Steven Cuitlahuac Melendez


Molly and the Skywalkerz in
An animated special about a young girl who must learn to accept her divorced mother's remarriage.
Molly and the Skywalkerz in
A young third grader named Molly Conway suffers depression when she finds out about her parents are getting divorced. She tries everything to get them together, but mostly backfires and eventually accepts their departure.
Лев, колдунья и платяной шкаф
Нарния — эта сказочный мир, созданный для детей англо-ирландским автором Клайвом Стейплзом Льюисом. Животные там умеют разговаривать, а магия является привычным для всех ремеслом. Однажды четверо детей обнаруживают дверь, ведущую в эту удивительную страну. Но власть в Нарнии теперь принадлежит злой Колдунье, наславшей на всю страну вечную зиму. Только детское бесстрашие сможет разрушить заклинания и освободить жителей Нарнии. А помогут им в этом добрые жители волшебной страны, благородный лев Аслан и непутевый мистер Тумнус.
Dick Deadeye, or Duty Done
Able Seaman Dick Deadeye is charged by Queen Victoria to find the stolen Ultimate Secret. His ugliness means that his life has always been lonely but a buxom barmaid takes a shine to him. Together, they battle pirates and an evil magician before discovering that the Ultimate Secret is nothing but LOVE! Using songs based on the original works of Gilbert and Sullivan (but updated with modern lyrics), this film was created to commemorate the centenary anniversary of the first collaboration of the composers of the Savoy Operas.
Dick Deadeye, or Duty Done
Able Seaman Dick Deadeye is charged by Queen Victoria to find the stolen Ultimate Secret. His ugliness means that his life has always been lonely but a buxom barmaid takes a shine to him. Together, they battle pirates and an evil magician before discovering that the Ultimate Secret is nothing but LOVE! Using songs based on the original works of Gilbert and Sullivan (but updated with modern lyrics), this film was created to commemorate the centenary anniversary of the first collaboration of the composers of the Savoy Operas.
A Boy Named Charlie Brown
Poor Charlie Brown. He can't fly a kite, and he always loses in baseball. Having his faults projected onto a screen by Lucy doesn't help him much either. Against the sage advice and taunting of the girls in his class, he volunteers for the class spelling bee...and wins!