Al Burke

Al Burke


Al Burke
Al Burke
Al Burke
Al Burke
Al Burke


9 Ways to Hell
Officer Osbourne
A multi-award winning Horror Compilation inspired by Dante's Inferno. 9 diverse filmmakers deliver a twisted, micro-budget mix of blood and violence, comedy and carnage, demonic creatures and real world terrors, social commentary and WTF madness.
The Nudels of Nudeland
Officer D. Mann
Meet Tim Chizmar, he's loud and naked, in America that's how you know he's Tim Chizmar. Meet Lucz Padilla, she's quieter, religious, and nude, she works at a designer fashion label company in Mexico. Their lives are turned upside-down when these two young nudists are deported to the country of Nudeland where they can finally live with others that are not Clothes-minded. But even amongst the unique personalities and over-the-top characters (like a reverse Flasher running around) can our heroes ever truly get rid of the shame and anxiety inside and allow themselves to be free? Sure, nude isn't lewd, but it can come with mental baggage.
Alien Danger 2! With Raven Van Slender
Mog The Meeker
The League of Scientists must save the galaxy from evil, and find a pizza delivery spot in the cold dark regions of space.
Деньги для малышки
Police Sergeant
Когда ограбление идёт не по плану, преступники решают укрыться в доме матери-одиночки. Они ждут, когда беременная девушка одного из них раздобудет машину, чтобы они могли уехать и забрать свой куш.
Alien Danger! With Raven Van Slender
Mog The Meeker
The first Raven adventure
Break Even
Harbor Sheriff
Four adventurous friends find 50M in cash at a remote island only to discover it was left by the DEA for the Cartel in a rogue deal.
Intolerance: No More
Officer Al
An African American woman has an encounter with a white police officer that leaves him dead. The world watches a media circus real-time hunt for her and the truth.
Catch of the Day 2: You Die at Dawn!
Duncan Reinhold
Crashing funerals, digging through corpses to find drugs, and busting big-breasted bad girls is all in a days work for Officer Rod Davis.
Милый Мальчик
Biker (uncredited)
Молодой, но уже сильно пьющий актёр Отис Лорт попадает в аварию, а оттуда — в реабилитационную клинику. Чтобы разобраться в причинах зависимости и тяги к саморазрушению, терапевт советует ему вспомнить и записать яркие моменты прошлого. Отис начинает перебирать события в воспоминаниях, где основной фигурой часто становится его отец, терзавший мальчика морально, а иногда и физически, но на самом деле просто считавший, что знает, как сыну лучше.
Gam Cam Grrl
An irresistible femme fatale lures a notorious hacker to Moscow to help her commit the crime of the century.
Asesino en Suburbia
Stunt Driver
Gina and her teenage daughter Kelsey move into a new town so Kelsey can attend a better high school. It’s the start of senior year – meaning new parties to attend and new friends to make. But when Kelsey is abducted while on a date, all Gina’s nightmares come true. Can she save her daughter in time? And can she really trust the people trying to help?
Stunt Driver
A young girl meets a MMA coach and they quickly form a bond based on their mutual struggles with their own addictions.
Officer Burke
A young girl meets a MMA coach and they quickly form a bond based on their mutual struggles with their own addictions.
It Wants Blood!
Ralph Spector
Two giant monsters are forced to battle head to head on the political circuit as they run against each other for a seat in the Senate.
Killjoy's Carnage Caravan
FULL MOON'S BUNKER OF BLOOD sceams open for its seventh and penultimate episode. This time we're not clowinging around as we drage The Gore Collector and his eerie entourage into the cotton candy-colored guts of KILLJOY'S CARNAGE CARAVAN, a three-ring circus of freaky frights and evil effluvia. In between the very walls of time itself, the sinister group of Draconian doctors known only as the Circle of Psycho Surgeons contines to perform horrific experiments on unwitting subjects. But one of their tormented "patients" has returned for revenge. Now, The Gore Collector, and his mulitiversal traveling companions, Molly and Tape Head, have finally uncovered the whereabouts of the Psycho Surgeons and get set to exact the bloodiest of revenge. But what does this mean for The Gore Collector himself? As he returns to where it all started - the Bunker of Blood - he will find out what this splatter-soaked road trip across a fevered nightmarescape has REALLY done to his mind AND body!
DWB: Dating While Black
Police Officer
Two former co-workers, Eric and Alex, have been recently laid off of their jobs and they run into each other on a job interview. While searching for new jobs, they forge a personal relationship that involves Alex, a womanizing ladies' man, helping the naive and recently dumped Eric understand women better.
