Jan Merlin

Jan Merlin

Рождение : 1925-04-03, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 2019-09-20


character actor, screenwriter, and author. He had recurring roles on TOM CORBETT, SPACE CADET (1951-54) and THE ROUGH RIDERS (1958-59). Merlin won a Daytime Emmy for writing ANOTHER WORLD


Jan Merlin


A Child Lost Forever: The Jerry Sherwood Story
Jury Foreman
A teenage mother is forced to give up her baby for adoption and, 19 years later, when she tries to contact her son, she learns that he died, under questionable circumstances when he was three years old.
False Identity
Potter - Pete
When Rachel, a radio personality, discovers a Purple Heart at a garage sale she decides to find out its history. She finds that the medal belonged to a man named Harlan Erickson, a long-lost brother of the town's leading citizen.
Похороненные заживо
Клинт Гудмен — со всех сторон положительный и работящий владелец строительной компании. Неверная супруга Клинта, Джоана, вместе со своим любовником, местным врачом, замышляют отравить Клинта, а затем продать его строительную компанию и потратить все деньги. Злодеи пытаются убить Клинта, но не доводят дело до конца… Заживо погребенный муж без труда выбирается из дешевого хлипкого гроба, закопанного совсем неглубоко, и… возвращается в семью, чтобы отомстить…
Time Trackers
Max Barker
When an evil scientist steals his colleague's time machine his colleague's beautiful, brilliant daughter, aided by an L.A. cop and a hapless admirer, pursues him back to twelfth century England where - disguised as a damsel in distress - she enlists the help of a knight errant whose secret past holds the key to her future.
Nowhere to Run
Mr. Groker
Rural Texas, 1960 -- An age of good times and innocence, when growing up was supposed to be easy. Six high school seniors know the terrible secret that will make the difference in the biggest election in the county's history. Now they must make the most difficult decision of their lives. They must become adults. Written by Concorde - New Horizons
Silk 2
Hancock Gish
Silk, the smoothest, toughest, and sexiest cop in Honolulu is hot on the trail of ruthless art smugglers who are after a priceless Asian Scroll. Silk will stop at nothing to get her man, even if it means blowing up an entire building.
Вечная песня
Кажется, что у Дэвида есть всё. Он обаятелен, талантлив, немного забавен и очень популярен. А ещё у него есть друг Крис, нелепый неудачник. Однажды они с друзьями проводили пикник на побережье, и Дэвид отправился на скалы, чтобы полюбоваться океаном. Крис решил подшутить над товарищем и незаметно пошёл за ним, но вскоре потерял Дэвида из вида. Когда Крис вышел на скалу, друга там уже не оказалось…
A powerful family that controls the world's banks has made a deal with Satan to help the forces of evil take over the world. An underground group named The Judges bands together to try to stop them.
Aliens From Another Planet
A senator is sent to inspect a project that can send people into the future or past & decide if it is feasible to continue. One of the scientists working on it, decides to go through it anyway... This is a compilation of three episodes of the 1960's TV series, "The Time Tunnel".
Фильм рассказывает о гибели самого крупного воздушного судна двадцатого века, огромного дирижабля-авианосца «Гинденбург», построенного как символ новой гитлеровской Германии. Под командованием Макса Прусса в 1937 году дирижабль отправился в своё последнее путешествие из Германии в Америку. Желая продемонстрировать американцам свою мощь, показав им «Гинденбург», никто из немецкого командования и не подозревал, что на его борту находится саботажник, планирующий взорвать воздушную гордость Германии.
The Slams
Rival prison factions surround a Los Angeles convict who has $1.5 million stashed on the outside.
I Escaped from Devil's Island
In 1916, a group of prisoners plot their escape from the notorious fortress located in French Guiana.
The Twilight People
A kidnapped diver is taken to an island inhabited by a mad scientist and his half-animal, half-human creations.
Хватай деньги и беги
Al - Bank Robber
Вуди Аллен выступил режиссером, соавтором сценария и главным героем этого сумасбродного фарса о застенчивом, нескладном гангстере, который в результате своей деятельности добывает больше тюремного срока, чем драгоценностей. Вирджил, застенчивый коротышка в больших роговых очках - опасный рецидивист, который грабит все, что попадается под руку. Правда, в последний момент по стечению самых нелепых обстоятельств Вирджил неизменно попадает в тюрьму, но всякий раз, выйдя на свободу, с маниакальным упорством принимается за старое. Однажды после очередной отсидки он отправился в парк в надежде стянуть чей-нибудь кошелек... и встретил девушку своей мечты. Они полюбили друг друга, и, чтобы эффектно завершить свою преступную жизнь, Вирджил решил ограбить банк..
