Abrar Alvi


Самоотверженная любовь
В основе сюжетной линии картины - взаимоотношения членов семьи богатого адвоката Викрама Бахадура-человека властного, с чисто атеистским мировоззрением, его жены Кавиты, проводящей большую часть дня в молитвенной комнате перед изображением Бога Кришны, и их сына Гудду, студента художественного колледжа. Гудду вполне доволен жизнью, и кажется, ничто не может помешать ему жениться на любимой девушке Салине, как вдруг приходит беда: в результате несчастного случая Салина теряет зрение, а у Гудду находят опухоль мозга. В его распоряжении остаются всего два месяца жизни. И тогда Гудду решается на серьезный шаг - он предлагает после его смерти пересадить его глаза незрячей Салине. Между отцом и сыном состоялся взрослый разговор.
Самоотверженная любовь
В основе сюжетной линии картины - взаимоотношения членов семьи богатого адвоката Викрама Бахадура-человека властного, с чисто атеистским мировоззрением, его жены Кавиты, проводящей большую часть дня в молитвенной комнате перед изображением Бога Кришны, и их сына Гудду, студента художественного колледжа. Гудду вполне доволен жизнью, и кажется, ничто не может помешать ему жениться на любимой девушке Салине, как вдруг приходит беда: в результате несчастного случая Салина теряет зрение, а у Гудду находят опухоль мозга. В его распоряжении остаются всего два месяца жизни. И тогда Гудду решается на серьезный шаг - он предлагает после его смерти пересадить его глаза незрячей Салине. Между отцом и сыном состоялся взрослый разговор.
Gopi Krishna
Original Story
A young man in desperate need of money takes up a job as a guardian for a wealthy family and has to disguise himself as an old teacher as per the job requirement.
In Search of Guru Dutt
Self - screenwriter, director
This documentary is a three-part tribute to director Guru Dutt, who died in 1964 at the age of 39. The work traces Guru Dutt's personal story through many interviews with his family members and colleagues and observes his work through the use of extensive film excerpts. The documentary was produced by the British television network Channel 4 producer Nasreen Munni Kabir.
Janam Janam
In an epic tale of power, pride and love, three men battle for the enduring devotion of one beautiful woman. Vinay (Rishi Kapoor) is a young, idealistic forest ranger who falls for the charms of the enchanting Chandramukhi (Vinita). A tyrannical ruler of one tribe (Amrish Puri) and a young man (Gulshan Grover) of a rival tribe are also smitten with the siren. Who will the mysterious woman choose?
Констебль Джанту
Констебль Джанту смел и отважен, хотя и очень наивен. Влюбившись в слепую продавщицу цветов Сунайну, он хочет жениться на ней. Но дядя девушки не собирается отпускать племянницу и готов на всё, чтобы разлучить молодых людей.
Лейла и Меджнун
Лейла и ее возлюбленный Маджну, более известный как Кайс, родились в соперничающих кланах Амарис и Шарвари. Двое любили друг друга в детстве. Их любовь была такова, что если один был ранен, у другого начиналась кровь. В фильме рассказывается, как в детстве маулви просил их написать имя Аллаха на своих досках. Кайс, погруженный в мысли о Лайле, вместо этого пишет ее имя. Взамен рассерженный маулви бьет его по руке. Но кровь начинает кровоточить из-за руки Лейлы. Подобные инциденты распространяются как лесной пожар, и отец Лейлы, опасаясь за репутацию своей дочери, решает помешать ей ходить в школу. Два главы клана решают разлучить своих детей, поскольку для них невозможно представить, чтобы Шарвари и Амарис когда-либо соединялись любовью, а не кровью. Лайла и ее Маджну выросли в разных местах.
Havaldar Ratan is a rookie at the local police station, and is assigned duty on foot patrol on Manoranjan Street, a notorious red-light area, on the very first day of his job. He strikes up a conversation with a good-looking young woman named Nisha, and tells her that there is a possible violation of Suppression of Immoral Trafficking Act taking place on this street. He witnesses several women soliciting men, and decides to call in the paddy wagon, and get them arrested. Alas, one of the men frequenting the prostitutes is none other than Ratan's superior officer, who immediately summons Ratan, and has him removed from service on corruption charges. Nisha takes pity on a homeless and unemployed Ratan, and asks him to live with her. He does not want her to sell her body, and so he decides to work at night, and during the day he takes on the guise of a rich Nawab and spends time with her.
Jahan Pyar Miley
Hindi film from director Lekh Tandon.
Jahan Pyar Miley
Hindi film from director Lekh Tandon.
Jahan Pyar Miley
Hindi film from director Lekh Tandon.
