Fourth reworking of the classic Grace Miller White novel, this time updated to the 60s, with young Scottish lassie Tess (Diane Baker) becoming embroiled in a conflict about a toxic chemical plant near her new home in Pennsylvania.
Джимми желает стать пиратом, когда однажды он обнаруживает на пляже волшебную бутылку. Он загадывает желание и внезапно оказывается на борту корабля Чёрной Бороды. Вскоре он понимает, что быть пиратом - это не то, чего он ожидал.
Cap Grant
A Mexican boy accused of rape and murder becomes a pawn for Communists and red-baiters.
Когда молодой воин Лакота Сиу Бешеный Конь, которому были предсказаны великие дела, добивается своей невесты, его соперник Маленький Большой Человек идет на предательское соглашение с белыми людьми, и открывает им путь к месторождению золота в священных захоронениях Лакота. Начинается новая золотая лихорадка. Несмотря на перемирие, Лакота берутся за оружие, и Бешеный Конь становится военным вождем своего народа. Первоначальные победы индейцев приводят к неизбежным результатам. История, рассказанная с индейской точки зрения.
An out-of-work architect meets a married woman who has a business proposition for him. The architect begins to suspect the woman's interest in him is not just financial and may actually be deadly.
Один из наследников Джеронимо, Массаи, единственный индеец, который отказывается сдаться после смерти Джеронимо, в одиночку вступает в войну с белыми за права своего племени…отвоевывая Запад с помощью ножа, стрел и ружья.
Prince Ali Ben Mamoud
Prince Ali wants the Golden Idol of Watusi and hires a ruthless hunter to get it for him. Bomba has the idol and, with the help of Commissioner Barnes, Eli, and a beautiful archeologist, he foils Ali's plans.
A group of communist spies plan to blow up an essential commercial artery, the Panama Canal. To this end, they have kidnapped a nuclear scientist and are traveling by steamship to the coast of South America. Luckily for western civilization, the hard-nosed ship's captain, played by Barton MacLane, has other ideas.
Monty Rolfe
Одинокая звезда, комедийная актриса, встречается со слепым аккомпаниатором, ветераном войны. Она притворяется, что тоже ничего не видит, чтобы быть вместе с ним...
Susan Morrow, the secretary to Robert Clarke, a model photographer, is upset when her boss pays too much attention to model Noreen Nash. Morrow's younger sister takes a candid photo of her sister in her underwear, with face hidden, and sends it to Clarke. He is intrigued and tries to locate the mystery girl but, meanwhile, enters the photograph in a contest. It wins, provided Clarke can identify the girl. He offers a reward and hires a friend to search for her. Meanwhile, back the agency, Nash offers to pose as the missing girl, but she and Clarke quarrel and she walks out. Rather than leave her boss in a fix, Morrow admits she is the girl in the picture.
First Citizen of Rome
Исключительная адаптация шекспировской трагедии о чести, героизме, верности и страхе тирании.
William Pope
After successfully swindling thousands of dollars from hapless victims, conflicted con artist Mary (Hillary Brooke) decides to go straight, but her greedy boyfriend and partner, Roger (Tom Conway), convinces her to pull off one final scam before they get married. Written and directed by Andrew L. Stone, this classic crime film finds the police struggling to keep up with the deceptive duo's exceedingly complicated schemes.
Mr. Blue
Two-part story--the first is about a washed-up Broadway actor and his tough daughter, who is a bigger star than he is; the second is about a literary agent whose newest client--a nine-year-old boy--is the author of a borderline pornographic book.
John Burrows, an ordained minister from a small village in the East, envisions himself with a larger congregation. He is mortified when his wife drunkenly interrupts a sermon, then despondent after her suicide. Burrows travels to Los Angeles for a fresh start, but takes to the bottle himself and ends up arrested for public intoxication. A skid-row con man, Gandy, finds him a bed at a flop house, while a street preacher, Doc Thorssen, and daughter Christine take him to a local mission. Christine is blind. She falls in love with Burrows, enjoying his discussions of the spirit and the soul but knowing little of his past. One day she is struck by a streetcar and knocked unconscious, causing Burrows to once again question his faith. He ultimately accepts the Lord's will and is offered a better place to live and preach. Burrows decides he is better suited to the mission, with Christine by his side.
