Vernon out camping.
This funny Hal Roach comedy has Jimmy Jump (Charley Chase) waking up late for his wedding so in the mad rush he ends up leaving his house only dressed in his pajamas. As he makes his way to the church he finds one disaster after another.
Wide Open Spaces is a 1924 Western silent film starring Stan Laurel.
Dave Fiasco - Producer
Jimmy Jump's young wife goes in strongly for amateur theatricals. After one of her performances a theater manager signs her up. He opens a publicity campaign by having her appear in public in spectacular costumes, with a monkey for a pet. The monkey gets away and Jimmy is elected to capture it. When peace once more descends upon them, the young wife decides to give up her career and devote her time to Jimmy.
A couple of pals tries to stay out of trouble, without much luck.
A 1924 silent comedy.
Stable Hand
Stan Laurel as a harness racing jockey who must win a big race.
The Real Estate Agent
A lightning rod salesman gets in the middle of a western shootout.
Jimmy's Rival
A man tries to win over the daughter of his boss.
'Snub' Pollard as a eccentric movie director.
During the Alaska gold rush, a miner hits the mother lode, but a corrupt sheriff jumps his claim, leading to a tremendous fight.
In order to escape from the police after a small car accident, Bobby dresses as a girl and a sailor in a boat ride.
Hal Roach produced comedy has Will Rogers playing the title character, a rather slow, dimwitted man who works on a ranch where he usually gets pushed around at. A woman (Marie Mosquini) comes to town looking for someone to help her photograph some of the animals so she picks Hank and soon regrets it.
A feckless young man who wishes to switch from one streetcar to another is told to follow a pretty young lady-- so he follows her all over town.
James Parrott, little Sammy Brooks, Baker and Jones ("the strong guy" = the drunk) are all workers on a construction-sit run by violent and exploitative boss Noah Young and it is a "building a skyscraper" comedy.
Jack Reynolds (as Ed Baker)
Her Dangerous Path
Orange Blossom
Комедия, о том, что случилось однажды на цитрусовой плантации. Множество смешных ударов, падений, путаниц, бросаний - как апельсинов, так и ящиков, людей и всего прочего...
Stan is Phillip McCann, a gas station attendant who arrives at his job by chauffeur and donning a fur coat over his work clothes. After being dropped off, he puts his sign on the doorframe and wanders off to a nearby cafe where waitress Katherine Grant serves him an egg, medium rare, and a cup of tea, well done....
Laundry Worker
Collars and Cuffs is a 1923 silent comedy film starring Stan Laurel.
James Parrott as a very persistent book salesman.
The setting is a shoe store and the action is pretty frenetic. You get to see Paul lose the store's money, catch a shoe thief, knock down a bunch of shelves and more.
A silent comedy short starring Jobyna Ralston and James Parrott.
A James Parrott comedy short.
The Porter
Arrow comedy shot in 1921 but released 2 years later, with an ensemble cast including Jay Belasco, Blanche Payson, Billy Armstrong and Jack Duffy. The plot centers around Jack and his wife who are looking for a place to rent. But what to do when the housing situation is not exactly easy?
Paul is practicing the art of being a cowboy. He consults a book before firing his gun, climbing onto a saddle on top of a chair and then falling off and dressing his wounds. He then gets back on his 'saddle' and fires his gun again, this time in the direction of another man who has just entered the room. Paul leaves abruptly and rides into town on a horse, and straight through a crowded saloon. A town marshal sees this as act act of bravery and rewards Paul with a sheriff's badge immediately. A fearful rival makes his mark when he lights his cigarette by tossing it into the air and shooting at it to ignite it!
Sheriff Stumblefoot
Paul's career as a shoeshine man is interrupted when he is mistaken for an escaped convict, but after the Station Master gives him a job at the train station he proves his worth.
The Golf Bug,1922, directed by James D. Davis, starring James "Paul" Parrott and Jobyna Ralston, is a short silent comedy film.
Paul Parrott comedy produced by Hal Roach.
In this 1922 Pathe-distributed, Hal Roach silent-era comedy, the owner of a local streetcar business is in danger of losing his franchise, but the streetcar operator (played by Paul Parrott) and his girl friend (who happens to be the boss's daughter; portrayed by Jobyna Ralston) try to save the day.
A couple of old guys remembering the old days when courting Marie Mosquini.
The Suspicious Husband
Eddie suspects his wife of having an affair with Snub. Snub, meanwhile, just wants to get to work on time.
Thirty years in the future (when women are primary income-earners and men are stay-at-home housekeepers) Miss Hap is elected Fire Chief and leads her crew of firefighters to rescue a couple trapped in a burning building.
Gale Henry gets hired as the cook at a girls’ college.
Jip Yu
Detective Lizzie sets out to recover the stolen plans for an invention.
A comedy short featuring Mildred Davis
Web of office romance entanglements lead to slapstick hijinks at a fly paper company.