Milan Puzić

Milan Puzić

Рождение : 1926-04-02, Krusevac, Serbia, Yugoslavia

Смерть : 1994-11-16


Milan Puzić


Three Palms for Two Punks and a Babe
Scenario Writer
The story takes place in 1993 Serbia, torn by hyperinflation and economic disaster. Milan, an avid fan of FC Partizan, lives with his friend, a painter, and makes money by selling his paintings to the "new elite". He meets a nice girl who works a phone sex hot line and the two eventually fall in love. An another friend so his is a treasury guard in a bank governed by a shady lady known as "Serbian mother", notorious for cheating the thousands of creditors. The couple is planning to rob the bank and run away to a remote sunny island with palms.
Bishop vs. Rook
Vođa terorističke organizacije
State security inspector Ivan reveals an inserted terrorists in Yugoslavia, sent there by Croatian emigrants, enemies of the above socialist state. Their mission is to select the appropriate places on Adriatic coast which they would later blow up. The terrorists are expected to set a series of explosions that would cause a public disturbance and uncertainty in the Yugoslavia's position in Europe. Ivan follows Pavle and Elsa who are staying in Croatia as tourists, stepping into action in a crucial moment.
Дикий ветер
1941 год. Оккупированная Югославия. Фашисткий режим стремится удержаться здесь с помощью различных антинациональных группировок - усташей, четников, лётичевцев. Осенью 1941 года в горном сербском селении, оккупированном фашистами, столяр Бобович организует партизанский отряд. Из фашистского плена совершает побег советский офицер Николай. Он попадает в партизанский отряд, который громит фашистов и националистов всех мастей. Знание военного дела и опыт обеспечивают ему авторитет в отряде. Партизаны захватывают вражеский бронепоезд и начинают наступление... Фильм на примере одной сербской семьи показывает всю жестокость и беспощадность войны, где сын вынужден идти против отца, но на войне, как нигде проявляются истинные человеческие ценности, когда любовь оказывается сильнее металла и огня.
Life Is Beautiful
Čovek sa naočarima
After a train breaks down and the passengers are forced to spend a day at a remote country tavern, the mix of seasonal farm workers, transients, musicians, and would-be party kingpins heads toward some explosive moments. A truckload of chickens arrive to be killed and cooked for the unruly group of passengers, and when a few boorish men harass a female singer, their actions lead to unexpected violence.
And This Will Pass, Too...
Pašenog Janko
Wonderful war stories about Isidor Katanic, officer who spent his working life as a calligrapher writing to various documents. Resignation living at home, living with rampant wife and her son from a previous marriage, sloth. Very soon retire and go to the river. On the bank of the Sava river meets an old friend, a former captain in love with the river. Accepting new way of life, isidor becomes a different man. But it comes terrifying wartime.Yugoslavia was occupied, the terror begins. Isidor is witnessed changes and in him growing need to resist the atrocities of the invaders. He refuses to flee with his family from Belgrade, it becomes illegal brave, little hero of invisible front.
Truckers Ride Again
Direktor kombinata
New adventures of truck drivers Jare and Paja, long-time fellow associates and close friends. Jare is forced to pay off his debt for the loans he was raising to build a house for his numerous family. He must find heaps of money as soon as possible, or let tax gatherers to take everything. Paja tries to help him in this impossible task, but on their way they face bunch of obstacles, losses and misfortunes, encountering all sorts of people, only to end up in serious problems.
Living Like the Rest of Us
Edvard Goldman
A young non-conformist enrolls at the music academy in Belgrade. There he faces a lot of existential, as well as emotional problems.
The Sunset
Grim and almost surreal depiction of corruption in Vojvodina city.
Sixth Gear
Majstor Anđelko
Dealing with his customers with open heart, a car mechanic named Života goes through many adventures. Some are funny, some are sad, some reveal beauty and other human misery. In the end he gets tangled up himself, and not without bitterness he tries to change his ways, to become like his rival across the street which has adapted to modern times: strictly business. But, people who come to him need him just the way he is.
Berlin kaputt
Story of three partisans whose fates are determined by different encounters with women.
Люби, люби, но не теряй головы
Пока главные герои, Мария и Боба, заняты друг другом и работой в летнем трудовом лагере, их родители по-своему вспоминают свои «сумасшедшие годы». Жика вовсю флиртует с матерью Марии, а тем временем ситуация осложняется появлением двум молодых немок…
The Last Act
General Draža Mihailović
The story of the capture of General Draza Mihailovic and his Chetniks.
The Train for Kraljevo
It is 1941 and the German occupying forces are taking over Yugoslavia, making a train ride to Kraljevo a dangerous game for a secret communist agent carrying important documents. Both the Germans and the police are looking for him on the train, and his safe arrival in Kraljevo seems like an impossibility. His determination to get the papers to the right people keeps him going, even through a gun battle after the train arrives - challenging him to find a way to complete his mission.