Josh is a young boy who feels neglected and misunderstood at home. Preparing to run away, he chances across an old diary once kept by his grandfather. Leafing through the yellowed pages, Josh discovers that Grandpa went through many of the same childhood travails that he is enduring at that moment. Armed with a renewed understanding of and appreciation for his elders, Josh decides to stick around for a while and see how things develop.
A photographer and his guide meet a corrupt Emir with a dirty secret. Only jungle-dwelling Bomba knows the truth.
Communists blackmail a shipping executive into spying for them.
It's 1848 and a wagon train with an Army escort is heading west through Indian territory, It's scout is Davy Crockett, nephew of his more famous namesake. There is spy amongst them informing the Indians. They survive the first Indian attack and then push on. They have a choice of two passes through the mountains. Learing of the pass to be defended by the Indians, they head for the other. But upon ariving, the Indians attack. Somehow they have been informed.
Father Callaghan
A Gay-Nineties musical set in NYC's Bowery and East-Side explores the life of its inhabitants---an Irish policeman and his tap-dancing daughter and music-hall wife; a German professor of music and his singing daughter; and an Italian café-owner, a kindly priest, a struggling young doctor and a saloon-keeper. And a political ward-heeler, Terrence Dowd, who has a deceptive and dishonest plan to sell them all out in order to build a fight arena. But he meets his match in property-owner Claire Adamson.
Roy Parker
Неуровновешанный преступник, опекаемый своей мамочкой, добровольно сознается в совершении пустячкого преступления, чтобы сесть в тюрьму на минимальный срок. Таким образом он собирается отвертеться от наказания за убийство. И это у него
получается — его сажают всего на два года.
Но, на воле, бывший участник его банды убивает его мамочку; и ополоумевший от горя сынок сбегает из тюрьмы, чтобы отомстить, захватив с собой парочку сокамерников! Но он не подозревает, что один из сокамерников — полицейский под прикрытием…
Детеныша гориллы по кличке Джо привозят в Голливуд, где он становится настоящей звездой…
1949 thriller about the hunt for a serial killer known as "the Judge" who kills his victims on rainy nights.
Uncle Newton
Winning a mink coat brings nothing but trouble to a couple on a budget.
William Jackson
A study of an amoral and sleazy defense lawyer who suddenly tries to "go straight" when he finds out that his tart wife is cheating on him; as well as the similarities he has in life with one of his clients.
Radio Program Moderator (Uncredited)
Певица ночного клуба Сьюзен Кардвелл тяжело ранена. Ее педагог по вокалу Мэриан, вместе с пианистом Люком приложившая немало сил, чтобы сделать из Сьюзен звезду, признается, что это она стреляла в Сьюзен, в ярости от решения той бросить петь. Люк не верит, что Мэриан способна на такое, и надеется, что инспектор Фаулер сумеет докопаться до истины и освободить Мэриан.
Baby Face Charlie
A suicide attempt is investigated by a pair of female police rookies.
George 'Buster' Cooley
A crooked crime boss tries to put a crony into office.
Jewel thieves battle investigators.
Jud Rookstool
While on vacation, a criminal psychologist investigates a murder during a typhoid epidemic.
A couple of gamblers pressure the local night club owner to rig things so the local college rowing crew will lose their upcoming race.
Arriving at Medicine Bow, eastern schoolteacher Molly Woods meets two cowboys, irresponsible Steve and the "Virginian," who gets off on the wrong foot with her. To add to his troubles, the Virginian finds that his old pal Steve is mixed up with black-hatted Trampas and his rustlers...then finds himself at the head of a posse after said rustlers; and Molly hates the violent side of frontier life.
