Dragomir Felba

Dragomir Felba

Рождение : 1921-07-07, Skoplje, FYR Macedonia

Смерть : 2006-07-13


Dragomir Felba was a Serbian and Yugoslav film, theater and television actor.He studied the law school, and later the Film School in Belgrade, which he finished 1950th. He made his debut at the National Theatre of Kragujevac but in 1952. he moved to the Yugoslav Drama Theatre. Since 1956. he was a freelance artist. The first film role was played in 1948. in the film "Sofka" is a famous role in "Barba Zvane." For the role in "Kozara" at the Pula Film Festival, was awarded a special diploma.


Dragomir Felba


Shadows of Memories
Actor who used to be a celebrity once upon a time, when he played in number of films and theatre shows, lives his elderly days monotonously... Up until he meets a girl wanting to become an actress. In their encounters actor revives his love affairs from his young age...
My Country
Allegory as absurd black comedy about the Yugoslav conflict.
People Will Reward All This
A story about war-disabled combatants that fought in Serbo-Turkish wars in 1876-1878. Left on their own and without limbs, they became beggars – a burden for the state that doesn’t pay attention about them. Their destiny depends exclusively on people who feel sympathy.
Sugar Loaf
Seljak Mato
It describes the social process of stratification in the Serbian countryside during late 19th century, which occurs with the penetration of the commodity-money in the countryside. Under new conditions, peasants and farmers are unable to adapt, and rot under the burden of debts.
Борис Годунов
Фильм-опера, в основу которого легла вторая редакция оперы, созданная М. П. Мусоргским в 1872 году.
Time of Miracles
September 1945. The new communist authorities go into the church, hang the flag of the Party and paint over the old frescoes, but each time the frescoes miraculously return. A stranger comes to town and works miracles; the townsfolk are convinced he is the Messiah. Director Paskaljevic cut his TV miniseries, based on the novel by Borislav Pekic, to feature film length.
The Best
Deda Milašin
A young officer, after finishing the Military Academy as the best in his class, suddenly and with no visible reason, leaves his home town, girl, parents, safety and eventual career and leaves to a remote provincial town to find and create his life and destiny. The story of a lonely man without illusions and bitterness, who collects simple pieces of sense, humanity and love through his actions.
Deda u vozu
A young student hungry for cash engages in the world of shady deals.
deda Jova
A lonely old man neglected by his family stumbles upon a teenage girl who thinks he may need help. A warm friendship they develop makes his last days the best he ever had.
Дикий ветер
1941 год. Оккупированная Югославия. Фашисткий режим стремится удержаться здесь с помощью различных антинациональных группировок - усташей, четников, лётичевцев. Осенью 1941 года в горном сербском селении, оккупированном фашистами, столяр Бобович организует партизанский отряд. Из фашистского плена совершает побег советский офицер Николай. Он попадает в партизанский отряд, который громит фашистов и националистов всех мастей. Знание военного дела и опыт обеспечивают ему авторитет в отряде. Партизаны захватывают вражеский бронепоезд и начинают наступление... Фильм на примере одной сербской семьи показывает всю жестокость и беспощадность войны, где сын вынужден идти против отца, но на войне, как нигде проявляются истинные человеческие ценности, когда любовь оказывается сильнее металла и огня.
The Red and the Black
This film is the true story of the creation of Labin Republic in 1921. When Italy annexed Istria, Labin area that is very rich in coal became strategically important for the new government. Domestic Croatian and Slovene population were disappointed by the method of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia of selling foreigners. Accumulated social problems and the growing terror of Italians lead to great miners' strike, led by favorite union leader Ivan Pipan. The strikers will be join young miner Ive Blazina, who as commander of the Red Guard workers struggles for the mining republic and the love of beautiful Mary Brezac. The sudden intervention of the Italian army destroys their dreams, and resigned Pipan surrenders. But not everyone agrees with his behavior.
