Harvey Shain

Harvey Shain


Harvey Shain


Gene's Chauffeur
На очаровательную Анну навалились проблемы: ее достает босс, обижают друзья и бесит муж-недотепа. В отчаянии она рассказывает о своих невзгодах незнакомцу, который внезапно предлагает избавить ее от любых бед, ей достаточно лишь подписать с ним контракт. Вскоре босс погибает страшной смертью, и Анна к своему ужасу понимает, что странный благодетель воспринял их шуточное соглашение всерьез, и теперь в опасности все, кто ей близок и дорог…
Murray Leever
For the Love of the Click
Professor Kranz
Popper a sexy detective is in charge of finding out the magic box. For this reason, he goes to Hawai where he meets Jasmine, an exotic painter
Окончательная привлекательность
Prof. Kran
The "Clicker," based upon the comic book of Milo Manara, falls (literally) into the hands of Linda and Ben who use it to save the Spa at which they work.
Chill Factor
Samuel Hofritz
After a day of filming her popular "Window On The World" television series, hostess Katherine returns to her hotel room to find Clifford, an ex-CIA agent who reveals a saga of a worldwide organization that seeks to destroy the economic stability of every major country. Katherine seizes this opportunity to become a "real journalist" like star reporter Jerry, against the direct orders of news director Carl.
Hot Ice
Winford and his wife Charlotte are criminals, who end up at a remote ski resort, where a rock star named "Diamond Jim" is performing. Winford and Charlotte steal his diamonds, which were kept in a safe behind the hotel's main desk.
Hot Ice
Winford and his wife Charlotte are criminals, who end up at a remote ski resort, where a rock star named "Diamond Jim" is performing. Winford and Charlotte steal his diamonds, which were kept in a safe behind the hotel's main desk.
Planet of Dinosaurs
Harvet Baylor
A spaceship gets lost and is forced to make an emergency landing on an unknown planet. The planet looks much like Earth, only with no trace of civilization. Soon the crew discovers that there are bloodthirsty dinosaurs on the planet. The crew hopes to be found and rescued, but until then, they must fight to survive.
The Beach Bunnies
A reporter for a gossip magazine stays at a beach house near that of a movie star to investigate reports that he had had a sex change operation.
Девушки беглянки
Cadillac Driver
Пятеро женщин-заключенных совершают побег из тюрьмы. Но если четверо женщин-это закоренелые рецидивистки, то одна девушка по имени Ди оказалась в местах заключения за преступление, которое она не совершала. Ди подставил ее друг, совершивший во время ограбления магазина убийство. Так что Ди очевидно не хватает навыков общения с «профессиональными» преступницами-подругами: достаточного матерного словарного запаса, мужеподобности в поведении, физической силы, а главное-беспринципности и моральной опущенности. Тем не менее, беглянкам первым делом нужно уйти от преследования полиции, а уже потом решать, что они будут делать дальше. И вот начинается их разудалое и разухабистое путешествие по Калифорнии, наполненное насилием, жестокостями и остальной «романтикой» преступного мира.
Sassy Sue
Pa, a moonshining chicken farmer, is worried that his dim-witted son Junior is becoming way more attracted to their cow Sassy Sue than he should be, so he sets out to gather up all the nubile young farmgirls in the area and get them to show Junior what he's missing.
The Cocktail Hostesses
Toni is a secretary who is tired of not making much money, even though she is sleeping with her boss. Her girlfriend convinces her to take a job as a cocktail hostess, where she can make a lot of money in tips, and meet a lot of men.
The Snow Bunnies
Brenda, Madie, and Tammy go on a ski vacation, where they have intimate encounters with men.
Class Reunion
A high-school reunion held at a hotel serves as an excuse for some alumni to resume old relationships and start new ones--sometimes with several people at once.
Drop Out Wife
Sam (as Forman Shane)
A young housewife gets involved in the "swinging" scene and discovers that it isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Beautiful People
A therapist, Dr. Voxuber, runs a mysterious "health resort" on the California coast. Out of 50 applicants, he picks eight people, from all walks of life, to put them through a series of rituals and exercises in order to make them aware of their bodies in a way they never were before.
The Undercover Scandals of Henry VIII
A Fairy Tale For Adults
A rich man pays his look a like to see if three women who stand to inherit his money are on the level.
The Golden Box
Two voluptuous secret agents use their particular charms to locate a chest full of gold.
The Ecstasies of Women
Ted (as Forman Shain)
Harry is a man whose friends throw him night-long bachelor party on the eve of him getting married. Harry flashes back to his many female "conquests" with the go-go dancers that remind him of his many past lovers.
2069 A.D.
Cpt. Strong
A re-incarnational fantasy; the hero is sent back in time thru his past lives to realize how he had failed at love and what he can do about it.
Lady Godiva Rides
Tom Jones
When an English lord finds his wife Lady Godiva in bed with her lover Tom Jones they have to leave the country and go to the USA. Godiva ends up in a brothel and when Tom wants to save her he is challenged to a duel by the owner of the brothel.
The Secret Sex Lives of Romeo and Juliet
An outrageously bawdy, sexed-up version of the world's most famous love story.
Henry's Night In
A nerdy guy mixes up a magic formula and becomes invisible whenever he sneezes. He uses his power of invisibility to sneak into his neighbors' bedrooms at night when their husbands aren't home and have his way with them.
The Bushwhacker
A crazy mountain-man shoots down a small passenger plane. He then proceeds to stalk, torture and kill the survivors.
College Girls
An episodic exploitation movie about college girls in erotic situations.
The Head Mistress
Barmaid's Lover / Tavern Patron (uncredited)
A man pretends to be an imbecile so that he may work at an all-girls school.
The Lustful Turk
Muzra - Bey of Tunis
Two English women and their female servant are kidnapped by pirates and sold to an Arab sheik. However, they all fall for the captain of the pirate ship that captured them.
Office Love-In, White Collar Style
Tom Brandon
Sexy Marsha Jordan works as a secretary at a dating service (Date-A-Mate) and gets it on with her boss, his wife and his brother in law.
Watch the Birdie... Die!
A young model's affair with a married advertising executive leads to tragedy for all involved.
Love Is a Four Letter Word
Reality and fantasy blur as a sexually frustrated college student turns to voyeurism to satisfy his deviant urges. Looking beyond his prudish girlfriend and sleepy town to fulfill his needs, he travels south of the border for an orgy of peep shows and pills - but his lust pushes him to the brink of insanity.
Day of the Nightmare
Tony (uncredited)
A young wife's marriage begins to crumble after she's attacked by a knife-wielding woman whom the police believed was already dead.