Christopher Forbes

Christopher Forbes


Christopher Forbes is a director and writer, known for Greyhound Attack (2019), Jesse James vs. The Black Train (2018) and Cheat the Hangman (2018)


Christopher Forbes


Band of Rebels
A group of confederate soldiers uses their unique set of skills to travel behind enemy lines to take on deadly missions which reign havoc on the Union army.
Band of Rebels
A group of confederate soldiers uses their unique set of skills to travel behind enemy lines to take on deadly missions which reign havoc on the Union army.
Band of Rebels
A group of confederate soldiers uses their unique set of skills to travel behind enemy lines to take on deadly missions which reign havoc on the Union army.
Band of Rebels
A group of confederate soldiers uses their unique set of skills to travel behind enemy lines to take on deadly missions which reign havoc on the Union army.
Rocket Hunter: Rise of the Nazi Komet
From the rubble of bombed-out German cities came the madness of the Nazi rocket program and the creation of the Me163 rocket plane, also known as the "Komet." With skilled pilots in short supply, delusional Nazi doctors used blackmail and coercion to force those they deemed candidates to attempt to pilot these deadly machines. It became the mission of a group of American pilots to stop the Nazis from unleashing their maniacal plot, knowing that failure was not an option.
Rocket Hunter: Rise of the Nazi Komet
From the rubble of bombed-out German cities came the madness of the Nazi rocket program and the creation of the Me163 rocket plane, also known as the "Komet." With skilled pilots in short supply, delusional Nazi doctors used blackmail and coercion to force those they deemed candidates to attempt to pilot these deadly machines. It became the mission of a group of American pilots to stop the Nazis from unleashing their maniacal plot, knowing that failure was not an option.
King of Britons
Camera Operator
The Britons are betrayed and attacked by the Saxons. Separated from his people, the leader of the Britons is taken in and tended to. While recovering, he discovers how badly his people are being treated. Furious, he develops a plan to exact revenge upon the Saxons, and free his people, once and for all.
King of Britons
The Britons are betrayed and attacked by the Saxons. Separated from his people, the leader of the Britons is taken in and tended to. While recovering, he discovers how badly his people are being treated. Furious, he develops a plan to exact revenge upon the Saxons, and free his people, once and for all.
King of Britons
Sound Editor
The Britons are betrayed and attacked by the Saxons. Separated from his people, the leader of the Britons is taken in and tended to. While recovering, he discovers how badly his people are being treated. Furious, he develops a plan to exact revenge upon the Saxons, and free his people, once and for all.
King of Britons
The Britons are betrayed and attacked by the Saxons. Separated from his people, the leader of the Britons is taken in and tended to. While recovering, he discovers how badly his people are being treated. Furious, he develops a plan to exact revenge upon the Saxons, and free his people, once and for all.
King of Britons
The Britons are betrayed and attacked by the Saxons. Separated from his people, the leader of the Britons is taken in and tended to. While recovering, he discovers how badly his people are being treated. Furious, he develops a plan to exact revenge upon the Saxons, and free his people, once and for all.
King of Britons
The Britons are betrayed and attacked by the Saxons. Separated from his people, the leader of the Britons is taken in and tended to. While recovering, he discovers how badly his people are being treated. Furious, he develops a plan to exact revenge upon the Saxons, and free his people, once and for all.
King of Britons
The Britons are betrayed and attacked by the Saxons. Separated from his people, the leader of the Britons is taken in and tended to. While recovering, he discovers how badly his people are being treated. Furious, he develops a plan to exact revenge upon the Saxons, and free his people, once and for all.
Hampton's Legion
When the Confederacy can no longer finance massive armies, Wade Hampton III, using his own money started, financed, and supplied his own infantry, cavalry, and artillery to help fight the war.
Hampton's Legion
When the Confederacy can no longer finance massive armies, Wade Hampton III, using his own money started, financed, and supplied his own infantry, cavalry, and artillery to help fight the war.
Once Upon a Time in Tombstone
This movie delivers all of the great characters you would expect in a film about Tombstone. The Earp Brothers, The Clanton Brothers, Doc Holliday, Johnny Ringo etc. and great gunfights. What the film delivers, is a multitude of pieces of the puzzle that complete the story, not just about why the gunfight happened but the real history about what led up to it
Once Upon a Time in Tombstone
This movie delivers all of the great characters you would expect in a film about Tombstone. The Earp Brothers, The Clanton Brothers, Doc Holliday, Johnny Ringo etc. and great gunfights. What the film delivers, is a multitude of pieces of the puzzle that complete the story, not just about why the gunfight happened but the real history about what led up to it
Kill Cavalry
U.S. General Hudson Kilpatrick is known to many as “Kill Cavalry,” not for the number of enemy troops he has killed, but his own, due to brash decisions that lead to heavy Federal casualties
Kill Cavalry
U.S. General Hudson Kilpatrick is known to many as “Kill Cavalry,” not for the number of enemy troops he has killed, but his own, due to brash decisions that lead to heavy Federal casualties
The Burning of Atlanta
"The Burning of Atlanta" is the story of the destruction of a major city near the end of the war, and the desperation and terror this causes in the lives of those who watch their entire society collapse around them.