Never Speak Ill of the Dead
Ratimir Spasić
Tragicomic story about Communist activist who wants to bring the benefits of Communism to the inhabitants of a Serbian village after WW2.
Great Transport
This WW2 epic was one of the last movies of that kind made in former Yugoslavia. It tells the true story of great transport of Partizans from Vojvodina to Bosnia in 1943.
Moss-Covered Asphalt
Deda Ivan
A boy-poet from the village enrolls at the elementary school in the nearest city, but the other kids reject him for not being one of theirs. However, the real values emerge at the surface.
Gazija are military men who patrol the boundaries of the Ottoman Empire in mid-18th century. One such man has trouble reconciling times of peace with his Gazija standing.
Erogenous Zone
Momcilo 'Moca' Stojisavljevic has just finished his military service, and is faced with problems like finding a job and a place to live. His old girlfriend is now pregnant and she's about to live with him. Having managed to employ himself in a chicken production factory, Moca becomes fascinated with modern technology, automatism and cybernetics in the plant. By putting 100% of himself into all phases of work and its risks, he exposes his erogenous zones to life and its temptations.
Some Other Woman
The murder of a famous gynecologist occurred under unusual circumstances. Inspectors found the doctor's apartment door open.
Iguman Makarije
In medieval Serbia, a young monk, a master of herbal medicine, grabs the attention of warlord's wife.
Shady Business
deda Mika
Residents of a shanty town are faced with its destruction. With the help of the local trickster, Paja "the Bighead" moves with his family to an empty flat in New Belgrade blocks. Everything goes fine until the real owner knocks at the door.
The Theatre Connection
Noćni čuvar u pozorištu
Partly based on true events, when a group of dangerous international criminals tried to rob the National Theater in Belgrade.
The Outlaw
After WWI, two friends, awarded officers return to their lives in peacetime. One of them becomes a commander of the gendarme's, while the other gets into conflict with the authorities and gets imprisoned, but escapes soon. A former hero becomes an outlaw hunted by the police.
Dreams, Life, Death of Filip Filipović
Urednik u štampariji
The life and death of an educated communist activist who brought Bolshevik ideas to his native Serbia upon his arrival from Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
National Class Category Up to 785ccm
čika Rade
One week in life of Branimir Mitrovic "Floyd", a young rally driver from the National class (up to 785cc), dreaming of promotion to the higher category. He lives a carefree life of a Belgrade dandy boy, neglecting his girlfriend, avoiding his draft calls, and refusing to deal with any life responsibility in general. The decisive race on Saturday is only what he cares about.
Tamarin otac
Šorga's, the retired boxing champion nicknamed "Tiger", wife leaves him for a wealthier guy. He meets a juvenile thief, Čok, and decides to become his father figure. In the process of changing Čok, Šorga changes himself.
Wolf Hunters of Upper and Lower Polaca
Two groups of men from neighboring villages get into a clash after both of them shot one wolf for the upcoming local festivity called "vucarenje" (wolf assembly), a rural custom typical for Dalmatian Zagora. Their rivalry ends in a tragic way.
Butterfly Cloud
Šef samoposluge
End of childhood, first love and misunderstandings that seem unsolvable. Comic story of sixteen years old boy who seems to be all against his dreams - and the families and friends, and the world from the supermarket where he works.
The Beach Guard in Winter
Grown up in an atmosphere of failed marriage of his parents, a young man wants to go his way throughout life. School he finished doesn't give him the opportunity to find a job, so he accepts the position of a beach guard in winter period.
Four Days to Death
Between the two World Wars, Yugoslavia was ruled by a monarchy. This movie explores the difficulties faced by a Communist Party organizer under that regime when an order goes out to kill anyone threatening the current regime. At first he is willing to leave the country, but his experience of the situation of workers moves him to stay. Despite efforts of captors to help him escape, he refuses, and dies a martyr's death.
