Sandy Mansson

Sandy Mansson

Рождение : 1941-04-06, Los Angeles, California, USA


Sandy Mansson, born Sandra Laraine Szeimowicz, is an American/Swedish dancer, choreographer and actress.


Sandy Mansson


White Lady
A woman endures frequent nightmares of her own death.
Да здравствует Цезарь!
Israelite (uncredited)
Действие разворачивается в 1950-х. Фильм расскажет о человеке, который следит за звездами Голливуда и вытаскивает их, при необходимости, из неприятностей — избавляется от компромата, обнаруженного папарацци, решает сложные ситуации и докладывает студиям обо всех нарушениях.
Jacob and his best friend Alex thought they were on their way to earning one of LA's most highly celebrated advertising accounts. That is, until the villainous and manipulative Marissa enters the picture, doing everything in her power to win the promotion for herself, while seducing Jacob into a romantic relationship. Then, enter into the equation a horny lesbian receptionist, a mentally challenged building custodian, a crazy Chinese boss, Jacob's demented grandmother and sexually perverted grandfather, a gay gangsta rapper, and an assortment of other wacky characters. All chaos ensues, as Jacob must somehow come up with a way to save his career, salvage his friendship, and figure out who his true loyalties lie towards in the love department.
Я увижу тебя в своих снах
Speed Dater (uncredited)
Внезапная утрата разрушает упорядоченную жизнь Кэрол, вовлекая ее в мир свиданий впервые за 20 лет. В итоге за ней начинают одновременно ухаживать двое мужчин,
Office gossip (voice)
Действие «Метропии» происходит в футуристической Европе 2024 года, когда природные ресурсы Земли исчерпаны, а гигантская сеть метро компании «Трекс Груп» (The Trexx Group) связывает под землей различные европейские города.
Déjà Vu
"Extraneous" - It has been funeral. The elderly couple, Emma and David, pamper their deceased friend. After the funeral, they invite the guests for a drink and a little nostalgic conversation about what has been. When the guest are getting ready to leave, two men remain.
Kraftverk 3714
Surrounded by endless forest, close by a river, a small community exists where everyone seems to lead idyllic lives. After a few years away, Johanna returns to the village, and becomes aware that things have changed. William, a writer, has inherited his grandfather's house. Gradually, he starts to get the feeling that the circumstances surrounding Vladimir's death are more complicated than they initially appear.
Язык любви
«Язык любви» — это передача для полуночников, в которой подробно рассказывается о сексе, проблемах с потенцией, венерических заболеваниях и пр. с подробной демонстрацией.
Camp Slaughter
About 25 years ago an unholy child was born in an ancient noble family. The parents were the mother and son of the family. The goal was to create the perfect daughter, but instead she gave birth to a monster! The son, whose only interest are rabbits, called the monster Bunny Man, and placed him in a hole in the woods. He supplied his son with food and rabbits, to play with. Unfortunately, the lack of human contact made him violent, and his rabbits died when during his so called games. One day the son forgets to lock the hole and Bunny Man suddenly finds himself free, in a world he's never seen and doesn't understand. At the same time, a group of kids arrive at a cabin in the woods to throw a party. Kids that, to an untrained eye, seem quite similar to rabbits...
Песни со второго этажа
Однажды вечером в Стокгольме начинает происходить ряд невероятно странных, не связанных друг с другом событий. Немолодой клерк сходит с ума после безжалостного увольнения с работы… На улице жестоко избивают заблудившегося эмигранта… Фокусник совершает роковую ошибку прямо во время своего представления, по-настоящему распилив несчастного добровольца из публики… Растерянного человека, в отчаянии спалившего дотла свой мебельный магазин, преследует призрак удавленника… Огромная толпа важных и мрачных взрослых людей приносит в жертву невинную девочку… В городе немыслимые пробки; по улицам чинно ходят хорошо одетые чиновники, хлещущие себя плетьми… Похоже, пришел тот час, которого все так давно боялись…
The Shark Who Knew Too Much
Samuel Plottner is a stockdealer who only wants to get richer, but suddenly things starts to get complicated: His sons meets their longlost mother which not only is after Samuels money, but also can tell them what happened to them the day they were born. The financial expert Benny Hörnsteen is also after Samuels money, and so is the clown Conny Corny and Lennart K. Brons too. How will this end?
Something Has Happened
A look at the true origins of the AIDS virus and the effect of the deadly disease upon a modern world.
July 1972 in Iran. Mohammed is arrested for illegal spreading of flyers. He is put in jail and tortured. After one year he is released and flees to Sweden. He arrives at a refugee camp where he is taught Swedish. He is surrounded by people without hope.
АББА: фильм
Girl in box office
Фильм охватывает период наивысшей популярности группы, между альбомом 1976 года «Arrival» и альбомом 1977 года «The Album», песни из которых представлены в виде видеозарисовок.
The Man Who Quit Smoking
The Plot focuses on Dante Alighieri, a young man who loves smoking. When his father dies Dante inherits $17 million on one special condition: He must give up smoking in 14 days and then stay smoke-free for an entire year. If he fails, his uncle inherits the $17 million instead. Dante has a living hell while trying to quit, and hires a private detective agency called Little Secret Service who he gives free hands to stop him from smoking, While his uncle, who has taken up smoking himself, also does everything he can to make Dante smoke again.
Scream Free!
A man flees with his girlfriend from a love-in and motorcycles to Mexico with drug smugglers.