The Burning of Atlanta
"The Burning of Atlanta" is the story of the destruction of a major city near the end of the war, and the desperation and terror this causes in the lives of those who watch their entire society collapse around them.
Банда Далтонов
После убийства брата Боб, Эммет и Граттон Далтон присоединяются к местному департаменту шерифа. Но вскоре разочаровываются в законе и переходят на другую сторону, начиная грабить поезда и банки.
Die by the Sword
The Roman Empire occupied Britannia (Britain) for four centuries, providing protection and peace in exchange for submission. The Romans built Hadrian's Wall on the northern border to keep out the Picts, fierce and mysterious warriors who painted them-selves blue. But in the fifth century, the Romans left, leaving the British to fend for themselves under the leadership of King Vortigern.
Die by the Sword
The Roman Empire occupied Britannia (Britain) for four centuries, providing protection and peace in exchange for submission. The Romans built Hadrian's Wall on the northern border to keep out the Picts, fierce and mysterious warriors who painted them-selves blue. But in the fifth century, the Romans left, leaving the British to fend for themselves under the leadership of King Vortigern.
Rocket Hunter
In one of the most dangerous missions of the war, an American B-17 pilot volunteers to fly a surrendered Messerschmitt 109 on a daring flight through the heart of Germany to try to prevent the people of London from being terrorized by the V-2 rockets. "Rocket Hunter" tells the story of an amazing pilot and his bombardier brother from the time they are teenagers dreaming of taking to the skies to the dark days of January 1945.
A Rebel Born
The story of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a brilliant and very controversial Confederate general in the War Between the States. Even now, more than 150 years after the end of the war, Forrest has remained surrounded in controversy.
American Confederate
A look at a group of Union and Confederate cavalry from late 1862 until the end of the Civil War in 1865.
American Confederate
A look at a group of Union and Confederate cavalry from late 1862 until the end of the Civil War in 1865.
American Confederate
A look at a group of Union and Confederate cavalry from late 1862 until the end of the Civil War in 1865.
American Confederate
A look at a group of Union and Confederate cavalry from late 1862 until the end of the Civil War in 1865.
Wyatt Earp Shoots First
Director of Photography
Wyatt Earp is one of the best lawman in the West and a first-rate gunfighter. But he is a conflicted individual who is haunted by what he was taught early in his career. Never, ever shoot first. But even a good man learns that sometimes, rules have to be broken to survive.
Wyatt Earp Shoots First
Wyatt Earp is one of the best lawman in the West and a first-rate gunfighter. But he is a conflicted individual who is haunted by what he was taught early in his career. Never, ever shoot first. But even a good man learns that sometimes, rules have to be broken to survive.
Wyatt Earp Shoots First
Wyatt Earp is one of the best lawman in the West and a first-rate gunfighter. But he is a conflicted individual who is haunted by what he was taught early in his career. Never, ever shoot first. But even a good man learns that sometimes, rules have to be broken to survive.
Wyatt Earp Shoots First
Wyatt Earp is one of the best lawman in the West and a first-rate gunfighter. But he is a conflicted individual who is haunted by what he was taught early in his career. Never, ever shoot first. But even a good man learns that sometimes, rules have to be broken to survive.
Wyatt Earp Shoots First
Wyatt Earp is one of the best lawman in the West and a first-rate gunfighter. But he is a conflicted individual who is haunted by what he was taught early in his career. Never, ever shoot first. But even a good man learns that sometimes, rules have to be broken to survive.
Greyhound Attack
WWII drama from film-maker Christopher Forbes which follows American fighter pilots on a perilous mission into the skies of enemy territory.
Greyhound Attack
WWII drama from film-maker Christopher Forbes which follows American fighter pilots on a perilous mission into the skies of enemy territory.
The Confederate
Georgia, 1864. Desperate to escape an arranged marriage to her brutal neighbor, Willa Randall disguises herself as a boy and joins the confederate Cavalry.
The Confederate
Georgia, 1864. Desperate to escape an arranged marriage to her brutal neighbor, Willa Randall disguises herself as a boy and joins the confederate Cavalry.