Jim Bannion
Government agents work to interfere with schemes to trick the Comanches into war with the Texans.
Steve Raymond
In this crime drama, a young woman leaves her unhappy life at home to become a sophisticated night club singer. Her first job is nearly fatal when she entangles herself with the mobsters who own the joint and learns too much about their operation. Her boss decides to kill her and make it look like suicide. An intrepid reporter disbelieves the report and exposes the truth to the public.
Andy McDonald
A feud between rival newspapermen Kruger (Bromberg) and McDonald (Guilfoyle) goes deadly when blackmailing McDonald ends up murdered and his corpse planted in the trunk of Kruger's car. Good guy Kruger attempts to hide McDonald's body, with the help of chauffeur Hogan (Jenks), to keep from being charged with murder. However, zany scenarios occur as the body just won't stay hidden, and keeps on popping up in multiple places where Kruger is located, leading to him hiding the body again and again while Kruger tries to find the real killer.
Dudley Badger
A police psychiatrist is enlisted to catch a killer.
'Limpy' Smith
A drifter claims the money in an old bank account. Soon he finds himself the target of two men who turn out to be the sons of the man's old partner, who is now in prison because of a conflict with him over the money in that account.
When allied troops liberate a small battle-scarred Belgium town in 1944 the American and British commanders do all they can to help the war-weary people back on their feet. There are mental and physical wounds to heal, fields to plough, the church to rebuild. But a top Nazi, knowing the War is lost, has infiltrated the town and is fostering dissent and disunity.
В 1936 году в нацистской Германии семеро человек сбежали из концлагеря. Комендант лагеря ради устрашения остальных узников приказал установить семь крестов, на которых потом должны были оказаться все беглецы — по мере их поимке гестаповцами. Однако седьмой крест так и остался свободным, поскольку одному из сбежавших, а именно — Георгу Хайслеру, всё же удалось с помощью самых разных людей, подчас совсем незнакомых, перебраться в Голландию…
Молодой журналист Ларри Стивенс работает в газете "Вечерние новости". Однажды в праздной беседе он говорит, что не прочь бы почитать газеты за будущее, чтобы знать, что случится. Говоря эти слова, он не задумывается над их смыслом, однако очень скоро работающий в редакции престарелый Папаша Бенсон и на самом деле дает ему газету, которая должна будет выйти только завтра вечером. Казалось бы, как хорошо знать о том, что еще только произойдет. Но так ли это хорошо на самом деле? Роль полицейского инспектора играет Эдгар Кеннеди, хорошо знакомый нам по фильмам с участием Лорела и Харди.
Another of a wartime cycle of Hollywood films lauding the praises of America's Soviet allies, Three Russian Girls is a remake of Russia's The Girl From Stalingrad. Set just after the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, the film stars Anna Sten as Natasha, a Red Cross volunteer who is dispatched to a field hospital located in an old pre-revolution mansion. American test pilot John Hill (Kent Smith), who'd been in Russia on a goodwill mission, is wounded in battle and brought to the hospital. As he slowly recovers from his wounds, Hill falls in love with Natasha. A last-act crisis develops when the hospital personnel are forced to move immediately to Leningrad as the Nazis advance.
В фильме описывается героическая партизанская борьба украинских колхозников против немецких захватчиков.
Joe 'Tinhorn' Foster
An 11 year old radio star decides to throw in her scripts and go undercover to get a better feel for her roles, but when she is kidnapped, trouble soon follows in this comedy.
A native boy plays Cupid for a shark fisherman and a South Sea Islands princess.
Manager, Florence Apartments
Lloyd Nolan is back as detective Michael Shayne who's in search of a stolen coin.
Don Francisco Madero
This Passing Parade series short chronicles the political life of Francisco Madero, who tried to bring democracy and land reform to Mexico.
The Stranger (uncredited)
In December 1892, a silent mysterious and very private man, for whom a new house has just been built, arrives in the small town of Bridgewood to keep a promise.