Maiden Bridge
Seljak koji živi u pojati
"Maiden Bridge" is a place of exchange of German prisoners and partisans captured by the Germans. Unit with nine captured Germans is marching towards the bridge. there is double trouble for partisans, since they are surrounded by the hostiles and also going directly into the hands of ruthless enemy leaders.
Go Where Nobody Knows You
Marko returns from the army and comes into conflict with his father. He goes to town and finds a job as a car mechanic. In spite of his father and the backward village, which is under the influence of the church, the son approaches the Mayer sisters to sleep over the weekend at their place.
Everything That Was Nice
Old man Vidoje is a passionate bowler, has a dog and likes to hunt. However due to his declining health, his family starts depriving him of everything. In the end, Vidoje is left only with the TV, empty room and window to the street.
Do You Know Pavle Pleso?
Slobin otac
Experienced crane driver helps a village boy to get along in the big city.
An unbearable stench makes quite wide confusion among the residents of Belgrade. The microbiologist Pavle can not remember immediately where he smelled it, but recalls the event he witnessed as a child and the smell of a burning human. A visit to the crematorium gives him the assurance: The high number of suicides in the city has meant that the ovens are in continuous operation and will probably stay that way - because the stench is slowly making other people commit suicide, too.
The Boy and the Violin
The war is over. Children without mothers and fathers, children of fighters who fell for freedom...This is the story about such boys who placed in the homes for children of fallen soldiers. One of these homes was especially for boys with gift for music. One of them was a boy named Goran. he and his best friend exchanged violins. The difference in violins was only in color, but this one reminded him strangely of the past he past. All his boyish feelings and is tender memories of his mother killed in war, Goran put into his music, producing wonderful sounds on the dark violin. But it was this violin that caused many misunderstanding in the Home.
Обагрённая земля
seljak iz Ribnice
Знаменитый фильм Тори Янковича. Осенью 1941 германская армия в целях подавления восстания в Сербии, организованного коммунистами, осуществляет практику расстрела 100 заложников за каждого убитого немецкого солдата. Город Кралево стал местом такого массового убийства, всего было расстреляно более 6000 человек, об этих событиях и рассказывает фильм.
A Naive Person
Deda Vukajlo
Buzga the shepherd, an object of ridicule among his fellow villagers, discovers his painting talent and becomes famous. Their envy leads them to paint themselves and try to outperform him, but after realizing that only Buzga's paintings are valued, they decide to steal his works.
Unruly Heyducks
This film, set at the beginning of the 17th century, is the first East-European "Eastern". Bocskai István orders the free Heyducks to shepherd a huge herd of cattle through the country torn to three parts, to the Dalmatian coast, where he can get weapons in exchange, for fighting the Austrians.
1941 год. Оккупированная немцами Югославия. Молодая еврейская девушка во время поисков родственников попадает в облаву, и, как еврейка, депортируется в лагерь. Во время конвоирования в лагерь её узнает молодой офицер, бывший друг детства. Это помогает ей выжить. Партизаны нападают на конвой и освобождают заключенных, но отношения между молодым австрийцем и девушкой не так понимает командир отряда партизан. Постепенно девушка и партизанский командир испытывают симпатию и между ними вспыхивает маленькая искра любви. Офицер, который спасал девушку, отчаянно её ищет и находит, после того как сам попадает в плен к партизанам. Но узнав, что между ними любовь, вынашивает план для мести и становится во главе карательной антипартизанской операции…
The Dervish and Death
Hadži Sinanudin
Ahmet Nurudin is a dervish and head of the Islamic monastery of the Mevlevi order in Sarajevo. He is a personification of morale and dogmatic belief, everything that Muslim religion of the Ottoman rule rests on. Throughout his life, the atmosphere of the city, the relations with the judge and the mechanism of government, the image of Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the nineteenth century is being revealed. Based on a highly praised novel by Meša Selimović.