Перехитрить палача
1867 год. В последствии того как в перестрелке тринадцатилетний сын шерифа убивает преступника, застрелившего его отца, мальчишку приговаривают к казни через повешение. В следствии вмешательства губернатора штата смертную казнь подменяют двадцатью годами в каторжной тюрьме без возможности досрочного освобождения. И вот выйдя из заключения Элайджа вернется в свой городок. Сумеет ли он простить людей, сломавших ему жизнь, либо безжалостно отплатит обидчикам?
Перехитрить палача
1867 год. В последствии того как в перестрелке тринадцатилетний сын шерифа убивает преступника, застрелившего его отца, мальчишку приговаривают к казни через повешение. В следствии вмешательства губернатора штата смертную казнь подменяют двадцатью годами в каторжной тюрьме без возможности досрочного освобождения. И вот выйдя из заключения Элайджа вернется в свой городок. Сумеет ли он простить людей, сломавших ему жизнь, либо безжалостно отплатит обидчикам?
Перехитрить палача
1867 год. В последствии того как в перестрелке тринадцатилетний сын шерифа убивает преступника, застрелившего его отца, мальчишку приговаривают к казни через повешение. В следствии вмешательства губернатора штата смертную казнь подменяют двадцатью годами в каторжной тюрьме без возможности досрочного освобождения. И вот выйдя из заключения Элайджа вернется в свой городок. Сумеет ли он простить людей, сломавших ему жизнь, либо безжалостно отплатит обидчикам?
Перехитрить палача
1867 год. В последствии того как в перестрелке тринадцатилетний сын шерифа убивает преступника, застрелившего его отца, мальчишку приговаривают к казни через повешение. В следствии вмешательства губернатора штата смертную казнь подменяют двадцатью годами в каторжной тюрьме без возможности досрочного освобождения. И вот выйдя из заключения Элайджа вернется в свой городок. Сумеет ли он простить людей, сломавших ему жизнь, либо безжалостно отплатит обидчикам?
Перехитрить палача
1867 год. В последствии того как в перестрелке тринадцатилетний сын шерифа убивает преступника, застрелившего его отца, мальчишку приговаривают к казни через повешение. В следствии вмешательства губернатора штата смертную казнь подменяют двадцатью годами в каторжной тюрьме без возможности досрочного освобождения. И вот выйдя из заключения Элайджа вернется в свой городок. Сумеет ли он простить людей, сломавших ему жизнь, либо безжалостно отплатит обидчикам?
Перехитрить палача
1867 год. В последствии того как в перестрелке тринадцатилетний сын шерифа убивает преступника, застрелившего его отца, мальчишку приговаривают к казни через повешение. В следствии вмешательства губернатора штата смертную казнь подменяют двадцатью годами в каторжной тюрьме без возможности досрочного освобождения. И вот выйдя из заключения Элайджа вернется в свой городок. Сумеет ли он простить людей, сломавших ему жизнь, либо безжалостно отплатит обидчикам?
Джесси Джеймс против Черного Поезда
Джесси Джеймс — известный преступник. И, хотя, с Чёрным Поездом столкнулись многие нарушители закона, Джесси Джеймс не слушает советы друзей и пытается с ним разобраться.
Джесси Джеймс против Черного Поезда
Original Music Composer
Джесси Джеймс — известный преступник. И, хотя, с Чёрным Поездом столкнулись многие нарушители закона, Джесси Джеймс не слушает советы друзей и пытается с ним разобраться.
Джесси Джеймс против Черного Поезда
Джесси Джеймс — известный преступник. И, хотя, с Чёрным Поездом столкнулись многие нарушители закона, Джесси Джеймс не слушает советы друзей и пытается с ним разобраться.
Джесси Джеймс против Черного Поезда
Director of Photography
Джесси Джеймс — известный преступник. И, хотя, с Чёрным Поездом столкнулись многие нарушители закона, Джесси Джеймс не слушает советы друзей и пытается с ним разобраться.
Джесси Джеймс против Черного Поезда
Джесси Джеймс — известный преступник. И, хотя, с Чёрным Поездом столкнулись многие нарушители закона, Джесси Джеймс не слушает советы друзей и пытается с ним разобраться.
Джесси Джеймс против Черного Поезда
Джесси Джеймс — известный преступник. И, хотя, с Чёрным Поездом столкнулись многие нарушители закона, Джесси Джеймс не слушает советы друзей и пытается с ним разобраться.
Джесси Джеймс против Черного Поезда
Джесси Джеймс — известный преступник. И, хотя, с Чёрным Поездом столкнулись многие нарушители закона, Джесси Джеймс не слушает советы друзей и пытается с ним разобраться.
