D.K. Sapru
Рождение : 1916-03-16, Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, British India
Фильм о принце Амаре Сингхе, выросшем среди цыган и возглавившем мятеж против тирании злого правителя. Его встреча с принцессой Падмавати навсегда изменила судьбу целого королевства...
Chhaya's Father
Химмат Сингх - известный бандит, за которым уже давно гоняются все самые лучшие следователи полицейского управления. Но в один прекрасный день Химмата поймали. Однако на свободе находится еще один опасный преступник по имени Тилак Сингх. Этот человек постоянно осуществляет вылазки, пытаясь наводить свои порядки по всей округе. Однажды Тилак принял решение ограбить свадебный поезд. Но он и подумать не мог, что ему окажет ожесточенное сопротивление полицейский Раджу, отправляющийся на свадьбу своей сестры.
Принцессу Минакши (Индрани Мукхерджи), наследницу престола богатого княжества, спасает от разбойников, живущих в джунглях, бедный охотник Джвала (Пран). В благодарность за спасение принцесса соглашается стать его женой. Однако обстоятельства складываются так, что она ошибочно решает, будто её муж погиб в схватке с тигром. Лишившуюся рассудка принцессу отец выдает замуж за правителя соседнего государства Пратапа Сингха (Прадип Кумар). Придя в себя, она рассказывает супругу о том, что беременна от первого мужа. Пратап Сингх умоляет Минакши не покидать его и обещает сделать ребенка своим наследником.
Village bred farmer, brave, and honest, Dharamchand alias Dharma is thrilled when his wife, Radha, gives birth to a baby boy, who they decide to call Raju. Dharma comes to the rescue of Ajit, Suresh, and Sujit, when they are being attacked by a tiger, and they graciously offer him a job in Bombay whenever he needs it. When the region experiences drought, Dharma, Radha, Raju and Dharma's sister, Laxmi, re-locate to Bombay, where Ajit makes Dharma the Manager of his warehouse. Dharma does his job diligently, but one day is arrested by the police for carrying on illegal activities. When in court, he tries to prove his innocence, but is disbelieved and is sentenced to 18 months in jail plus an additional six months for contempt of court. When he returns home, everything has changed. His wife and Raju are near destitution; Laxmi has been raped by Sujit and has killed herself.
Сурадж Кумар со своим отцом и сестрой живут в Уганде. В Индии их собственностью управляет служащий Каличаран. Узнав о намерении хозяина вернуться в Индию, Каличаран приказывает убить всю семью и сжечь дом. Отец Сураджа убит, сестра похищена, вся собственность украдена… Сурадж вынужден пойти на работу в полицию. В Европе он встречает танцовщицу Судху, которую Каличаран шантажом заставляет заниматься контрабандой. Теперь Сурадж должен найти свою сестру, спасти любимую, остановить канал контрабанды наркотиков и отомстить…
Defence Lawyer
The film is based around a middle-class man, Rajesh (Raj) living with his sister. He is in love with a young woman, and he intends to marry her once he has found a potential husband to take care of his sister. However, one day the sister is raped and murdered and the police are unable to find any clues and it is left to Rajesh to find the murderers and avenge her death. He traces the murderer and kills him, and is therefore now on the run from the police himself. Rajesh abducts a child as a hostage and seeks refuge in a house only to later learn that the child is the son of his former lover, who is now married to a Police Inspector. Rajesh is torn in two - whether to release the child, or to use him to make an escape.
Mr. Agarwal
Ананда Бабу - профсоюзного активиста, оклеветали, и он умер, не вынеся позора. Долгие годы на жене и детях висело клеймо «предателя». Дети вырастают и сами выбирают свои дороги. Рави Варма становится инспектором полиции, Виджай - гангстером. Полоса отчуждения пролегла между ними, но это не помешает им найти виновников и отомстить за гибель отца..
After helping a stabbing victim to the hospital, a man begins to receive anonymous threats. The only way to save his wife and child is to unravel the mystery of the killer's identity.
An Indian ruler struggles to rescue her family and liberate her land from the British.
Sapna lives a simple life in the slums with her hard-working mother and her alcoholic step-father. One day she catches the eye of the wealthy smuggler Heera, who tries to seduce her, then sexually assaults her. Sapna is rescued by the young taxi driver Amit and the two fall in love, but vengeful Heera is not the only challenge to the couple's love.
