Branka Pujić

Рождение : 1963-11-06, Belgrade, Serbia


Branka is a Serbian Tv and movie actress.


What a Wonderful World
Angel Ljubiša (Nikola Pejaković) is trying to bring together the incompatible, the unestablished director Bata (Andrija Kuzmanović), Una (Anđelka Prpić), the popular and charismatic TV presenter and the police inspector Trišić. (Andrej Šepetkovski).
Military Academy 5
Captain Stosic tries to make a comeback to his old love - flying.
Meet Cornelius
A true fairy tale about time travel, with two elves, one witch and a bit of love.
Балканский рубеж
Goran's wife
Югославия. 1999 год. Российская спецгруппа получает приказ взять под контроль аэродром Слатина в Косово и удерживать его до прихода подкрепления. Но этот стратегический объект крайне важен албанскому полевому командиру и натовским генералам. Группа вынуждена принять неравный бой с террористами. К аэродрому устремляются российские миротворцы и силы НАТО. Мир вновь близок к большой войне. Но командиру спецгруппы Андрею Шаталову не до политики: в аэропорту среди заложников его любимая девушка Ясна…
Sandrina mama
У Йована и Майи — секс без обязательств. Однако скоро загадочное поведение девушки начинает вызывать у Йована сомнения. Он следит за ней в социальных сетях и довольно скоро убеждает себя в том, что Майя ведет параллельную жизнь. Запутавшись во лжи, ревности и страсти, герой полностью теряет контроль, пытаясь понять, кто же Майя на самом деле.
He Ain't Like That
Boško Pavlović is an intelligent, educated, careful, romantic young man whom women find magically attractive. But, things take a bad turn for him when he carelessly gets involved with the sister of a powerful Serbian tycoon and she commits suicide. Wishing to avenge his sister, the tycoon sends two extremely dangerous goons to find and punish Boško. Inspector Gavrić also searches for him, since he is the policeman in charge of the case.
Storks in the Fog
Švaba, Marina, Ekser and Dule live and work peacefully in Baranda. However, a few days before the New Year, Špricer, Ekser and Dule's friend from early youth, arrives, who is in trouble and asks for their help. This TV film was made as a continuation of a popular Serbian TV series "The Storks Will Return".
Братья Блум
Foster Mom
Братья Блум - лучшие аферисты в мире, уводят деньги у миллионеров по сложным сценариям, полных похоти и интриг. Младший брат, устав от бесконечных авантюр, желает отойти от дел и начать "настоящую" жизнь, на что старший предлагает ему свой последний план.
This film was based on Zoran Zivkovic's stories, in which the main motif is number two: a number that unites a man and a woman, sky and earth, yin and yang... It also tells two stories that are merged into one whole.
Tango Is a Sad Thought to Be Danced
A famous fashion designer returns to his birthplace in a tiny Serb town, in the wake of the recent war. Although the inhabitants still love to dance the tango and live life's pleasures to the full, the Mafia have gained a foothold.
Two Hours of Quality TV Program
Maca 1
Made for New Year's Eve program, "Two Hours of Quality Program" exceeded all expectations becoming more than just a small TV movie. Using black humor as its sharp weapon, it dealt with ongoing chaos in the country and introducing of new values to the urban culture.
In the Middle of Nowhere
The exploits of a depressed architect in Belgrade as he wanders about searching for the future in a land where the future no longer exists. Handsome Nikola is in his mid-thirties. He earned the nickname Champ because he used to race speedboats. He makes a decent living as a free-lance architect and his apartment is spacious and comfortable. Ana is attracted by the Champ's good looks and apparent prosperity. He is always pensive though; even when he is out drinking at the local clubs with his companions he cannot help but brood about the state of Belgrade. Though the city appears fairly normal on the outside, the presence of the war is signalled when a reluctant conscript in the army is dragged away.
It Will Be Better
A local bar/restaurant run by a feuding husband and wife find themselves and their business threatened by a not so bright group of extortionists. With the help of their patrons who wish to preserve their quiet mode of patronage and a motor cycle riding stranger, they take the fight directly back to the villains with some non conventional approaches.
Be Damned, America
(segment "Ružina osveta")
A three-part anthology film. Story 1: A released convict traces his girlfriend and other people who were responsible for his imprisonment. Story 2: A factory worker Pantic comes to Belgrade where he befriends a waiter. Having no overnight lodge, Pantic spends the night in the bar where his new acquaintance works, and becomes a victim of group of people who start picking on him. The initially protective waiter joins their harassment, and that's when Pantic pulls out a knife. Story 3: A female reporter gets back from the province without getting job done. On her way back, she meets an abused woman who lives with her husband in a trailer, making grill. The two will run away together, facing many hazards and trials.
Marital Travels
Professor Gerasim and assistant Tugomir are in a ski-resort where opportunity for cheating and love is around every corner.
Ship Floats to Shanghai
A young married couple does not share the bed. However, they try to hide all the obstacles and their problems in public, presenting their marriage to be an idyllic and exemplary one. Below their provincial mask, one can reveal the intolerance, strong emotions and passions of a spoiled Belgrade girl and an ambitious small-town lawyer.
Святое место
Katarina Županski
«Святое место» основано на литературной классике - известном рассказе Николая Васильевича Гоголя «Вий». Однако Джордже Кадиевич использует его только в качестве отправной точки для своего собственного повествования, в котором есть место и психологическому триллеру, и мистике, и тёмной стороне эротики.
The Best
A young officer, after finishing the Military Academy as the best in his class, suddenly and with no visible reason, leaves his home town, girl, parents, safety and eventual career and leaves to a remote provincial town to find and create his life and destiny. The story of a lonely man without illusions and bitterness, who collects simple pieces of sense, humanity and love through his actions.
Maternal Half-Brothers
This story about two maternal half-brothers, a Croat and a Serb. Although they never met, and both lose their loved ones in ethnic clashes, there is a bond between them. Filmed in 1988, it prophetically forsees the war that would engulf former Yugoslavia three years later.
Extramarital Travels
Tugomir, a student, wants to write a dissertation on Love, but fails to complete it before being obligatory drafted in the army. There, he succumbs to paranoia that his girlfriend is cheating on him. He decides to cheat on her too.