Arte Factum: Legends
Camera Operator
A thief gets more than he bargained for when he steals a video tape containing various stories that each tell a story about a mysterious artifact.
Arte Factum: Legends
A thief gets more than he bargained for when he steals a video tape containing various stories that each tell a story about a mysterious artifact.
Arte Factum: Legends
Director of Photography
A thief gets more than he bargained for when he steals a video tape containing various stories that each tell a story about a mysterious artifact.
Old Man of the Rooks
When an ancient evil descends on Rookery Farm, a newlywed couple find out what "til death do us part" really means when they are visited by the Old Man of the Rooks.
Old Man of the Rooks
Special Effects Assistant
When an ancient evil descends on Rookery Farm, a newlywed couple find out what "til death do us part" really means when they are visited by the Old Man of the Rooks.
The Last Days of Billy the Kid
This motion picture chronicles the last days of the most iconic outlaw of the old west. Forget what you have heard before (most of that is rumors anyway) and ride with Billy the Kid as he tries to find sanctuary in a desperate landscape. The high price on his head has made Billy an evasive target for bounty hunters from all over the old west, and Billy knows that every time he rides out, he has a chance of getting bushwhacked. Unlike any other account of the Billy the Kid saga, "The Last Days of Billy the Kid" captures the fury, paranoia and heartbreak that defined the last days of the gunslinger's existence.
The Last Days of Billy the Kid
This motion picture chronicles the last days of the most iconic outlaw of the old west. Forget what you have heard before (most of that is rumors anyway) and ride with Billy the Kid as he tries to find sanctuary in a desperate landscape. The high price on his head has made Billy an evasive target for bounty hunters from all over the old west, and Billy knows that every time he rides out, he has a chance of getting bushwhacked. Unlike any other account of the Billy the Kid saga, "The Last Days of Billy the Kid" captures the fury, paranoia and heartbreak that defined the last days of the gunslinger's existence.
The Last Days of Billy the Kid
Director of Photography
This motion picture chronicles the last days of the most iconic outlaw of the old west. Forget what you have heard before (most of that is rumors anyway) and ride with Billy the Kid as he tries to find sanctuary in a desperate landscape. The high price on his head has made Billy an evasive target for bounty hunters from all over the old west, and Billy knows that every time he rides out, he has a chance of getting bushwhacked. Unlike any other account of the Billy the Kid saga, "The Last Days of Billy the Kid" captures the fury, paranoia and heartbreak that defined the last days of the gunslinger's existence.
The Last Days of Billy the Kid
This motion picture chronicles the last days of the most iconic outlaw of the old west. Forget what you have heard before (most of that is rumors anyway) and ride with Billy the Kid as he tries to find sanctuary in a desperate landscape. The high price on his head has made Billy an evasive target for bounty hunters from all over the old west, and Billy knows that every time he rides out, he has a chance of getting bushwhacked. Unlike any other account of the Billy the Kid saga, "The Last Days of Billy the Kid" captures the fury, paranoia and heartbreak that defined the last days of the gunslinger's existence.
The Last Days of Billy the Kid
This motion picture chronicles the last days of the most iconic outlaw of the old west. Forget what you have heard before (most of that is rumors anyway) and ride with Billy the Kid as he tries to find sanctuary in a desperate landscape. The high price on his head has made Billy an evasive target for bounty hunters from all over the old west, and Billy knows that every time he rides out, he has a chance of getting bushwhacked. Unlike any other account of the Billy the Kid saga, "The Last Days of Billy the Kid" captures the fury, paranoia and heartbreak that defined the last days of the gunslinger's existence.
Последний стрелок
1867 год. В последствии того как в перестрелке тринадцатилетний сын шерифа убивает преступника, застрелившего его отца, мальчишку приговаривают к казни через повешение. В следствии вмешательства губернатора штата смертную казнь подменяют двадцатью годами в каторжной тюрьме без возможности досрочного освобождения. И вот выйдя из заключения Элайджа вернется в свой городок. Сумеет ли он простить людей, сломавших ему жизнь, либо безжалостно отплатит обидчикам?
Последний стрелок
1867 год. В последствии того как в перестрелке тринадцатилетний сын шерифа убивает преступника, застрелившего его отца, мальчишку приговаривают к казни через повешение. В следствии вмешательства губернатора штата смертную казнь подменяют двадцатью годами в каторжной тюрьме без возможности досрочного освобождения. И вот выйдя из заключения Элайджа вернется в свой городок. Сумеет ли он простить людей, сломавших ему жизнь, либо безжалостно отплатит обидчикам?
