Harsh Chhaya

Harsh Chhaya


Harsh Chhaya


An Action Hero
Youth Icon. Superstar. Action Hero. At the age of just 30, Maanav was at the peak of his career when he got caught up in an accident while filming in Mandothi village in Haryana. Maanav, who was once a household name, is now living in hiding.
Anirban is a professor who lives in Delhi with his wife Tanu and daughter Zinia. He is transferred to a lonely town named Kasauli. They enjoy a lot in the new city but their neighbors are mysterious. One day, their daughter Zinia goes missing during an excursion. Anirban and Tanu enquire and come to know that Zinia's friends didn't even accompany her.
Правда всегда побеждает 2
Chandraprakash Maurya
Сатья и Джай — братья-близнецы, которые трудятся во имя страны. Сатья работает помощником комиссара полиции и мечтает засадить всех преступников страны, в то время, как Джай служит во благо Родины в качестве Министра Внутренних Дел. В городе завёлся каратель нечестивых, и оба брата объединяются, чтобы поймать убийцу-линчевателя.
Not Today
Ashwin Mathur
Aliah Rupawala, is a 24 year old Bohri Muslim girl from a very traditional family. She secretly becomes a Suicide Prevention Counsellor and on her first day she encounters a 52 year old man about to jump from the terrace of a high-rise. As she begins to try to bring him down, she is forced to confront why she became a Suicide Prevention Counsellor in the first place, and also share a lot of herself to get him to share and open up. Going all in, to save him, she begins to deal with and release the loneliness and grief in herself to be able to do the same in the caller. And in doing so, ends up healing not just her own heart, but also the heart of the man who has called, a man who has himself been a Suicide Prevention Counsellor for 15 years.
Based on the 1891 short story by Rabindranath Tagore, follows life of a caretaker whose life is disturbed due to a single act of carelessness.
Byomkesh Gotro
DSP Purandhar Pandey / Pandey ji
Convinced that his life is in jeopardy, Satyakam, the son of a business magnate hailing from Mussoorie, approaches Byomkesh with a plea for help. The legendary detective soon heads to Mussoorie, where he finds out that the youngsters worst fears have come true. Can Byomkesh unravel the mystery shrouding Satyakam's murder before it is too late?
Khajoor Pe Atke
On hearing the news that one of the Sharma family members in Mumbai, Devendar may pass off anytime, his siblings - Jeetendar, Ravindar and Lalita, immediately rush down to be with him and his family for support, along with their families from across the country.
Khajoor Pe Atke
On hearing the news that one of the Sharma family members in Mumbai, Devendar may pass off anytime, his siblings - Jeetendar, Ravindar and Lalita, immediately rush down to be with him and his family for support, along with their families from across the country.
Khajoor Pe Atke
On hearing the news that one of the Sharma family members in Mumbai, Devendar may pass off anytime, his siblings - Jeetendar, Ravindar and Lalita, immediately rush down to be with him and his family for support, along with their families from across the country.
Khajoor Pe Atke
On hearing the news that one of the Sharma family members in Mumbai, Devendar may pass off anytime, his siblings - Jeetendar, Ravindar and Lalita, immediately rush down to be with him and his family for support, along with their families from across the country.
Shubh Aarambh
In the midst of her wedding, a young girl tries to save a 28 year old love marriage, of her future in-laws, which is falling apart.
Раненый: Возвращение
История, рассказываемая в фильме, закручивается вокруг известного чемпиона по боксу Аджая, который однажды теряет своего брата. Выясняется, что парня убил преступник по имени Бальвант Рай. Аджай разбирается с бандитом и вскоре сам оказывается за решёткой. Проходит четырнадцать долгих лет, и главный герой, отсидев весь положенный срок, наконец-то выходит на свободу. Теперь он горит желанием создать собственную организацию, которая будет помогать людям расправляться с бандитами. Аджай вновь ввязывается в опасную игру, пытаясь отомстить очередному головорезу.
Har Har Byomkesh
D. S. P. Purandar Pandey
Famed detective Byomkesh Bakshi investigates the murder of a man who had just thrown a party to celebrate his recovery from a long illness.
Dishkiyaoon is a Bollywood action film produced by Shilpa Shetty and her husband Raj Kundra along with Eros International. The film features Sunny Deol, Harman Baweja and debutant Ayesha Khanna. The film is about the Mumbai underworld.2014.Four songs for the film have been composed by debutant Palash Muchhal, who's the youngest music composer of Bollywood at age of 18.
Super Model
