Gajanan Jagirdar


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Brahmprakash Bharadwaj
Бажранг, внук короля преступного мира влюблен в красавицу адвоката Бхавну, которая решительно пресекает все его попытки понравиться ей. Бхавна влюблена в инспектора полиции Рави Мальхотру, и они хотят вскоре пожениться. Но отец Рави при смерти и Рави едет к нему. Перед смертью отец умоляет сына жениться на сироте Радхе, которую он воспитывал. Рави не смог отказать умирающему отцу и женился на Радхе. А Бхавна узнает, что беременна от Рави...
Love in Goa
Mr. D'Souza
Teenage love story of a Catholic girl from Goa and a Hindu boy.
Rishta Kagaz Ka
Professor Sharma
It takes a debilitating disease like cancer to reunite brother (Raj Babbar) and sister (Nutan).
Дорогая Умрао
В молодой семье было двое детей: сын и дочь Умрао. Однажды случилось несчастье - Умрао была похищена. Девочка попала в дом Ханум Джан, где ее научили петь, танцевать, красиво и искусно одеваться. Умрао выросла красавицей. Она развлекает песнями и танцами богатых людей и они ей очень щедро платят. Но Умрао полюбила, и весь мир изменился..
Верные друзья
High School Principal
Виджай Варма и Рави — друзья с детства. И хотя Виджай стал инспектором криминальной полиции, а Рави адвокатом, связанным с криминальным миром и им часто приходится встречаться в суде по разную сторону баррикад, это не влияет на крепость их отношений. Но влюбленность в одну и ту же девушку и настойчивые попытки боса Рави посеять раздор между ними, начинают делать свое дело…
Gauri lives a poor lifestyle in a small town in India along with her maternal uncle, Pandey, and aunt, Parvati. Pandey is the peon for the District Forest Officer, and his wife and Gauri assist him in cooking, and cleaning the officer's living quarters. When Jain retires, he is replaced by a much younger officer, Vikas Kashyap, whose family, consisting of two married brothers, their wives, and his widowed mother, live a wealthy lifestyle in Bombay. Vikas takes over the job, and a few days later his mother also comes to live there. Gauri falls in love with Vikas, and is convinced that he, too, is in love with her. She even undertakes the Karva Chauth Vrath - little realizing that Vikas is in love with London-based Sonia, and their marriage will soon be finalized.
Lakhipur is a small community along the river bank of Ganga, where Sonu lives with his ailing mother. One day he rescues a woman named Geeta and brings her home with him. He and his mom look after her while she recuperates and find out that she comes from a wealthy family. When she gets better, he takes her home, only to find out that she is no longer welcome there by her paternal uncle and his wife, Ramkali.
Солнце и тень
Жизнь-это игра света и тени. Страдания чередуются со счастьем и слезами, за которыми следует смех. Паро — деревенская красавица — была центром внимания очень многих. Когда она влюбилась в Параса, доктора, который приехал чтобы спасти деревню от чумы, жители этого не потерпели. Его избили и бросили в реку умирать. Девушку же ослепили. К счастью Парас выжил и был доставлен в больницу, где за ним ухаживали доктор Сингх и его дочка. Тем временем красавица Паро, страдающая от слепоты получает от неизвестного предложение исцелиться...
Woh Main Nahin
A forest conservator works with a tribal clan during the British rule over India. He consciously does several marriages to expose the sly men who are playing with the sacred institution of marriage.
Raja Shiv Chhatrapati
A film based on Maharashtra's beloved king, Rajs Shivachatrapati's life
Aa Gale Lag Jaa
Dr. Saxena
Preeti, a wealthy woman, is in an intimate relationship with Prem, but her father disapproves and devises a plan that leads to their breakup. Years later, Preeti is reunited with Prem in a completely different situation.
Связаны руки
Seth. Harnam Das
Шьяму — сирота, живет со своим наставником и сделал карьеру на воровстве. Пока его наставник восстанавливается в больнице после перелома, Шьяму решает идти прямо. Его принимают за популярного писателя Дипака и встречают с большим уважением. К его радости, он встречает больного Дипака, на которого он похож. Дипак болен и вскоре умирает, а Шьяму принимает его личность и начинает роман с прекрасной Малой. Но некий инспектор полиции Кумар интересуется Дипаком и убежден, что человек, маскирующийся под Дипака, на самом деле кто-то другой.
Padma's Father
A man overhears a murder plot and telephones three different women, all who share the potential victim's name.
A poor woman feels unwelcome in her husband's family
Guruji a.k.a. Roopa
Hesitant to marry dancer Rajni, Ashok initially refuses but slowly falls in love with her. However, when Ashok and Rajni are about to get married, they find themselves embroiled in a murder.
Kulpati Mahanam
Действие этого фильма происходит в Древней Индии, около 500 года до нашей эры. Сюжет основан на реальных событиях из жизни придворной танцовщицы и куртизанки Амрапали из Вайшали, и Аджашастры, царя империи Магадхи, который влюбляется в неё. Чтобы получить Амрапали, Аджашастра со своими войсками разрушает Личчхави. Несмотря на то, что Амрапали тоже полюбила Аджашастру, она, будучи патриоткой своей страны, не может покинуть свой народ и уйти с завоевателем. Амрапали встречается с Буддой Гаутамой и становится одной из его учениц, а после обучения у него — архатом.
