Ashim Kumar


Lalan Fakir
The heartwarming story of a fakir named Lalon Kar that traces his journey from being a family man to a wandering minstrel and how he spread the message of love everywhere. Note: Though poster art is in color, the movie is B&W. And while released in '87, it had to have been filmed in '84 or earlier, since Baran died in Nov 1984
"'Ajantey' is the story of a simple innocent man Ravi who falls in love with Usha not knowing that she is the very girl whose marriage he is trying to finalize with a high society guy Rudraksh. After Ravi's father's death his elder brother usurps everything giving him a couple of rooms in servants' quarter and 1 lakh rupees that his father had given as loan to Mr. Natu. Mr. Natu is a cunning man who keeps delaying Ravi. He finally promises to give him the money if Ravi can get Jhilik married to Rudraksh. Rudraksh is a man full of vices yet Ravi does his best to finalize the wedding. Ravi meets Usha aka Jhilik and falls in love with her. Ravi finds out the truth that Usha is Jhilik the day Rudrasksh goes to marry her. Usha condemns Ravi for his cowardice and that makes him defy everything and marry her. Rudraksh and his family are arrested for claiming dowry."
Safed Jhooth
Kamla does his best to protect a young woman who reminds him of his slain sister, but it turns out that she has several surprises in store for him.
Такая маленькая вещь
Мелкий сотрудник компании "Джексон Толарам" Арун Пратип влюблен в девушку, с которой каждое утро ездит в одном автобусе на работу. Но он слишком нерешителен, чтобы познакомиться с ней. Когда же все-таки пытается это сделать, то попадает в разные неловкие ситуации. К тому же на Прабху положил глаз ее сослуживец Нагеш, гораздо более активный. И если бы не помощь полковника Сингха, неизвестно, какой бы у этой истории был финал.
Earth and Sky
When a difficult man falls blind, he alienates his family and caretakers even further.
Еще в младенчестве Суджата — девочка из касты неприкасаемых, была удочерена семьей из высшей касты. Пока была маленькая Суджата не обращала внимания на то, как с ней обращаются в семье, где кроме нее росла еще одна девочка Рама, родная дочь. Но, повзрослев, Суджата поняла, что все дело в ее происхождении. Ее происхождение стало главной проблемой Суджаты в тот момент, когда в жизни девушки появился молодой человек Адхир, безумно влюбившийся в нее...
Heera Moti
An impoverished farmer faces problems after he is blacklisted for refusing to sell his prize-winning oxen to an oppressive landlord.
Apradhi Kaun?
Assistant Director
A wealthy man, suspected of murder, is killed before he can be arrested. Everyone in his household is under suspicion. A private investigator looks into the case and finds himself falling in love with one of the suspects.