The Written Off
Careless lives of few Belgrade youths are shattered when Nazis occupy their town in 1941. Soon they join the resistance movement and their activities bring their names to Gestapo's termination list. This movie inspired the series that would get cult status in former Yugoslavia.
The Security Service Closes the Circle
A foreign spy service sends Mitar Petrović, an engineer, to Belgrade. His mission is to contact an enemy group that for some time has been planning to sabotage a project of great significance to the Yugoslav economy. The enemy action also has a political dimension as it is planned to take place during an international symposium of scientist in Belgrade. Stopping at nothing, Mitar's group prepares the final coup. Gradually the security service uncovers this clever and well-planned plot…
Mušterija 1
The adventures of a truck driver and his fellow associate, who both leave their company refusing to meet the newly introduced criteria of having elementary school degree. Being in their 40s and totally talentless for education, they decide to leave the company and go private. However, the world outside their company has been completely changed over the years, and after the series of bad lucks, they will summarize their position and go back to school.
The Dream of Dr. Mišić
Doctor Mišić comes to the Jabučevački cacstle, a place known as haunted by ghosts and wraiths. He's stubborn supporter of common sense and logic, taking all assumptions about transcendent world and fourth dimension to be silly. However...
A Shot
Youth, which courage is always without prejudice, in Skopje in time of Bulgarian occupation in WW2, desire freedom for the people, resolves to several actions, including the biggest, to assassinate the police chief Emanuel Machkov...
Lone Wolf
A boy finds a large wolf-like dog in the mountain and they befriend. The local peasants think that it may be a real wolf responsible for the sheep pestilence. They decide to kill the animal, but the boy is worried about it and he secretly provides the dog with the food.
Traces of a Black Haired Girl
Jovin kolega
A railway worker moves to another city and experiences a love affair with a suburban prostitute. Their encounter disturbs his solitude, and the two begin their life together.
And God Created a Tavern Singer
An electro-technician falls in love with a bar singer, but her job environment, full of alcohol, despair and tired truck drivers, causes nothing but troubles for him.
The Stars Are the Eyes of Warriors
When a warrior dies, a star is born, a company of us die when born to a group of stars. Small children are fascinated by ancient legends and stories of old people, people replace their signature ready to be shot and put yourself in front of the German pipe.
Girl from the Mountains
Deda Mladen
The relationship between a boy and a girl shortly after the start of the war and the arrival of the Germans. He goes to Chetniks, and there he disappears without a trace, and she ,after much torture and solitude, begins to search for him not thinking in those moments of what the horrors of war can bring.
A Trap for the General
Vidoje, vodeničar
Immediately after the war, OZNA insert an outstanding intelligence agent to catch the General Draza Mihajlovic.
The Bet
A young woman leaves her older husband, the owner of a village mill, for a truck driver whom she met while he was in their village by business. While trying to find him, she experiences the life in suburbia, and gets back to her husband disappointed, disgraced and humiliated.
I'm Poor But Angry
A young barber comes to the small village to open a barbershop. He gradually gets to know with the locals and farmers, makes friends with them and even tries to organize the plans, activities and schedules of the village. He also runs a parallel, intimate life with the several village girls. When the locals realize that these plans will not come true, they blame him for the failure.
The Price of a Town
Pop Klime
The film takes place in a small town where the Germans are getting ready to retreat near the end of the war. But a carload of Russian prisoners get people to feed them, then the prisoners overcome their guards and escape. The town people try to save them from the Germans but do not succeed.
Republic in Flames
Records one of the most important events in the history of the Macedonian people: about the Ilenden Uprising and the Krusevo Republic of 1903.
A Bloody Tale
Seljak sa volom
Memory of the victims of the Kragujevac massacre is described through the events that are related to a group of boys, shoe shiners. At that time, thousands of workers refused to work for the invaders, and the whole city was exposed to harsh repression and persecution of innocent citizens and the abolition of the regular rations of food.
