Sam Voutas

Рождение : , Canberra, Australia


Под чужим именем
События остросюжетного триллера разворачиваются в 2003 году. Тед Келлер – международный инспектор по оружию, который был отправлен в Ирак с момента вторжения США. Используя свои знания при обыске подпольной оружейной базы, герой натыкается на тайник с биологическим оружием. Пытаясь разобраться в происхождении орудий, он находит ниточки, ведущие к Белому дому. Своими соображения по поводу расследования герой делится с работающей на Конгресс Илеаной Попеску, которая становится его товарищем по несчастью, когда парочка превращается в «нежелательных свидетелей». На них начинается охота, объявленная людьми, занимающими главенствующие политические посты… Сумеют ли два человека разрушить это прогнившую и коррумпированную систему власти?
King of Peking
When home entertainment enters the market in 90s Beijing, a former projectionist ropes his young son into starting their own pirate movie company, but easy money comes with its own price tag.
King of Peking
When home entertainment enters the market in 90s Beijing, a former projectionist ropes his young son into starting their own pirate movie company, but easy money comes with its own price tag.
King of Peking
When home entertainment enters the market in 90s Beijing, a former projectionist ropes his young son into starting their own pirate movie company, but easy money comes with its own price tag.
Roulette City
In the casino capital of the East, every move is a deadly gamble.
Red Light Revolution
A luckless Beijinger opens an adult shop to make ends meet, sparking a sexual revolution in his conservative neighborhood.
Red Light Revolution
A luckless Beijinger opens an adult shop to make ends meet, sparking a sexual revolution in his conservative neighborhood.
Walking the Dead
His latest offering from serial horror movie director, Melanie Ansley is sure to send a chill down your spine. Charles, a western reporter, is exiled to a small village in south china where he discovers the most extraordinary story... He finds a small town whose folk move in an eerily slow manner, carrying out the strangest of deeds. Weirdly enough, the town cemetery is entirely barren. With only his wits about him, he must survive this, quite literally, dead town... and break the story to the rest of the world. The answers he finds will take him on an epic journey.
Город жизни и смерти
В декабре 1937 года в город Нанкин вступили японские захватчики. Много солдат «Гоминьдана» покинули город, но многие, которые не желали сдаваться, остались в городе и развернули сильное сопротивление. После неудачного сопротивления сотни тысяч людей погибли, превратив Нанкин в город смерти. Осталась возможность жить только в одном месте — «безопасная зона» в женской школе Цзиньлин. Там китайские женщины укрывали и спасали мужчин.
Watch Me
Tess Hooper is a diligent and earnest cinema studies student, haunted by a shameful incident from her past. One by one Tess's friends end up brutally murdered after opening the "Watch Me" email, a file that spreads through electronic address books to seek its next victim. All murders bear the same traits: a red-headed woman in a yellow dress, an internet connection, the victims' eyes sewn shut. As Tess becomes the next target in line, she finds herself seeking answers from Taku, an illegal film dealer with the unsavory nickname of "freak boy" and the moral integrity of a rattlesnake. But showing up voluntarily at Taku's lair, Tess finds herself in even more danger than when she was on her own. If the two can survive each other, they may just be able to live through this deadly email. As the clock ticks and the body count mounts, the two must untangle the puzzle to stop "Watch Me" from its poisonous rampage.
Empires of the Deep
For thousand of years, legends of beautiful mermaids have enchanted people from all over the globe. Their fascinating and mysterious world has always captured the imagination of humans. In film history, there hasn't been a single movie that has uncovered and explored this mystical world. What secrets lurk beneath the depths? And why do beautiful mermaids seduce human men? "Mermaid Island" is the first underwater fantasy film to unveil and answer these questions.