A wine baron (Harsh Chhaya) wants to use a supermodel to launch his new liquor label in the market. He recruits a photographer (Ashmit Patel) to organize a talent hunt in Fiji for the same. Amidst this backdrop, an upcoming model (Veena Malik) faces competition from other beauties for the endorsement deal until the contestants mysteriously start getting murdered one by one and the needle of blame seems to point towards her.
Невероятная история
Сюжет вращается вокруг владельца антикварной лавки Канджи Лалджи Мехты. Вся его жизнь рушится из-за стихийного бедствия. Беспомощный и разбитый, он подвергает сомнению существование Бога и подаёт на «Него» в суд. Когда его поведение приводит к общенациональному хаосу, это привлекает внимание бога Кришны, которого играет Акшай Кумар. Кришна навещает Канджи, так происходит поворот в сюжете.
Nobel Chor
The Nobel Medal of great Indian Poet Rabindra Nath Tagore was stolen in 2004 and it was never found. This film is a fictional account of what might have happened to the medal. A poor farmer...
Blue Oranges
When he's called in to investigate the murder of a former art student (Pooja Kanwal), Nilesh Bhargav (Rajit Kapoor) turns to the woman's paintings to see if they might hold clues to her killer's identity. Was it (Aham Sharma) the boyfriend she abandoned years ago and whom the police suspect? Or was there another with the motive, means and opportunity to do her in? Rajesh Ganguly directs this entertaining whodunit.
Oh, My God!!
Mumbai-based Rajendra Gupta works for Global Investment Group but is more engrossed in trying to get people, including his co-workers, to invest in a savings scheme. He even puts off being a parent, much to the displeasure of his wife, Suman, who he has been married to for over five years.
В плену у моды
Vinay Khosla
Мир моды и гламура манит к себе юных и еще невинных девушек со всех концов страны. У Мегхны Матхур, очаровательной девушки из Чандигартха есть амбициозная мечта. Стать не просто моделью, а первой среди первых. И вот она в Мумбаи! Обратная сторона фэшн-индустрии шокирует ее, но она упорно идет к цели и достигает успеха. Мир дизайнеров у ее ног. Однако судьба преподносит ей сюрприз...
My Friend Ganesha 2
Vashu's father
A lonely boy, Vashu, gets his new friend, Ganesha, and adventures begin
A two-bit actor faces challenges after he is asked by Police to impersonate a look-alike gangster.
Падший ангел
K. Gupta
Семья Сахай находится на грани разорения, сам мистер Сахай болен, и нужны деньги на его лечение. Кроме того, у них пытаются отобрать дом. Чтобы хоть как-то помочь своим родным старшая дочь – Вибхавари отправляется в Мумбай на заработки. Но проблема в том, что Вибха бросила школу, и у нее нет никакого образования. Все отказывают молодой девушке в получение работы. Вибха попадает в лапы обмана, но еще не поздно все изменить. Но для того, чтобы помочь родителям девушка совершает отчаянный шаг.
It's Breaking News
SP Prabhakar Gupta
Red Swastik
D.C.P. Chaudhary
The police hunt a femme fatale who, after intercourse, brutally murders her lovers and leaves behind a swastika calling card.
Bheja Fry
Ranjeet Thadani (Rajat Kapoor), a bored, arrogant music company executive hurts his back the night he has found a prize catch for a weekly bring - your -idiot talent dinner hosted by his friends and him. He ends up spending the evening with this idiot, Bharat Bhushan (Vinay Pathak) who tries to help him get his wife (Sarika) back who left him earlier that day. The result is utter chaos let loose by the idiot, who cannot do a single thing without messing it up further. The plot turns around to be a series of mini disasters that leave Ranjeet's comfortable life in ruins. Call it the idiot's revenge!
Gautam Naik (Gauri's first husband)
Hathyar is a narrative which probes into the household of Raghunath, a dreaded gangster. His bereaved son Rohit has to face a lot of flak from the outside world, repeatedly reminding him of the stigma attached to his family because of his father's past. Just like his father, circumstances force Rohit to become a gangster and he gets the name Boxer Bhai. Rohit has weaknesses, he cannot stand any woman being called a prostitute, because his mom, Sonu was one, and he has fallen hard for a married woman, Gauri, who is enduring a marriage with a physically abusive spouse. Rohit snatches her out of this abusive relationships and remarries her. But Rohit's problems are far from over. There is a change in the political scenario and Rohit does not find support from any godfather. He is ordered to be arrested - dead or alive.
Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar!!
Takes a slightly different look at various layers of life in a city like Mumbai through the eyes of Ram Saran (Manoj Bajpai), a garage mechanic who hails from a small town. The film is also about his interaction with the different layers of society that is prevalent in the city.
The plot revolves around Pinky (Ayoshi Talukdar)’s wedding in Kolkata.