College Chairman
Молодой преподаватель истории Промод Шарма уезжает работать в провинциальный колледж, чтобы честно и бескорыстно послужить обществу. Вскоре он выясняет, что в общежитии колледжа всем заправляют негодяи, тайно торгующие спиртными напитками и сбивающие учащихся с истинного пути. Промод начинает борьбу с главарем банды — Ракешом.
Writer Sagar Sharma is in love with a much younger woman named Barkha. When Sagar meets his ex-wife, Neelima, she tells him that Barkha is her daughter. Perturbed that he is dating his ex-step-daughter, Sagar disbelieves her and continues to have his affair with Barkha. And then Neelima tells him that she had an affair with his elder brother and that Barkha is his daughter. Sagar will now decide to end this affair, as neither the community nor his very own brother will permit him to have an affair with his own niece.
Hakim Saab
История рассказывает о куртизанке по имени Сахиб-Джан. Её мать также была куртизанкой, так что выбор профессии для девушки был предопределен. Мать Сахиб-Джан умерла при родах после того, как от нее ушел возлюбленный. Главная героиня сейчас является владелицей публичного дома. Однажды она приняла решение удочерить девочку.
Raja Kumar Bahadur alias Gyan Shankar Rai has been a total abstainer all his life, never touching a drop of alcohol, and keeping away from women and all known vices all his life. Then one day he sees a young woman named Saudamani, and instantly falls in love with her. He finds out about her background, and virtually buys her, and brings her to his palatial home. This is when he takes to drinking, and wooing her, and renaming her Madhuri, but refrains from marrying her. Years later, he sees another beautiful woman, about half his age, named Sumita, meets with her parents, pays off their debts, and marries her in the bargain.
Доктор Ананд Кумар занимается медицинской практикой в маленькой индийской деревне. Он женится на школьной учительнице Нише. Из-за интриг других деревенских врачей Ананд вынужден перебраться в Бомбей, где становится личным доктором звезды Болливуда Малтималы. Слава и деньги настолько изменили его, что у него нет времени на друзей, личную жизнь, даже на жену. Разочаровавшись в муже, Ниша решила вернуться домой. Теперь у Ананда есть свободное время, чтобы решить: хочет ли он развестись с Нишей и жениться на самой популярной актрисе в Индии…
Raja Kans
Shri Krishna Leela is a 1971 Hindi religious film directed by Homi Wadia. It was produced by his Basant Pictures banner. Written by B. M. Vyas, the story and dialogue were by S. N. Tripathi.
Lord Parshuram, a reincarnation of Lord Vishnu, beheads his mother to prove that duty comes before anything else. Later, he takes upon himself the task of restoring peace on earth.
Reeta Mehra gets a job at a department store to support her ailing mother. After she refuses sexual favours to an important business partner, her boss Sohanlal has her framed for shoplifting. When Reeta gets out of prison, her mother has died. She meets Heeralal, who has also been cheated by Sohanlal, and together they work out a plot for revenge. Reeta is to marry Sohanlal's son and then reveal her history, disgracing Sohanlal's name. Things quickly become more complicated than anticipated.
To better himself, a spoiled prince temporarily assumes a commoner's identity. But he soon learns his palace has been gifted to his father's new wife.
Diwan (as Sapru)
Film starring Vyjayanthimala, Dharmendra and Pran
Raja Dinanath / Badriprasad
To pay for his sister's marriage, a brother enters into a criminal conspiracy to impersonate the nephew of a wealthy male.
Naubatlal Prasad
Bhavani Prasad is a powerful thug, who masquerades as a priest. His son Shankar refused to follow his path so he wants his grandson Kundan to carry on the legacy. When his son protests, in a fit of rage, Bhavani gets Shankar killed and passes the buck to his cousin Naubat Lal. When Naubat Lal spills the beans he gets him killed as well, which deepens the family feud.
Mr. Philips
Доктор Рави возвращает из-за рубежа и занимает должность главного хирурга в больнице. Затем он встретился с медсестрой Шанти, живущей с больной матерью. Во время операции мать девушки умирает и из-за чувства вины Рави женится на Шанти. Приемные родители огорчены женитьбой Рави, так как надеялись, что он женится на их дочери Раджни. Молодожены отправляются в медовый месяц в Кашмир, их чувства становятся все глубже. По приезду Рави продолжает свои медицинские исследования. Вскоре Шанти заболевает и, не желая стать обузой, уходит. Приходит известие о ее гибели в железнодорожной катастрофе. Безутешный Рави из чувства долга перед приемными родителями вынужден жениться на Раджни…
An army officer's wife is unsure if the man she is living with is her husband or his look-alike.
