The story opens with Richard Thursby's murder and the abduction of his wife, Janice. Former cop and martial arts expert, Philip Sloane, is retained by family and flies to Manila in search of clues. He's joined by an old friend, Pete Saimi, and Thursby's sister, Cynthia in an adveture which includes a worldwide religious cult, Chinese overlord, a brothel and cave-dwelling cannibal pygmies. Must be seen to be believed!
A junior executive is ordered to boost output in the hometown brewery where his old friends work.
Supervising Editor
В начале 1960-х межрасовая супружеская пара подвергается гипнозу и вспоминает события, произошедшие на пустынной дороге. Вскоре они начинают верить, что были похищены инопланетянами.
Supervising Editor
A family tribe of Cro-Magnons faces hardships, such as hunger, animal attacks, Neanderthal attacks, and death from injuries as they migrate to find a more bountiful land to live on.
Supervising Editor
A father finds himself taking care of a family that, in addition to his son and three daughters, also consists of two sons-in-law and his youngest daughter's Chinese boyfriend.
Supervising Editor
NASA must devise a strategy to return Apollo 13 to Earth safely after the spacecraft undergoes massive internal damage putting the lives of the three astronauts on board in jeopardy.
Editorial Consultant
When she was raped, Ellen thought it was the worst thing to ever happen to her. What was worse, was the treatment by the hospital staff, police and the court system, when she reported it, and the man was caught.
Editorial Coordinator
A woman kills her lover's wife, then sets out to frame her husband for the murder.
Editorial Staff
Charlie Chan comes out of retirement to investigate a murder case aboard the yacht of a wealthy Greek shipping tycoon.
Supervising Editor
A museum heist with an unusual twist: the three thieves are all physically disabled. The men, one confined to a wheelchair, one with prosthetic hands, and one blind, plan to steal a valuable statue. The men use teamwork and ingenuity to beat the high-tech security and get in and out with the statue. However, their plan is not foolproof, as a museum guard recognizes their M.O. and pays them a visit.
Supervising Editor
Космонавт и лётчик-испытатель полковник Стив Остин получает тяжелейшие травмы во время катастрофы экспериментального ракетоплана. Он лишается глаза, одной руки и обеих ног. Служба Стратегических Операций готова заплатить шесть миллионов долларов за специальные бионические протезы, которые должны сделать его быстрее, сильнее и лучше обычного человека. За это он должен стать тайным агентом ССО. Первое проверочное задание уже ждет Стива Остина…
Supervising Editor
A spinster and her widowed sister, who are the authors of murder-mystery novels, try to track down the killer of a former movie star. This TV pilot film became a series of rotating movies the following season.
Supervising Editor
A woman is trapped during a storm in a house with no electricity or phone. A killer has murdered her sister, stuffed the body in the basement, and is now after her.
Supervising Editor
An ex-schoolteacher is asked by the police to help locate a missing heiress.
Supervising Editor
Главный детектив Шерлок Холмс должен раскрыть дело об убийстве на краю болота Дартмур, которое приписывают кровожадной собаке-призраку. Однако ему попадаются самые земные происки коварного убийцы. Страшная, атмосферная экранизация известного детективного романа сэра Артура Конан Дойля.
Supervising Editor
A wealthy former mental patient goes home to her estate to rest and recuperate. While walking the grounds one day she hears the screams of a woman coming from underneath the ground. Her family, however, refuses to believe her story, and sees the incident as an opportunity to prove the woman's mind has snapped so they can take control of her money.
Supervising Editor
An outgoing young girl and a square stockbroker meet on a park bench in Boston and are mistaken for international spies and chased by both sides.
Supervising Editor
The son of a U.S. Senator takes on the cause of clean air when a friend dies of emphysema.
Supervising Editor
An adventurous young gambler searches for the owner of a mysterious fortune.
Supervising Editor
A psychiatrist specializing in the occult becomes involved in the case of a man who is possessed by a spirit in an antique mirror. The man's fiance discovers that the mirror is able to bring back her former boyfriend, who had been killed in a car accident, from the dead.
Also known as "Dragnet 1966," this TV movie was originally the pilot for the 1967 relaunch of the original 1950s "Dragnet" radio show and TV show (which also had it's own movie in 1954, from the same creative team). However, the pilot wasn't actually aired until 1969. In this feature-length entry, Sgt. Joe Friday is called back from vacation to work with his partner, Officer Bill Gannon, on a missing persons case. Two amateur female models and a young war widow have vanished, having been last seen with one J. Johnson. In the course of tracking down Johnson and the young ladies, the detectives wind up with two different descriptions of the suspect, one of which closely resembles a dead body found in a vacant lot. But the dead man, later identified as Charles LeBorg of France, proves not to be J. Johnson, when a third young model disappears.
Supervising Editor
Психиатру доктору Рею Флеммингу хочется свободы от надоевшего брака с ревнивой женой Кэрол. Когда во время празднования годовщины их свадьбы раздается телефонный звонок от его любовницы-актрисы Джоан Хадсон, он говорит жене, что едет к пациенту, а сам устремляется на свидание. Кэрол сразу понимает, что звонила женщина. Возвратившегося домой Рея ждет очередной скандал. но у него и его любовницы есть план как избавиться от надоевшей жены: они решаются на убийство. Изворотливость и ложь психиатра не останавливают от следствия простоватого на вид детектива-лейтенанта Коломбо...
Editorial Services
В Бэннере власть принадлежит железнодорожной компании. Нанятые ею головорезы устанавливают порядки, выгодные только ей. Жители либо в страхе пресмыкаются перед властями, либо берутся за оружие. Посреди этой жестокой действительности оказывается потрепанный незнакомец, который прибыл в город неизвестно зачем и неизвестно к кому.
Supervising Editor
A bomb on board an airliner has an altitude-sensitive trigger. Unless a ransom is paid, it will explode when the plane descends to land.
A gunman whose best friend has been murdered enacts a plan to blackmail the corrupt labor union leader responsible but finds he isn't the only one after his money.
Наёмные убийцы Чарли и Ли убивают бывшего автогонщика Джонни Норта. Они знают, что Норт участвовал в ограблении на миллион долларов и хотят найти этот миллион. А также их интересует вопрос, почему жертва не пыталась от них скрыться. Они узнают о прошлом Джонни Норта, находят его подельников, его возлюбленную и того, кто заказал его убийство.
An old ballplayer, thrown out of baseball due to a bribery scandal, becomes friends with a young phenom. The younger player is at first tainted by his association with the oldtimer, but eventually the truth about the scandal is revealed.