Billy the Kid: Showdown in Lincoln County
A bloody conflict erupts between ranchers and store owners in Lincoln County. Billy the Kid, the most iconic outlaw of the Old West, has become a skillful gunslinger with one glaring weakness: his own arrogance. Billy is repeatedly confronted with his own mortality and shortcomings as he approaches a showdown in Lincoln County, which would become one of history’s most famous Wild West gunfights
The War Riders
cheap ass civil war movie
The War Riders
cheap ass civil war movie
The War Riders
cheap ass civil war movie
The War Riders
cheap ass civil war movie
The War Riders
cheap ass civil war movie
Cabaret Diabolique
Directed by Christopher Forbes.
Cabaret Diabolique
Directed by Christopher Forbes.
Federal Officer
A Confederate Civil War captain faces challenges as the Union army storms through South Carolina, destroying everything in its path. When he is sent to the front lines his home life suffers, which only compounds the soldier's troubles.
Camera Operator
A Confederate Civil War captain faces challenges as the Union army storms through South Carolina, destroying everything in its path. When he is sent to the front lines his home life suffers, which only compounds the soldier's troubles.
A Confederate Civil War captain faces challenges as the Union army storms through South Carolina, destroying everything in its path. When he is sent to the front lines his home life suffers, which only compounds the soldier's troubles.
A Confederate Civil War captain faces challenges as the Union army storms through South Carolina, destroying everything in its path. When he is sent to the front lines his home life suffers, which only compounds the soldier's troubles.
A Confederate Civil War captain faces challenges as the Union army storms through South Carolina, destroying everything in its path. When he is sent to the front lines his home life suffers, which only compounds the soldier's troubles.
A Confederate Civil War captain faces challenges as the Union army storms through South Carolina, destroying everything in its path. When he is sent to the front lines his home life suffers, which only compounds the soldier's troubles.
Billy the Kid
A lone bounty hunter kills a member of an outlaw gang and all Hell breaks loose. When soon-to-be-legendary Billy the Kid's mother is killed in the gang's bloody retaliation, he is forced to team up with the mysterious bounty hunter to avenge the death of his mother. Soon, he'll discover that his and the bounty hunter's lives are fatefully entwined in this shoot-'em-up tale of gun smoke and justice in the Old West.
Miss Strangelove
Dr. Redman
A horror musical.
Miss Strangelove
A horror musical.
Blood River
Vampires inhabit a small town.
Blood River
Vampires inhabit a small town.
Blood River
Vampires inhabit a small town.
Cole Younger & The Black Train
Cole Younger & The Black Train traces Cole Younger's experiences with the Black Train first as a teenager, then into adult life as he partners with Jesse James to create the most notorious outlaw band of the old West, the James-Younger gang.
Cole Younger & The Black Train
Cole Younger & The Black Train traces Cole Younger's experiences with the Black Train first as a teenager, then into adult life as he partners with Jesse James to create the most notorious outlaw band of the old West, the James-Younger gang.
Cole Younger & The Black Train
Cole Younger & The Black Train traces Cole Younger's experiences with the Black Train first as a teenager, then into adult life as he partners with Jesse James to create the most notorious outlaw band of the old West, the James-Younger gang.
A Cold Day in Hell
Sierra Nevada Mountains, 1887: William Drayton, once a crack sharpshooter in the Civil War, has lost his wife and home. He has ascended to the high country, wanting never to be heard from again.
A Cold Day in Hell
Sierra Nevada Mountains, 1887: William Drayton, once a crack sharpshooter in the Civil War, has lost his wife and home. He has ascended to the high country, wanting never to be heard from again.
All Hell Broke Loose
After serving his county in the Civil War as a skilled sharpshooter, Will Drayton moved West in search of employment using his shooting skills. He ends up with the wrong type of people as a deadly assassin.
All Hell Broke Loose
After serving his county in the Civil War as a skilled sharpshooter, Will Drayton moved West in search of employment using his shooting skills. He ends up with the wrong type of people as a deadly assassin.
Vampitheatre is about a touring band whose members happen to be of the vampire variety. The band moves town to town, "harvesting" members of their audience to satisfy their bloodlust. Unknown to the band, they are being pursued by an FBI agent intent on finding out why fans of a certain band called "Theatre Peace" keep disappearing. The agent finally catches up with the band, working through the bands manager and record label, only to find herself in a netherworld of danger when she finds out just how far and wide vampires have penetrated into modern society. This is not your grandfather's vampire movie. If you can imagine "Dracula" with a healthy dose of "Spinal Tap", then you have your finger on the pulse of this film.
The Notorious Colonel Steel