Kendall Clark

Рождение : 1912-02-05,

Смерть : 1983-01-28


My Daughter's Disgrace
A high school senior’s life is turned upside down when photos of her naked body are distributed to a revenge porn website. Frustrated by police inaction, her mother takes the investigation into her own hands.
Я знаю, где Лиззи
15-летнюю Лиззи похитил неизвестный. Ее разведенные родители Джудит и Мартин не могут найти себе места, мало того, полиция оказывается бессильной. Однако помочь им соглашается Трейси Спенсер, которая утверждает, что она – медиум и знает, где прячут Лиззи. У Джудит появляется искорка надежды, но скоро становится ясно, что у Трейси немного другая цель…
Megachurch Murder
After popular and charismatic megachurch leader Hamilton Spears commits suicide, his teenage daughter Hannah's life goes off the rails. The only thing keeping her together is her new boyfriend, Oliver. When she finds evidence pointing to a church conspiracy and threats toward her father, she is determined to prove that Hamilton's death was murder not suicide. As she gets closer to the truth, she realizes her own mother may be involved in her father's murder...and that the boy she is falling in love with is the son of his killer.
Damn Citizen
Col. Thomas Hastings
Louisiana's governor asks war hero Francis C. Grevemberg (Keith Andes) to lead the state police against corruption.
The Shrike
Dr. Bellman
Film version of Joseph Kramm's Pulitzer Prize play, about a Broadway playwright driven to a nervous breakdown by his shrewish wife.
Six Bridges to Cross
Follow the evolution of a small time juvenile delinquent hood to a big time racketeer. Based on the famous 1950 Brinks Robbery in Boston that netted the crooks $2.5 million. The story delves into the psychology of the perpetrators, as well as the intricate mechanics of the hold-up.