Yuge Yuge Mi Vat Pahili
Yuge Yuge Mi Vat Pahili is a Marathi movie released in 1965. The movie is directed by C. Vishwanath and features Jayshree Gadkar in a strong author-backed role as a woman who refuses the hand dealt to her by fate and instead fights patriarchy and chauvinism while acknowledging her own feminine desires. A film ahead of its times, with beautiful songs and a dark and bold undercurrent throughout.
Bhola (as Jagirdar)
A tourist guide meets an unhappy married woman who wants to take up dancing. With his motivation, she becomes a successful dancer but success corrupts the man's mind.
The Munim (Clerk) in Ranimaa's family lives with his son, Kaushal and daughter, Madhavi. After he passes away, Ranimaa brings up both children as her own, along with her only son, Rajesh. Years later, Rajesh has grown up and is of marriageable age. He meets with beautiful Bhanu Saxena and both fall in love with each other. Shortly thereafter, in a boating accident, Kaushal passes away, leaving behind a devastated Madhavi, Rajesh, who blames himself for his death, and Ranimaa. A few months later, Rajesh gets married to Bhanu and she moves in with them. Bhanu dislikes Madhavi and would like her out of the way, she goes to the extent of accusing her of having an affair with her husband.
Эра любви
Pushpa's husband and Ranjeet's adoptive father
Лакшми родила крепышей, мальчиков-близнецов, однако ее радость была недолгой — ей рассказали о трагедии, которая случилась с ее госпожой. Та, после семнадцати лет семейной жизни, также готовилась стать счастливой матерью, но малыш погиб при родах. Не вынеся мыслей о страданиях своей госпожи, Лакшми без колебаний отдала одного из своих близнецов, чтобы подменить мертвое дитя. Ее госпожа никогда не узнала бы правду, так как Лакшми дала себе клятву, что сохранит эту тайну. Таким образом, близнецы достигли своего совершеннолетия в совершенно разных условиях. Ранджит вырос в роскоши и получил самое лучшее образование. Его близнец Шьям жил с матерью Лакшми в нужде и бедности, но считался признанным лидером в округе..
Deepak's Father (as Jagirdar)
An unemployed young man named Deepak (Pradeep Kumar) saves Aarti Gupta (Meena Kumari), a hardworking and dedicated doctor, from drowning, and the two eventually fall in love with each other, although she is already engaged to Dr. Prakash (Ashok Kumar). Although Aarti's father firmly disapproves of this relationship, Deepak and Aarti marry. She moves in with him and his family, which includes his brother, Niranjan (Ramesh Deo), his sister-in-law, Jaswanti (Shashikala), their three children, and Deepak's father (Jagirdar). That leaves the humiliated Prakash determined to get Aarti back, whatever he may have to do. He manages to bring a discord in their marital life, so much so that Deepak asks Aarti to leave, and she returns home to her father. This is followed by Deepak having a serious accident, when Prakash is the only surgeon who can operate on him.
Hum Dono
Mita Father (as Jagirdar)
An Indian army captain must break bad news to a sick woman.
Film starring Gajanan Jagirdar, Azra and Sulochana Choudhury
Shankar's Employer
A wealthy man is thrilled about becoming a parent and is pleased when his wife gives birth to a son. However, the son’s identification gets misplaced.
Apradhi Kaun?
Shree Nath / Dina Nath (as Jagirdar)
A wealthy man, suspected of murder, is killed before he can be arrested. Everyone in his household is under suspicion. A private investigator looks into the case and finds himself falling in love with one of the suspects.
Paying Guest
An incompetent lawyer gets evicted, dons the guise of an old man to gain accommodation, falls for the owner's daughter, then faces numerous life-changing challenges.
Chhoo Mantar
The King
Baijnath alias Baiju is a slacker, trouble-maker, unemployed, and a flirt. The villagers rally together and force his father to ask him to leave the village, which Baiju does. Baiju's travels take him to the castle of a king, who has a beautiful daughter named Ratnavali. When he sees Ratnavali, he is smitten by her beauty and falls head over heels in love with her.
Emperor Shivaji
King Aurangzeb
The film chronicles the ascent of Shivaji, the great Maratha warrior who fought for liberty from the erstwhile Muslim rulers in order to establish a secular Hindu kingdom.
Jail Yatra
Jail Yatra is an Indian Hindi-language drama film released in 1947. It was directed by Gajanan Jagirdar.
Prabhat's expansively mounted historical set at a contentious period of the Maratha empire is a biographical of Ramshastri Prabhune (1720-89), chief justice at the court of Madhavrao and later of Nana Phadnavis, and a major figure in the development of an indigenous legal code.
Prabhat's expansively mounted historical set at a contentious period of the Maratha empire is a biographical of Ramshastri Prabhune (1720-89), chief justice at the court of Madhavrao and later of Nana Phadnavis, and a major figure in the development of an indigenous legal code.
The story is set in a small village in India where the villagers of different communities live in harmony. Pandit (Mazhar Khan) a Hindu, and Mirza (Gajanan Jagirdar) a Muslim, are two old friends who function as the village elders and look out for each other's families. An industrialist, Onkar, arrives to construct a dam in the village. He is opposed by the two friends and the other villagers. Onkar decides to create distrust and disunity between the two communities and friends. When a house is set on fire, Mirza is made to believe it is the work of Pandit and his son. Encouraged by the villagers, he is forced to ex-communicate the two. This causes strife and the dam is constructed. Finally the dam breaks and the two old friends come together again and die in their attempt to save lives.