Seth Vishambhar Dass
Mistaken for a robber, a man poses as the culprit in an attempt to end a crime spree. When the robber decides to pose as the man as well, their true identities soon become thoroughly muddled.
On the day of her marriage, the bride goes missing. She ends up in a brothel, compelling her wealthy husband to pretend that all is well to keep the family's honor intact.
Armed with laser guns, three-fingered virtually invincible Martians collude with gangsters to invade Earth.
Sarkar Nath
Kumar, though of Indian origin, lives in Africa. He has recurring dreams of a Railway Station in India called "Viran Nagar". He decides to find for himself and travels to India along with his friend, Rocky. They are able to find Viran Nagar railway station, which is exactly as Kumar had dreamed of. When they go to find a ride, the locals shy away from them as behave as though they have seen a ghost. They find temporary accommodations and set out to discover the mystery behind Kumar's dreams. Then a young woman, Sapna, meets with Kumar, tells him that she has been awaiting his return, and now they can be together again. But Kumar has never been to this place before, and ends up even more confused. Then another local villager named Bansi tells them he had himself seen Kumar getting killed and buried in the nearby forest. Kumar and Rocky must now find out who was killed, and why the villagers believe that Kumar has returned from the grave.
Wealthy Shankar and well-educated Suresh are cousins and the best of friends. A marriage is arranged for each of them (Shankar's with Madhumati, Suresh' with Shanta), but Shankar's father is against the couples meeting in person and instead each cousin meets with the other's intended. During the meeting Suresh falls in love with Madhumati and scheme switch brides. But his innocent scheme has unforeseen circumstances as Shankar's marriage quickly turns sour because Shanta despises him for being uneducated and blames him for tricking her into marriage.
D.I.G. Shyam Lal Mehra
Sunil Mehra has successfully completed his medical studies and is now a qualified doctor, who can now practice medicine anywhere in India. He chooses to do so in a small and remote Himalayan village without any doctor or any medical facilities. His doctor fiancee, Neeta, decides to accompany him, but is appalled at the lack of facilities, and leaves. Dr. Mehra must now decide to continue his work there or re-locate.
(as Sapru)
Story of Military commitment by a military wife, Shobha (Calcutta, 1942) played by Nirupa Roy, who in spite of losing her husband to the Air Force and World War 2, despite hardships, carrying the family legacy forward, educates her only son Deepak (played by Biswajeet) to join the Air Force. Deepak also shows firm commitment to his vocation and legacy when forced into taking a decision to choose between his lady love, Preeti (played by Rajshree) and his Air Force Service, by Preeti's parents who fear that Air Force service will endanger his life. Preeti too, opts to serve the Red Cross so that she could be with Deepak.
Vijay Khanna is a law graduate-cum-tabloid editor he falls in love with Princess Sunita, while general election are underway. Vijay becomes a murder accused of a political leader. Gradually the couple tries to expose a criminal-politician nexus. (From wikipedia)
It is based on the life of Bhagat Singh. The music was composed by Prem Dhawan, with several songs being penned by freedom fighter Ram Prasad Bismil.
A Zamindar neglects his wife and prefers the company of alcohol and dancing girls. The decadence of the Bangali Zamindar milieu and the raising bourgeoisie in the late 19th century, seen through the eyes of a young upward mobile rustic seeking fortune in Calcutta, and fascinated by the lady of the house.
Based on A.J.Cronin's 'Beyond This Place', this movie narrates the story of an untiring crusade for justice. A young man, learning about his father's wrongful implication in a fifteen-year-old murder, vows to bring the true criminals to justice and release his innocent father from 'kaala paani' (life imprisonment), for which he enlists the help of a press reporter, a retired police inspector and an unwitting prostitute who happens to possess some key evidence.
Mr. Bhatnagar alias Masterji comes from a poor family, and lives on a day to day basis. He has a daughter and a son, alongwith his wife, who he has fooled into believing that he has saved quite a bit of money, to retire happily, and to get his daughter married. Masterji's dreams turn into a nightmare, as he is unable to meet his debtors, loses his job, and dies tragically, leaving his daughter to the mercy of a cruel society; his son, who has taken up crime, and his wife desolate, and destitute.
General Sir Hugh Rose
Set in the 19th century against the backdrop of the Mutiny of 1857, the film is about the bravery of queen Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi, who took up arms and led her army against the British.