Carl Spence
A girl reporter is trying to tack down the lady-in-the-title, as a key witness in a graft trial, which involves three murder and that many failed attempts. A prosecuting attorney in the district attorneys office is aiding her in solving the mystery of the missing lady.
An accused killer is granted a reprieve when his victim returns to town in the flesh after an eight-year absence.
Clarence 'Pearly' Gates
George Sanders makes his final appearance as crook-turned-detective Simon Templar, a.k.a. "The Saint," in The Saint in Palm Springs. The gimmick in this one is a set of rare stamps, smuggled from England. Wendy Barrie is the true heir to this treasure, and the Saint is engaged to protect her and the stamps. Our hero meets Barrie in a posh Palm Springs resort, where a gang of homicidal thieves have converged to relieve the girl of her inheritance. Three murders and one kidnapping attempt later, the villains are foiled by the Saint, with the aid of his onetime partner in crime Pearly Gates (Paul Guilfoyle). The Saint in Palm Springs is the sixth in RKO's series of films based on the character created by Leslie Charteris.
Two troublesome boys grow into very different men, one becoming a hoodlum and the other embracing college but both are in-love with the same girl.
A broke playboy signs on to help a young beauty save her ailing bus line.
Jim Andrews
The future of a group of strangely connected lives is determined on one crucial night at a dinky motel in the desert.
A crop of millionaire inmates struggle to get accustomed to prison life, while inmate Nick Burton watches out for everyone's interests on the inside.
Clarence 'Pearly' Gates
The Saint Takes Over, released in 1940 by RKO Pictures, was the fifth motion picture featuring the adventures of Simon Templar, a.k.a. "The Saint" the Robin Hood-inspired crimefighter created by Leslie Charteris. This film focuses on the character of Inspector Henry Farnack. When Farnack is framed by a gang he is investigating, it is up to The Saint to clear his name.
Red Martin
После очередной переделки «крутой гангстер» Малыш Джон Сарто оказывается в обители Цветочного братства и принимает имя Брат Орхидея. В обители ему открываются истинные ценности этого мира, такие как любовь к ближнему, беззаветное служение обществу и прочее. В сознании Малыша Джона начинают происходить метаморфозы, в итоге превращающие его из гангстера в Человека.
После тюремного срока за убийство, Том Джоад возвращается на свое семейное ранчо, которое к тому времени полностью разорилось и прибывает в запустении. В отсутствие какой-либо перспективы найти работу в засушливой Оклахоме, вся семья собирает свой скарб и отправляется на «землю обетованную» — в Калифорнию. Но трудный путь и тяжкие условия не приносят искомой надежды, и даже единство семьи подвергается испытанию, одному из многих, с которыми приходится сталкиваться.
Minor Role (uncredited)
Abe Lincoln in Illinois is a 1940 biographical film which tells the story of the life of Abraham Lincoln from his departure from Kentucky until his election as President of the United States.
District Attorney
Накануне Рождества Ли Лиандер поймали за кражей в магазине. Это её третье преступление. Её дело ведет Джон Сарджент. Он просит суд отложить разбирательство дела, так как трудно добиться обвинительного приговора накануне Рождества. Но Джон сочувствует Ли, освобождает её под залог, а в итоге забирает домой к матери на Рождество. В окружении любящей семьи (особенно по сравнению с семьей Ли) Ли и Джон влюбляются в друг друга. Это создает новую проблему: как им вести себя на предстоящем суде?
Gordon Mavis
Thou Shalt Not Kill (1939)
Stanley Jones
Gangsters and police cross each other, including murder, in an attempt to cover up crimes.
Steve Barsht
The night before his grandson, Tommy Grayson, a mechanic at the Midland Aircraft Corporation, is to marry Gail, a former showgirl, Major Matt Grayson, a war veteran and watchman at the plant, catches two men breaking into the machine shop. The men run, but the major shoots one of them.....