Strategy of Terror
A reporter and a New York City cop team up to find out who is trying to assassinate a UN leader. Film was a re-edit of two Kraft Suspense Theatre episodes.
Резня в День святого Валентина
Willie Marks
История «ночи длинных ножей» гангстерского мира, ночи, когда итальянская мафия во главе с безжалостным Аль Капоне обезглавила ирландскую мафию в Чикаго, отправив на свет иной всех главарей этой мощной преступной группировки. По своей молниеносности, безжалостности и масштабности эта война за передел влияния в преступном мире не имеет себе равных.
Guns of Diablo
Rance Macklin
14-year-old Kurt Russell plays Jamie, an orphaned boy heading westward with a wagon train. Charles Bronson is a wagon scout Linc Murdock, who runs into difficulties when he meets old flame Maria (Susan Oliver), who is now married to corrupt lawman Rance Macklin (Jan Merlin). The jealous Macklin has Murdock arrested, but Maria frees him, permitting Murdock and Jamie to embark on a new adventure involving a "lost" gold mine.
Gunfight at Comanche Creek
Comanche Creek, Colorado, 1875: Prisoner Jack Mason is broken out of jail by a gang of strangers. They use him in a robbery, then when the dead-or-alive reward is high enough, they shoot him and collect. The National Detective Agency, now knowing the gang's methods, arranges to have agent Bob Gifford jailed in Comanche Creek for train robbery. The gang takes the bait (not before Gifford catches the eye of lovely saloon-keeper Abbie). But how will the bait get off the hook?
Hell Bent for Leather
When Clay Santell stops in the town of Sutterville after having his horse stolen, he is mistaken by townspeople for a murderer named Travers. The townspeople capture Santell, and turn him over to lawman Harry Deckett. Deckett, who is tired of chasing the real Travers, decides to kill Santell and pass him off as Travers. Santell escapes from Deckett, taking lovely Janet Gifford hostage in the process. Janet comes to believe Santell's story, and helps him in his struggle to prove his real identity.
Cole Younger, Gunfighter
Frank Wittrock
An outlaw must decide whether to stick his neck out for an innocent man.
Woman and the Hunter
Robert Gifford
When embittered safari guide David Kirby accepts a fateful commission to lead a hunting trip for wealthy and ruthless American Mitchell Gifford, tragedy soon intervenes and the big game hunt becomes a man hunt.
The Peacemaker
Viggo Tomlin
A former gunfighter who went to prison but then took up religion arrives in a western town as the new preacher. There he finds a feud between the ranchers and the farmers. The Railroad Agent is after the ranchers land and has his men causing all the trouble. The new preacher sets out to bring the two sides together and he says he will not need a gun.
A Strange Adventure
Al Kutner
A trio of thieves make their getaway by kidnapping a young hot-rodder, and take over a mountain cabin for a hideout after overpowering its occupants.
Screaming Eagles
Lt. Pauling
A group of young soldiers parachute into France in preparation for D-Day.
A Day of Fury
Billy Brand
Town marshal Alan Burnett life is saved by a stranger he meets on the trail. His rescuer turns out to be Jagade, a gunslinger just returned after years away, who finds when he gets into town that he can't abide the peace that has been settled between "his" people (i.e. the saloon-keepers, gamblers, etc.) and the righteous, "respectable" folk.
Running Wild
Scotty Cluett
To get evidence against a crooked garage owner, a rookie cop masquerades as a hard case who wants a job as a mechanic.
Andy Garth
A hugely successful DA goes into private practice after sending a man to the chair -- only to find out later he was innocent. Now the drunken attorney only seems to represent criminals and low lifes.
Big House, U.S.A.
A tough and realistic crime drama unfolds as merciless kidnapper Jerry Barker (Ralph Meeker) demands ransom paid against a young runaway whose fate lands Barker in Casabel Island Prison.
Six Bridges to Cross
Andy Norris
Follow the evolution of a small time juvenile delinquent hood to a big time racketeer. Based on the famous 1950 Brinks Robbery in Boston that netted the crooks $2.5 million. The story delves into the psychology of the perpetrators, as well as the intricate mechanics of the hold-up.
Flight to Nowhere
(Unconfirmed) Hotel Bellboy
A couple on board a plane find themselves mixed up in a plot to steal atomic secrets.