The feature documentary Searching for Mr. Rugoff is the story of Donald Rugoff, who was the crazy genius behind Cinema 5, the mid-century theater chain and film distribution company. Rugoff was a difficult (some would say impossible) person but was also the man who kicked art films into the mainstream with outrageous marketing schemes and pure bluster. Rugoff's impact on cinema culture in the United States is inestimable, and his influence on the art film business-from the studio classics divisions to the independent film movement to the rise of the Weinsteins-is undeniable. Yet, mysteriously, Rugoff has become a virtually forgotten figure. The story is told through the eyes of former employee Ira Deutchman, who sets out to find the truth about the man who had such a major impact on his life, and to understand how such an important figure could have disappeared so completely.
Симпатичный парень Джонни промышляющий угоном машин в организованной с друзьями банде, влюбляется в белую девушку из большого дома. Она из другого мира, но она полюбила его. Парень совсем потерял голову. Чтобы произвести на нее впечатление, он поехал на свидание на ворованной машине, поссорился с друзьями, пытавшимися его отговорить, и даже стал носить при себе пистолет, так как полиция его уже разыскивала. Ничего хорошего из этого, как водится, не вышло.
Traxx has battled his way through El Salvador, the Middle East and Nicaragua, spitting lead with two-handed good grace. He decides to retire to a life of baking designer cookies. Running out of dough to buy more dough, he hires himself as a "Town Tamer" and begins cleaning up Hadleyville, Texas, telling the lowlife street scum, "You got three choices. Be good, be gone, or be dead." Like all bacteria, the scum are resistant: crime boss Aldo Palucci (Robert Davi) brings in the dreaded Guzik brothers to rid the town of the town tamer, setting the stage for a showdown in the streets.
A strippers' convention and a major contest. The movie focuses on a few strippers, each with her own strong motive to win.
A strippers' convention and a major contest. The movie focuses on a few strippers, each with her own strong motive to win.
«Качая Железо» явил миру двадцативосьмилетнего Арнольда Шварценеггера — пятикратного обладателя титула «Мистер Олимпия», австрийского культуриста, которого книга рекордов Гинесса назовёт «самым идеально сложенным мужчиной за всю историю мира». В этой картине будущая суперзвезда Голливуда будет бороться за свой 6-ой титул «Мистер Олимпия»!