Jerry Peters
Lem Schofield, a lawyer in a one-time small-town turned industrialized big city, runs his firm on examples set by Abraham Lincoln and is a friend to the poor. Clay Clinton, his late partner's son joins the firm but is anxious for fast success and considers Schofield's old-fashioned principles antiquated. Being in love with Schofield's daughter and impatient for success he moves to offices supplied by the city's most powerful industrialist, J.T. Tapley, who has plans to use Clay's good family lineage as a stepping stone to political power. The unscrupulous Tapley precipitates a strike in his factory mill which causes a rupture between the former partners. Schofield sets out to bring Tapley and his political henchmen to justice.
Bat Randall
Newspaper editor (Foster) will do almost anything to increase circulation. He campaigns to free a condemned man while accusing a wealthy ex-criminal of a string of murders.
Snap Thornton
John Abbott returns to the desert land he owns, and after being wounded by hired gunman Chick Chance, he is befriended by rancher Andrew Naab and his son, Marvin. Naab's daughter, Marian, falls in love with John but is about to marry Snap Thornton to keep a promise made by her father. She runs away on her wedding day but is captured and held hostage by outlaw Henry Holderness. John, the Naabs and fellow ranchers rush to her rescue.
Ed Stone - Sandy's Uncle
Jimmy Hanley learns that his former dancing partner has been killed, leaving a baby boy Sandy, so he takes the baby to live with him and his roommate Boris Bebenko. Theatre manager Allen Rand threatens to fire Jimmy for neglecting his work, but Jimmy's girlfriend Diana squares things by going to dinner with Rand over Jimmy's objections. Sandy catches measles and the quarantine causes Jimmy and Boris to miss a big audition.
Society lawyer Christopher Durant agrees to defend his friend Phil Siddall when Siddall is arrested for the murder of an ex-girlfriend. With the help of nightclub singer Pat Abbott and crime boss Tony Gazotti (a former client), Durant launches his own investigation of the murder in order to prove his friend's innocence
Hanley's Assistant
The MGM crime reporter introduces Norman Kennedy, District Attorney of a large city, he who talks about the general want for money, and the extraordinary lengths some will go to to get it. The loan sharking business has that want for money on both sides. He tells the story of one such loan shark, Stephen Hanley, who tried to pass his company off as a legitimate loan business, but who charged exorbitant rates, and used extortion and fraud to get out of his customers even more than what they may have owed on paper.
Alfred Nobel (uncredited)
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short tells the story of Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite, and later established the Nobel Prize.
An outbreak of cholera threatens a luxury liner in this surprisingly low-budget melodrama from RKO. En route from Shanghai to San Francisco, chief engineer Crusher McKay (Victor McLaglen) and shipboard doctor Tony Craig (Chester Morris) become rivals for the attention of nurse Ann Grayson (Wendy Barrie). A Chinese stowaway, meanwhile, infects the stokehold with cholera and it is left to Crusher to keep the engines at full throttle until reaching harbor. But morale sinks to an all-time low when Crusher himself is stricken and the overworked men threaten with mutiny. Tony attempts to keep the stokers in check but the situation is growing more dangerous by the minute when a heroic Crusher rises from his sickbed. Leaving their previous petty squabbles behind, Tony and Crusher manage to guide the ship safely to harbor, where the doc and Ann rekindle their romance.
Bud McQuinn
A blustering gunfighter talks himself into the position of mayor in a small western town.
Eddie Fox
A showgirl with a dubious reputation flees the cops and transforms herself into a phony evangelist offering "cures" to the sick and disabled.
