Cameron Brodie


Executive Producer
Тридцать пять лет своей жизни Элеанора Панковски посвятила работе в почтовом отделении городка Коулуэлл. После того, как представители Почтовой службы США сообщают ей о том, что её отделение закрывается, ей предстоит нелёгкий выбор - перевестись работать в другое отеделение или же выйти на пенсию.
Peter and the Farm
Executive Producer
Peter Dunning is a rugged individualist in the extreme, a hard-drinking loner and former artist who has burned bridges with his wives and children and whose only company, even on harsh winter nights, are the sheep, cows, and pigs he tends on his Vermont farm. Peter is also one of the most complicated, sympathetic documentary subjects to come along in some time, a product of the 1960s counterculture whose poetic idealism has since soured. For all his candor, he slips into drunken self-destructive habits, cursing the splendors of a pastoral landscape that he has spent decades nurturing.
Along for the Ride
Executive Producer
A documentary chronicling the filmmaking career of Dennis Hopper.
Коробка памяти
Executive Producer
Молодая мать работает в учреждении по восстановлению воспоминаний. Когда клиент принуждает её нарушить правила, ей приходится осознать к чему в итоге это может привести.
Возможности управления
Executive Producer
История разворачивается в недалеком будущем. Герой фильма используя новейшую технологию дополнительной реальности заводит роман с девушкой… своего лучшего друга.
The Wolfpack
Executive Producer
Locked away from society in an apartment on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the Angulo brothers learn about the outside world through the films that they watch. Nicknamed ‘The Wolfpack’, the brothers spend their childhood reenacting their favorite films using elaborate home-made props and costumes. Their world is shaken up when one of the brothers escapes and everything changes.
Executive Producer
Reconvergence offers an intriguing exploration of mortality, consciousness, and identity in the modern age from the perspectives of four distinct characters: a naturalist, a neuroscientist, a poet, and a historian.
The Ballad of Ramblin' Jack
Associate Producer
With the help of her mother, family, friends, and fellow musicians, Aiyana Elliott reaches for her father, legendary cowboy troubadour, Ramblin' Jack Elliott. She explores who he is and how he got there, working back and forth between archival and contemporary footage. Born in 1932 in Brooklyn, busking through the South and West in the early 50s, a year with Woody Guthrie, six years flatpicking in Europe, a triumphant return to Greenwich Village in the early 60s, mentoring Bob Dylan, then life on the road, from gig to gig, singing and telling stories. A Grammy and the National Medal of Arts await Jack near the end of a long trail. What will Aiyana find for herself?