Bhavani Prasad is a powerful thug, who masquerades as a priest. His son Shankar refused to follow his path so he wants his grandson Kundan to carry on the legacy. When his son protests, in a fit of rage, Bhavani gets Shankar killed and passes the buck to his cousin Naubat Lal. When Naubat Lal spills the beans he gets him killed as well, which deepens the family feud.
Доктор Рави возвращает из-за рубежа и занимает должность главного хирурга в больнице. Затем он встретился с медсестрой Шанти, живущей с больной матерью. Во время операции мать девушки умирает и из-за чувства вины Рави женится на Шанти. Приемные родители огорчены женитьбой Рави, так как надеялись, что он женится на их дочери Раджни. Молодожены отправляются в медовый месяц в Кашмир, их чувства становятся все глубже. По приезду Рави продолжает свои медицинские исследования. Вскоре Шанти заболевает и, не желая стать обузой, уходит. Приходит известие о ее гибели в железнодорожной катастрофе. Безутешный Рави из чувства долга перед приемными родителями вынужден жениться на Раджни…
Chhoti Si Mulaqat
Shanker Choudhury's (Tarun Bose) mother (Pratima Devi), at the pleas of her dying husband, marries off his (Shanker's) daughter to a youth. Both the children are under-age and do not know nor understand that they have been married.
Yeh Raat Phir Na Aaygi
After discovery of skeletal remains at an excavation site, a woman known to be deceased for over 2 centuries mysteriously re-surfaces to claim her lover.
Baharen Phir Bhi Aayengi
Amita falls in love with a reporter who works for her publishing house. Complications arise when she discovers that her younger sister also loves him. An adaptation of President/Didi (1937)
Sahib Bibi aur Ghulam
A Zamindar neglects his wife and prefers the company of alcohol and dancing girls. The decadence of the Bangali Zamindar milieu and the raising bourgeoisie in the late 19th century, seen through the eyes of a young upward mobile rustic seeking fortune in Calcutta, and fascinated by the lady of the house.
Sahib Bibi aur Ghulam
A Zamindar neglects his wife and prefers the company of alcohol and dancing girls. The decadence of the Bangali Zamindar milieu and the raising bourgeoisie in the late 19th century, seen through the eyes of a young upward mobile rustic seeking fortune in Calcutta, and fascinated by the lady of the house.
Chaudhvin Ka Chand
The setting is the city of Lucknow in northern India, where Islamic culture flourished. Two of the three best friends who live in this city have fallen in love with the same woman named Jameela unknowingly. Aslam and Nawab are the two friends caught in this love triangle. Written by Anonymous Nawab Pyare Mian gets a close look at a stunning woman in a busy market place, and is left stunned by her beauty. Unable to get her out of his mind, he asks his friends, Shedad and Aslam, for assistance. Then to Nawab's delight he spots her at his sister's birthday celebration, and asks Nasibhan to find out who she is. After a few misunderstandings, he does find out her name, which is Jameela. But the problem is that his friend, Aslam, has also fallen for her, and the friends will have to make sacrifices for each other, then after that the decision will be Jameela's to decide who to chose for her life-partner.
Kaagaz Ke Phool
The film tells, in flashback, the story of Suresh Sinha, a famous film director and his relationship with an aspiring actress.
Kaagaz Ke Phool
The film tells, in flashback, the story of Suresh Sinha, a famous film director and his relationship with an aspiring actress.
Vijay, a destitute poet, searches for true love while attempting to get his work published. With the assistance of two women in his life, his dream comes true - but at a cost that causes Vijay to rethink his worldview.
Vijay, a destitute poet, searches for true love while attempting to get his work published. With the assistance of two women in his life, his dream comes true - but at a cost that causes Vijay to rethink his worldview.
Mr. & Mrs. '55
A young, naive heiress is forced into a 'marriage of convenience' with an unemployed cartoonist in an attempt to save her millions - a move orchestrated by the scheming aunt.
Aar Paar
Kalu is a taxi-driver in Bombay, India. He has two women who love him and would like to marry him. Kalu first wants to establish himself, and become rich, before he can even think of marriage. One of the women who loves him, has a father who is involved in gangster-type activities, and would like Kalu also to join him so that he can get rich soon. Kalu has now to decide to become rich quick or sleep better.
Aar Paar
Kalu is a taxi-driver in Bombay, India. He has two women who love him and would like to marry him. Kalu first wants to establish himself, and become rich, before he can even think of marriage. One of the women who loves him, has a father who is involved in gangster-type activities, and would like Kalu also to join him so that he can get rich soon. Kalu has now to decide to become rich quick or sleep better.