Frederick Lonsdale

Рождение : 1881-02-05, St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands

Смерть : 1954-04-04


On Approval
Theatre Play
Adaptation of the play by Frederick Lonsdale
The Law and the Lady
Theatre Play
A former housemaid (Garson) now works as a confidence trickster, but her plans for a big job in California go awry.
On Approval
Two wealthy Victorian widows are courted tentatively by two impoverished British aristocrats. When one of the dowagers suggests that her beau go away with her for a month to see if they are compatible, the fireworks begin.
Конец миссис Чейни
Theatre Play
Миссис Фэй Чейни - богатая американская вдова - прибывает в Лондон и быстро входит в высшее общество. Она становится объектом ухаживания немолодого уже лорда Келтона и молодого плейбоя лорда Артура Диллинга. Сама миссис Чейни склонна отдать предпочтение лорду Келтону. Однажды во время великосветского приёма в доме герцогини Эбби Артур Диллинг обнаруживает в саду дворецкого миссис Чейни, Чарльза, в котором он узнаёт некоторое время назад задержанного в Монте-Карло известного вора, специализирующегося на краже драгоценностей. Артур начинает догадываться об истинных причинах появления Фэй в доме герцогини, которая известна как обладательница знаменитого жемчужного ожерелья.
The Private Life of Don Juan
What do women want? Don Juan is aging. He's arrived secretly in Seville after a 20 year absence. His wife Dolores, whom he hasn't lived with in five years, still loves him. He refuses to see her; he fears the life of a husband. She has bought his debts and will remand him to jail for two years if he won't come to her. Meanwhile, an impostor is climbing the balconies of Seville claiming to be Don Juan.
Leave It to Smith
Theatre Play
A pair of con men in Monte Carlo attach themselves to a nouveau rich American snob with a weakness for titles...
Un cattivo soggetto
Aren't We All?
Original Story
Because his father, Lord Grenham, spends more time philandering with attractive women than conducting business, Willie Tatham is forced to interrupt his honeymoon with his wife Margot in the south of France and return to London to get his father to sign an important contract. While Margot, an actress, goes to a small resort where she will not be recognized, Kitty Lake, one of the young women Lord Grenham pursues, flirts with Willie. Two weeks pass and when Willie tells Margot on the telephone that he must stay in town, she threatens to engage in a violent flirtation with the next attractive man she sees. Karl von der Heide, from Vienna, who is waiting to use the telephone, overhears her and begins a flirtation. She identifies herself to him as Mrs. Margaret Spaulding, and they pursue the beginnings of a romance until Margot suddenly returns home.
The Maid of the Mountains
Theatre Play
A British musical film directed by Lupino Lane
Women Who Play
Theatre Play
In order to deter his wife from having an affair a man hires an actress as part of an elaborate scheme.
The Passionate Plumber
Theatre Play
Paris plumber Elmer Tuttle is enlisted by socialite Patricia Alden to help make her lover Tony Lagorce jealous. With the help of his friend Julius J. McCracken and through the high society contacts he has made through Patricia, Elmer hopes to find financing for his latest invention, a pistol with a range-finding light. Comic complications ensue when Elmer's effort to interest a military leader is misconstrued as an assassination attempt.
Lovers Courageous
Theatre Play
A daydreaming dramatist and his beloved persevere through hard times in the hope that one of his plays will be a hit.
Lovers Courageous
A daydreaming dramatist and his beloved persevere through hard times in the hope that one of his plays will be a hit.
The Devil to Pay!
Spendthrift Willie Hale again returns penniless to the family home in London. His father is none too pleased, but Willie smooth-talks him into letting him stay. At the same time he turns the charm on Dorothy Hope, whose father is big in linoleum and who, before Willie's arrival, was about to become engaged to a Russian aristocrat.
The Devil to Pay!
Spendthrift Willie Hale again returns penniless to the family home in London. His father is none too pleased, but Willie smooth-talks him into letting him stay. At the same time he turns the charm on Dorothy Hope, whose father is big in linoleum and who, before Willie's arrival, was about to become engaged to a Russian aristocrat.
Canaries Sometimes Sing
Theatre Play
Over the course of their marriage, Geoffrey Lymes has become increasingly exasperated by the shallowness and superficiality of his wife Anne. He despairs of her ridiculous affectations, social-climbing aspirations and constant embarrassing attempts in company to show herself as an elegant, cultured sophisticate. He feels trapped in a relationship where, as he observes, a wife "does nothing to entitle her husband to divorce her, but a thousand things that entitle him to murder her".
The Lady of Scandal
Theatre Play
A famous British actress gets involved with two members of a reserved British noble family, whose plan to get rid of her backfires.
Конец миссис Чейни
Theatre Play
Миссис Фэй Чейни, вдова богатого австралийца, устраивает благотворительный концерт в своём доме в Лондоне, на котором присутствуют её знакомые из высшего общества. За ней ухаживают престарелый и занудный, но богатый лорд Элтон и обаятельный плейбой лорд Артур Дилинг, а сама миссис Чейни пока что склонна отдать предпочтение лорду Элтону. Среди её гостей также находится и миссис Уэбли, тётушка лорда Дилинга, которая в ответ приглашает Фэй Чейни к себе на приём.
A Kiss in the Dark
Based on a Frederick Lonsdale Broadway play.