Andrus Kivirähk
Рождение : 1970-08-17, Tallinn, Estonia
Andrus Kivirähk (born 17 August 1970) is an Estonian writer, a playwright, topical satirist, and screenwriter. As of 2004, 25,000 copies of his novel Rehepapp ehk November (Old Barny or November) had been sold, making him the most popular 21st century Estonian writer. His book Mees, kes teadis ussisõnu (The Man Who Spoke Snakish) (2007) has been one of the top selling books in Estonia. He has been a member of the Estonian Writers' Union (in Estonian: Eesti Kirjanike Liit) since 1996.
Based on Andrus Kivirähk's books "Poo and spring", "Carnival and Potato Salad" and "Ghost and Facebook", the film tells about longing, friendship, love, family and fears, which often have big eyes. The adventures of the strange characters are spiced with the characteristic warm and bold humor of Kivirähk, wittily weaving together the boundless fantasy of children and the living conditions of the modern world.
Based on Andrus Kivirähk's books "Poo and spring", "Carnival and Potato Salad" and "Ghost and Facebook", the film tells about longing, friendship, love, family and fears, which often have big eyes. The adventures of the strange characters are spiced with the characteristic warm and bold humor of Kivirähk, wittily weaving together the boundless fantasy of children and the living conditions of the modern world.
A stray dog gives birth to the main character Poo, on a marvellous spring day. The young Poo befriends a Sparrow, who educates him in ways of life. Observing loving sparrow family’s ventures from his shanty throughout autumn and winter, a desire for a beloved arises in Poo’s heart.
A wide range of relatives and acquaintances have traveled to a funeral, and as is typical of Estonians, the sad event turns into a comical one as the evening develops. The primordial disputes that arise among the Estonians take on hyperbolic dimensions as events unfold, creating misunderstandings.
У замечательной девочки-собачки Лотте появляется маленькая сестричка Роози. В Деревню изобретателей приезжают ученые: енот Карл и рыба Виктор, которые участвуют в большом конкурсе собирателей народных песен. Главный приз конкурса достанется тому, кому посчастливится записать народную песню старейших из представителей животного мира – мифических огнедышащих драконов. Лотте и Роози решают помочь ученым. Впереди их ждут увлекательные и неожиданные приключения.
Два старых жулика, Маркус и Эдуард, которые провели большую часть своей жизни за стенами тюрьмы, выходят на волю. Мир снаружи изменился, и вот они, движимые прошлыми планами и мечтами, желают изменить свою жизнь. Всё происходящее с ними — новая реальность, препятствия и абсурдные ситуации, в которые они попадают — выбивает их из колеи.
Действие происходит в языческом эстонском селе, где водятся оборотни, ведьмы и появились странные существа. Молоденькая крестьянская девушка Лийна безнадёжно влюблена в сельского парня Ханса. Ему же нравится прекрасная барышня из поместья.
Romantic country boy Lembo lives in a far away village, where men are drunkards and women are dreaming about the bright city life. Lembo has fallen in love with the village beauty Liisu and decides to propose her. The story takes an unexpected turn when Liisu's father and the vodka loving dog steps in. During one night lives and dreams will change and nothing will be like it used to be before.
Как-то раз под покровом ночи в деревню Изобретателей пробрались двое неизвестных, которых интересовал чемодан пса-путешественника Клауса. Собачка Лотте застигла незнакомцев, которые в испуге кинули желтый камень, взятый из чемодана Клауса, и убежали. Лотте выясняет, что это не какой-то простой камень, а необыкновенный — с серьезным механизмом внутри…
Ivan Orav and Lennart Meri are in the attic and try to take an old desk to downstairs.
Script Consultant
В поисках ответов на риторические вопросы Тони блуждает по жизни. Кто хороший человек, а кто плохой? Что такое мораль и этика?
Создатели мультфильма приглашают вас в деревню изобретателей Самоделкино. Здесь живут маленькая собачка Лотта и ее веселые друзья.
A mixture of popular stories are reversed and adapted to the Barbie universe. Queen Tiina (that's what these Barbies are called) asks who is the most beautiful in the city of Las Tiinas and someone dares to say that there is someone more beautiful than her. Immediately afterwards, Queen Tiina decides to kill the beautiful doll, who ends up in the sewers surrounded by forgotten toys (such as a melancholic Pinocchio and a charming rag doll).
The Cat Orchestra performs "Concert for Carrot Pie". Grandma decides to bake a carrot pie and sends grandfather and her granddaughter to bring carrots from the field.
Two young ladybirds Tim and Mia are unexpectedly taken into a human family’s house together with a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Tim and Mia set about seeking the way back to the forest.
Маленькая собачка Лотта живет со своими родителями в городке Самоделкино. Однажды в ее дом попадает ослабевший птенец Пиппо, который отбился от своей стаи, летевшей на юг. И Лотта решает отправиться с новым другом на юг за стаей навстречу приключениям и новым знакомствам.
Part of the puppet film trilogy "Gabbage Head," the film features the main character - the stubborn and selfish peasant Saamuel - and his loyal partner Pink Piglet. The actions take place in Internet, into where Saamuel and his Piglet get by accident. Saamuel understands the importance of information and starts do deal with it.
A small village in a large sea. Two young dogs, Tom and Fluffy are in love with each other. Their friend, Oskar the dog, is a newly invented machine for sugar. Returns from a trip around the world to visit an old dog Klaus. These four, along with Julius the cat and the pond obstinate spoiled dragon Otto, Rat Leo and tiny white mouse Julia; hare James, who is not at all convinced that she is still a rabbit, small mysterious creatures and light blue butterflies, insect Give her three mischievous insects child - all of them together are the characters of children's humorous animated film series "Tom and Fluffy".
In this film,skeptical city people from the information society who are surrounded by high technology meet mythological beings from the legends of their ancestors with intriguing and comical results.