The Crossing
Captain O'Malley
A vengeful bride-to-be loses her husband moments before their wedding. A series of random killings ending lovers' future plans for happiness follows.
Cops are Actors
Police Sergeant
Somewhere in the hills of Los Angeles, we meet four actors who portray the police profession, through narrative and staging.
Одержимость друга
SGT Hill
Когда убили жениха Меган, она уехала на другой конец страны и начала жизнь заново. Новый парень, хорошие отношения с сестрой. Она подружилась с бывшим коллегой Ллойдом, и это привело к тяжелым последствиям. Она поняла, что он добьется своего, несмотря ни на что.
Bachelor Lions
Desk Sergeant
When Mark Myers and Zane Daniels meet each has yet to find ONE THING that makes them even remotely interesting. Together, they will embark on a journey most people will never take. A journey inward, to find their one true talent.
История рождественского убийства
Police Sergeant
Ограбление магазина ведёт к разрушительным последствиям, в которых замешаны разные люди, не связанные между собой. Все они сходятся в одном месте, в канун Рождества, где их судьбы решает сам дьявол...
Плохая няня
Police Sergeant (uncredited)
Женщина, которая в детстве была удочерена, узнает, что ее настоящая мать имеет идиллическую семью, поэтому она внедряется в семью в качестве няни и не останавливается ни перед чем, чтобы заполнить темную пустоту, которая жаждет справедливости.
Солнечные псы
Officer White
Фильм о молодом неудачнике, который три раза пытался присоединиться к морским пехотинцам. Приняв совет офицера флота - «защищать тылы» - слишком серьёзно, он берёт под прицел менеджера казино, который, возможно, является идейным вдохновителем террористов. Главный герой вербует молодых дезертиров и формирует удивительную антитеррористическую группировку.
Killjoy's Psycho Circus
Punchy the Hobo Clown
Killjoy, the demon of vengeance, trickster god and killer clown has finally made it to Earth! Along with his gruesome crew Freakshow, Punchy and the sexy/psychotic Batty Boop, Killjoy is free to terrorize mortals in new and excruciating ways.
Feast of Fear
Stunt Coordinator
A group of college students make a deal to have wishes granted with dire consequences.
Feast of Fear
Second Unit Director
A group of college students make a deal to have wishes granted with dire consequences.
Feast of Fear
Executive Producer
A group of college students make a deal to have wishes granted with dire consequences.
Feast of Fear
A group of college students make a deal to have wishes granted with dire consequences.
Ty Segall's Emotional Mugger
In a psycho-musical experience, The Man mutates as he walks across Los Angeles.
The 4th
It's the Fourth of July in Los Angeles, and Jamie, a broke illustrator who is behind on his rent, tries to throw a cookout while his overbearing roommate is out of town, but everything seems to go wrong.
Police Officer
TheCavKid, is a reckless singer/songwriter who is trying to make a name for herself in the LA music scene, while being a broke-ass 23-year-old. Follow Kelly as she makes a name for herself recording her 1st EP, with the help of two unlikely producers she met while delivering pizza.
God of Thunder
Officer Richards
Defeated on the battlefield by Thor, Loki is brought to Odin for justice. But by using his guile and trickery, Loki escapes to Earth. There he will conquer mankind and raise an even larger army to use in his quest for domination throughout the Nine Realms. Enraged by devastation of his home, Thor pursues Loki, but in the journey, he is rendered defenseless, awakening on Earth without his mighty hammer, or his memory. Alone and disoriented, Thor is besieged by Loki’s followers, hell-bent on stopping him…at any cost. Enlisting the help of a female human companion, Thor fights his way North, in search of his mythical weapon. Finding his hammer, Thor’s identity and prowess are restored and he must now prepare himself for a final climactic battle with Loki, to prevent the overthrow of the universe.
The Toy Soldiers
Male Police Officer
On one evening in a decade of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll, the innocence of youth and family unravels. Five parallel coming-of-age stories dramatize the stages of grief. A youthful mother in a custody battle over her children, finds tranquility with the bottle. The abuse of her ex-husband still haunts the children; a nineteen year old drug addict, and his younger brother, a bullied closet homosexual.There's the story of the dog; a teen who offers sexual favors to gain acceptance, the challenged classmate who would do anything for her love, and the redhead beauty, haunted by a secret, tragic past. These lives and others will change forever on this final evening before their hangout, The Toy Soldiers Roller Rink, closes its doors for the final time.