See You in the Next War
stari Berk
The two enemies from war, Slovenian partisan Berk and German soldier Bitter, meet each other during holidays in Spain. Recalling the war through conversation, Berk remembers Anton, his fellow comrade he had spend the most time with.
Winning of Freedom
Simon Dolapović
WW2 has ended, but that doesn't mean the end of problems for an ex-Partisan who now must take care of reconstruction, as well as the building of a new society in a small Serbian town.
Arandjel's Predicament
Radovan, Aranđelov stric
A story about young man who, after the conflict with his uncle, sets off to emigration.
The Man Who Bombed Belgrade
General Alexander Löhr
A TV drama set shortly after WW2 about court trial of former German generals accused for bombing the Yugoslavia's capital Belgrade.
Do You Know Pavle Pleso?
Direktor Vasić
Experienced crane driver helps a village boy to get along in the big city.
The Security Service Closes the Circle
Nikola Jovanović
A foreign spy service sends Mitar Petrović, an engineer, to Belgrade. His mission is to contact an enemy group that for some time has been planning to sabotage a project of great significance to the Yugoslav economy. The enemy action also has a political dimension as it is planned to take place during an international symposium of scientist in Belgrade. Stopping at nothing, Mitar's group prepares the final coup. Gradually the security service uncovers this clever and well-planned plot…
The Dream of Dr. Mišić
Doctor Mišić comes to the Jabučevački cacstle, a place known as haunted by ghosts and wraiths. He's stubborn supporter of common sense and logic, taking all assumptions about transcendent world and fourth dimension to be silly. However...
God Died in Vain
A trademark comedy by well known Yugoslav writer Radivoje 'Lola' Djukic. Nenad and Predrag are twin brothers. Nenad is the poor carpenter who works in the factory with deep financial problems, and he is one of the union leaders. On the other hand, his twin brother Predrag is the successful executive of a large socialist company, and he enjoys all the benefits of his position. As Predrag's company refuses to give a loan to Nenad's factory, Nenad decides to kidnap his twin brother with his union mates and to take his place in order to get the credit. But in the process, their plan has been unexpectedly changed.
Попутного ветра, «Синяя птица»!
Дети разных национальностей, победители конкурса Международного географического общества, плывут на шхуне «Синяя птица» в увлекательное путешествие. Этот рейс, свободный от таможенного досмотра, решили использовать контрабандисты для переправки партии наркотиков…
Человек с фотографии
Nemački oficir Šulc
Осень 1942 года. Оккупированный Белград. Мелкий спекулянт Жика Тасич, оставшись без работы, вынужден ездить в села и менять носильные вещи на продукты у крестьян, чтобы не дать семье умереть с голода. Жика поразительно похож на Белого - руководителя ударных групп народно-освободительного движения в Белграде, и полиция его арестовывает. Обнаружив ошибку, шеф гестапо Шульц приказывает освободить Жику. При его помощи он надеется поймать Белого. Жика возвращается домой. Все уверены, что он герой и выпущен в обмен на одного немецкого генерала. Но, случайно прослыв героем, Жика не имеет силы сопротивляться полиции, с которой согласился сотрудничать, нет у него мужества и присоединиться к подпольщикам. Однако после ряда перипетий этот обыкновенный маленький человек становится на сторону патриотов и лично убивает Шульца.
Heaven without Love
Slobodan Marković
With a single, basic plot theme, this well-wrought drama of ultimate tragedy engages the viewer and gives pause for reflection. The tale focuses on the marriage of a man who is dominated and controlled by his own egoistic needs and illusions.
A group of partisans fight to the last man to cover a retreat, leaving only five, who take the newborn child of a dead woman with them. Based on the novel by Mihajlo Ranovcevic.
Восьмая дверь
Čeda, agent
Действие фильма происходит в дни второй мировой войны в Белграде. Всю жизнь профессор был далек от политики и не хотел знать, что происходит за стенами его дома, что его любимая дочь связана с партизанами. Но как профессор не прятался от жизни, она сама ворвалась в его дом, и, когда один из подпольщиков, преследуемый фашистами, обратился к нему за помощью, профессор поступил как честный человек.
Олеко Дундич
О подвигах героя Гражданской войны серба Олеко Дундича, сражавшегося в рядах первой конной армии.
To Seaside, Everybody!
Seaside in the summer: a meeting place of all sorts of people and professions. Elderly Mr Paja and two youths, Zorica and Mirko, experience many adventures in accordance with their own respective age and desires.
Red Flower
Story of Yugoslav prisoners of war in Germany during Second World War. Based on the novel “Farewell in October” by Oto Bihalji-Merin.
Погодные катаклизмы, крестьяне, не дающие затопить своё имущество, и люди, готовые на саботаж по идеологическим соображениям, мешают строителям гидроузла на Неретве. Но после завершения строительства польза от электроэнергии убедила жителей этого района в необходимости прогресса.