Сет Дхарамдас немолод, некрасив, не обаятелен, но именно к нему обращаются за помощью. Потому что для всех он - «Дхарматма», что означает «крестный отец». Могущественный и влиятельный гангстер Сет Дхарамдас управляет преступной империей, раскинувшейся на целую Индию. Он держит в руках город, страну и, как ему кажется, всю Вселенную. Единственный человек, способный противостоять Сету, - его родной сын Ранбир. Он не желает жить по законам уголовного мира. Но приходит час, когда сын должен сделать выбор: по-прежнему ли следовать собственным принципам или идти по стопам отца..
After the brutal deaths of Kanta Mirchandani and Sabrina, Bombay's Police Commissioner concludes it to be the work of a serial killer and assigns this case to Inspector Ashok, who lives with his widowed mother, Radha, and is in love with Nisha, a Journalist, and the sister of Advocate Munish.
The film is based in Tehran, Iran. The lead character, Aarun falls in love with a beautiful dancer Shirin. Due to her dubious profession, Aarun and his brother Naseer decide to lie about her origins to their mother. Unfortunately, she finds out the truth and forbids Shirin from marrying her son. Aarun, believing Shirin has changed her mind and refused to marry him, is angered and marries another woman, Nazneen. Only Naseer knows the truth of why Shirin refused to marry Aarun. Years later, Aarun and Nazneen's son, Romil, becomes best friends with a fatherless boy, Razzaq, who invites Aarun to his home. When Aarun goes to his house, he finds out that Razzaq is his and Shirin's own son. Following the death of Nazneen, Aarun finally manages to convince his mother to accept Razzaq as her grandson, and Shirin as his wife.