The Oatmeal Man
Officer Brown
Six best friends decide to make an impulse trip to Las Vegas in hopes of mending Santi and Annie's dying relationship. When Clive decides to stage a breakdown so Santi can "save the day", their truck "actually" breaks down in the middle of a long-ago forgotten ghost town. The eclectic group soon learns about the old legend of "Harold Oates aka The Oatmeal Man" and find themselves in the middle of a blood thirsty killer's luring ground. Will the group make it through the night? Or will they become a breakfast topping?
The Baddest Part
Gas Station Attendant
Deep in the Southwest desert, a wayward young couple embarks on a violent crime that unfolds in unexpected ways.
Dark Realm
Head of Security
Dark Realm is the story of a Master Illusionist inspired by the Occult who may actually be in league with evil forces to assure his success. It may also bring destruction for him, and everyone else in his macabre show.
Кровь искупления
Officer Bauer
Куинн Форте когда-то был богатым, обладал властью, и его любила прекрасная женщина. Но после того как кто-то из «друзей» предал его, буквально в одну ночь герой потерял все. Злоумышленники убили его отца, главу влиятельной преступной группировки, а сам Куинн оказался в тюрьме. И даже родной брат стал считать, что во всем виноват Форте. Отсидев свой срок, герой разыскивает своего бывшего близкого друга. Вместе они готовятся жестоко отомстить тем, кто виновен в случившемся.
Raptor Ranch
Sheriff Morgan
A group of young people stuck in the small Texas town of Fossil Ridge have to fight for their lives against dinosaurs that have been reanimated by a local scientist.
Dust Up
Mr. Lizard
Dust Up is a kick ass action comedy served up by Ward Roberts and starring Amber Benson that will make you laugh, gasp and punch the person you're sitting ...
Killjoy Goes to Hell
Killjoy is back in the fourth installment of the demonic clown series. This time Killjoy is being accused of not being evil, since he let one of his victims(Sandie) get away. Killjoy must rely on his only chance of proving how evil he really is... get Sandie into hell as his witness.
Already Gone
Officer McGinty
This movie tells of a young man named Jude Mulvey who is suffering from cystic fibrosis. As a way of coping with the disease, and not wanting to die in a hospital bed, he has taken up the occupation of being a criminal mastermind, stealing from other lawbreakers. Along with his partner, Scott Lee, they rob hangouts and drug dens. At some point, they cross the wrong bad guy, and the adventure begins.
Naked Run
Motor Officer
Eve Malone runs against a crooked Congressman...but does it in the nude! Starring Academy Award nominees Charles Durning, Eileen Brennan, and Richard Tyson.
Killjoy 3
Punchy the clown
The demon clown Killjoy is resurrected once again, but this time he is not given the name of his victim and is trapped in his realm. Using a magic mirror he lures four unsuspecting college students into his realm where he can have his macabre fun! A mysterious man returns and we finally discover who Killjoy's true target is!
The Trek
Keith and Kim Russell have just tied the knot and have set out on an adventure packed honeymoon in the wilderness. But much to their surprise, they find more action than they were looking for when they stumble upon a pair of cave dwelling savages.
Маги и волшебники
С незапамятных времен на небольшом греческом островке колдуны и волшебники ставят свои жуткие и жестокие психологические эксперименты, связанные с самыми сильными эмоциями и страхами людей и превращающие их жизнь в пытку. Но есть некоторые, чье мастерство может достичь самого верхнего уровня магии и превосходить над другими магами. Преследуемый своей собственной мощностью он способен навредить их секретному миру и проводимыми магами опытами. Имя таинственного «мага» — MAGUS.
It's Christmas
Officer Williams
Clarice & Benny are two robbers down on their luck that hear of a house that will be vacant over Christmas. Santa is trying to get ahead of the curb this Christmas by hitting a few houses early which proves to be challenging ending with him meeting up with Clarice and Benny. Santa must rely on his friends who have faith in the holiday spirit to save him before Christmas ends.
Werewolf in a Women's Prison
Stunt Coordinator
A woman wakes up in a corrupt prison after being attacked by a werewolf while camping with her boyfriend. She learns that her boyfriend was torn apart, and she is the only suspect.
Werewolf in a Women's Prison
A woman wakes up in a corrupt prison after being attacked by a werewolf while camping with her boyfriend. She learns that her boyfriend was torn apart, and she is the only suspect.
Atomic Blue: Mexican Wrestler
Set in contemporary Los Angeles, this fast-paced indie flick stars Mexican wrestler Atomic Blue as a man trying to put his past behind him. Young Nick Rodriguez, devastated by his brother's death and worried about a land developer who wants to destroy his neighborhood, is looking for a knight in shining armor – and thinks he's found one in former wrestling champ Atomic Blue. Trouble is, the aging athlete isn't anxious to be a hero anymore.