Bat Regan
Богатая светская львица Мелса Ментон возвращается с костюмированной вечеринки в предутренние часы, когда видит выбегающего из соседнего пустующего особняка богатого банкира знакомого мужчину, который ее даже не замечает. Любопытство пересиливает и Мелса заходит в дом, где натыкается на труп. Девушка в ужасе сбегает, оставив свою накидку. Приехавшая через 10 минут полиция, видя как одета девушка, слушая ее путанную речь, и зная ее сумасбродную репутацию, мало ей верит, но что более важно — в доме не обнаружено трупа. Редактор газеты Питер Эймс считает, что это последний инцидент еще одна шутка из серии шалостей, на которые способна веселая девушка и ее подруги и пишет о них статью, полную сарказма. Взбешенная Мелса врывается в редакцию и объявляет о своем намерении подать в суд за клевету. Питер очарован взрывной энергией девушки и решает, что он на ней женится. А Мелса и ее подруги решают самостоятельно предпринять расследование и найти убийцу, для того чтобы защитить свою репутацию.
A faded star is suspected of killing a studio executive.
Elevator Starter (uncredited)
Однажды юрист Стивен Арден приходит на прием к своему другу психиатру Тони Флаггу с просьбой вывести его из запоя, связанного с его предстоящей женитьбой на популярной радиозвезде Аманде Купер, которая оказалась весьма непредсказуемой особой. Волею судьбы Аманда оказывается в кабинете Тони, и случайно включив фонограф, слышит нелестное мнение доктора о своей персоне. Девушка решает досадить врачу за его слова, но у неё получается с точностью наоборот, она влюбляется в Тони. Психиатр, желая помочь другу вернуть любовь, гипнотизирует Аманду, заложив в неё ненависть к себе, добавив в конце сеанса слова, — «ненавижу и пристрелю, как бешеного пса». Аманда, под действием гипноза, устроила настоящее сафари во время загородной прогулки. Хрупкая девушка едва не убила Тони. Чтобы вывести её из транса парню пришлось проявить немалую прыть и сообразительность…
Pete Pepper (Joe Penner) is a shy, timid circus performer who is scared to death of horses, but rides like a whirlwind when he has been hypnotized by "Ollie" Finch (Richard Lane). Pete is entered as a competitor in a wild-west cross-country obstacle race...and has to ride without being hypnotized.
'Fergie' Ferguson
Given the job of training young pilots for important post-war cargo flights, hard-boiled Col. Stockton forces ex-officer Stag Cahill back into the military to be his aide at the academy. Complications arise when Stockton's son Kenneth arrives for training and Stockton, believing his son to be a slackard, looks for an excuse to drop him from the program. Rivalry develops between Stag and Ken as well, as they fall for the same girl.
Hymie Fanro
A crime spree in New York forces the police commissioner to turn to Englishman Simon Templar, who fights lawlessness and corruption through unorthodox methods. Templar sets his sights on individual crimes bosses, and after bringing down two vicious leaders through disguise and deception, discovers that there is a mastermind behind all the city's crime.
A Paris sculptor (Richard Dix) fakes blindness in Los Angeles to recover his blackmailed sister's love letters.
A respected citizen with secret ties to the local mob is faced with revealing his criminal connections to save two innocent people from execution
Frankie Spencer
A cocky reporter turns a small town marriage license clerk into a media celebrity.
P.X. Quinn - Bailbondsman (uncredited)
A millionaire's son works as a milkman for a month to win a bet with his father. While delivering milk he falls in love with a young debutante whom he mistakes for a maid.
Дэвид Хаксли — чудаковатый палеонтолог, последние четыре года жизни по косточке воссоздающий скелет бронтозавра. За день до свадьбы злодейка-судьба сталкивает его со Сьюзан, неуемной молодой девицей, которая тут же положила на него глаз и начала причинять бесконечные неприятности, пытаясь заполучить его.
Венцом всеобщего кавардака является постоянно путающийся под ногами леопард ее тетушки по кличке Крошка. Дэвид, пытаясь вырваться из сетей Сьюзан, попадает во все более и более смешные ситуации.
A crime novelist devises a scheme to catch the thief who has stolen the valuable "Konjer Diamonds". Director Lew Landers' 1938 B-film stars Preston Foster, Whitney Bourne, Cecil Kellaway, Donald Meek, Samuel S. Hinds, Arthur Lake, Paul Guilfoyle and June Johnson.
Herman Tibbets
A true-to-life gangster movie stirs up an all out mob assault on Hollywood.
Hotel Manager (uncredited)
The day after Carol returns from a European trip, she wakes up to find her dead father's creditors hauling everything away. Her aunt wants her to marry a millionaire, but Carol insists on getting a job.
Ambrose Ames
Bluford H. Smythe, who has made it big in the big city, has returned to his small hometown of Glenwood after being away for twenty years. Accompanying him is his personal secretary, Ambrose Ames. Despite it being purely a vacation to get some rest and relaxation, the leading citizens of the town welcome him back with some official gatherings. Mayor Jonas Tompkins, who never liked Bluford, holds no grudges against him and too welcomes him with open arms. Although Bluford had no intention of making the news public, the townsfolk learn that he has indeed come back to do business, specifically develop a summer resort in Glenwood to rival that of the best summer resorts worldwide.
An explosives carrier at an oil field falls in love with a colleague's daughter.
Jim Trask
Wrestling trainer puts himself in charge of a singer's love life when the singer is jilted by a rich girl.
Director Lew Landers' 1937 B-film, about a crew of misfit pilots working for an Argentinian air service, stars Chester Morris, Van Heflin, Whitney Bourne, Onslow Stevens, Richard Lane, Douglas Walton, Paul Guilfoyle, Solly Ward, Walter Miller and Rita LaRoy.
A poor family receives unwanted houseguests when they're visited by gangsters looking for a place to hide out.
Gibbons, a film director
A movie actor playing a detective gets carried away with his role and starts trying to solve real-life crimes.
Art Martin
A radio reporter sets out to rescue his ex-girlfriend when she is kidnapped by gangsters.
Frank Bent
When a gambler is accused of murder, the pretty orphanage employee he loves sets out to prove him innocent of the crime.
In World War I France, a pilot falls in love with the wife of his friend and superior officer.
In the face of rebellion in Russia, Czar Alexander II sends soldier Michael Strogoff 2,000 miles away, with a critical message for Grand Duke Vladimir. On the train journey, Michael befriends a traveler and comes into contact with a mysterious spy, who both unexpectedly aid him in his quest. Once behind enemy lines, Michael is near his hometown and his mother, whom he must avoid in order to fulfill his mission.
Phil Crowley
Investigators set out to capture a gang of thieves transporting stolen cash through the U.S. mail.
Garth Esdras
A man is determined to find the real culprit behind the crime for which his father was wrongly executed.
Mickey, is a prizefighter whose bright career hits the skids when he comes under the guidance of Ginger, a female fight promoter, when he becomes involved with June Prentice and her high-society crowd.
Dr. Wong
Joyce Reid, a wealthy young debutante, stows away on a cargo ship to China, carrying as passengers her dashing aviator sweetheart, Dan Bailey and and her munitions-producing father, E. J. Reid and an assortment of the usual south-seas characters along with some Asians with varying agendas. The cargo included a shipment of bombs and machine guns. She soon finds herself being held hostage and they will free her only if Dan agrees to pilot a bombing plane for some Chinese bandits.
Navy Messenger (uncredited)
Gangster tries to censor a crusading radio station by jamming its signal.
Dr. John Arnold
A crazed scientist invents a serum that induces a catatonic state in anyone who gets the injection. He uses the serum to paralyze his enemies, in order to bury them alive.
Williams - Quinn's Secretary
Newspaperman Bill Bradford becomes a special agent for the tax service trying to end the career of racketeer Nick Carston. Julie Gardner is Carston's bookkeeper. Bradford enters Carston's organization and Julie cooperates with him to land Carston in jail. An informer squeals on them. Julie is kidnapped by Carston's henchmen as she is about to testify
Paul Beck
When the skeleton of a young man is dug up in an alley, a mysterious Chinese merchant and his eccentric upstairs tenants come under suspicion. The team of Inspector Carr and Dr. Crabtree use the skull of the victim to solve the murder.