The Ambush
Idealistic young man supports the party and the new Yugoslavia's communist regime, but soon gets involved in various political and criminal machinations becoming more and more confused about what's right and what's wrong.
Wolf of Prokletije
Uka is an old Albanian who lives in the mountains on the border of Kosovo and Albania. As an honorable man, he must deal with his son who befriended Italian fascists during WW2.
Врата рая
Crusader 1
Действие картины разворачивается во время крестового похода детей, когда в 1212 году в пропагандистских целях была запущена идея о том, что Иерусалим может быть освобожден руками невинных детей. Присоединившийся к походу монах постепенно понимает, что многие принимают в нем участие вовсе не по религиозным мотивам, да и само предприятие запущено вовсе не по воле бога. Он считает, что поход должен быть прекращен. Но, будучи не в силах остановить движение детей, покидает их.
Out of Step
A disabled man takes on the system when his pension is tied up in a morass of red tape. His story is revealed on a television program, and the star of the show is admonished for trying to incite the public against the system. The media, the man and the television manager gather to try to talk out the misunderstandings they all experience with the system of slow-moving social injustices. The message of the film also states that the days of media scrutiny and public-opinion feedback are here to stay.
The Tough Ones
Two soldiers can't deal with peacetime.
Mountain of Wrath
After the liberation in 1946, in a village in western Macedonia implemented collectivization farms. The President of the rural cooperative Stamat, former fighter, who with all their revolutionary zeal and enthusiasm believes collectivization only way for poor farmers. In doing so, he faces resistance from wealthy farmers who can hardly be separated from the property. In contrast, Stamat faced with the decision of the Committee, the mountain that provides a livelihood and that villagers consider her to be assigned to the Wood Industry. His attempt to change this decision, there is no success. He feels that his revolutionary ideal betrayed. In these circumstances Stamat faced with the fact that the villagers do not trust him, but nevertheless he stands on the right side.
Before the Truth
Two men, who have been fighting on the enemy sides in WWII, meet in the jazz club twenty years after. Mladen, who was a partisan at the time, recognizes a familiar face of a man whom he was supposed to shot, but missed on purpose.
The Feast
Gazda Steva
In a Serbian village on Christmas Day in 1943, the Chetniks accept two downed American pilots and give them hospitality. However, finding out that the Germans are looking for pilots, the Chetniks change their attitude towards them.
Bloodshed at the Wedding
The film is the story of girl Cveta who was abducted by the Ottoman bey and taken away in his harem. Bey is trying to embrace Islam, but its persistence, and its neighbors led beloved Spasa, and beloved local priest, assisted by diplomats of the great powers manage to free themselves. On the day of her wedding comes Bey with his army to try to get it back. Cveta dies, Spasa killing Bey and and goes to the committees.
We'll Go to the City
"Andremo in città" (We'll Go to the City) is a 1966 Italian drama film directed by Nelo Risi. It is based on the novel of the same name by Edith Bruck, Risi's wife. Bruck, a Hungarian concentration camp-survivor, settled in Italy after the Second World War and wrote about her experiences in autobiographical and fictional formats.[1] The film stars Geraldine Chaplin and Nino Castelnuovo.
The Soldier
A story of a boy, forced to grow mature before his time and to die too early because of the cruel war circumstances. This film is dedicated to all the children who have died during the National Liberation War.
Merry People Die Twice
Zoja, otac Radojičin
Somewhere in Bosnia in 1943 between the fourth and fifth enemy offensives column partisans withdrew across a river to free territory. At the moment of crossing the river, a group of Chetniks suddenly attack a column of partisans. In this violent attacks, a lot of partisan dies. Manage to cross the river and so be saved from bullets, only few partisans as a young partisan Radojica young nurse partisan Milica. Radojica and Milica cut off from his brigade, moving in their difficult and arduous hike over the mountains in the hope that they will meet again with the brigade. In this wandering, they will encounter a series of tragic-comic situations. Since the departure of Radojice in prison and subsequent flight to several grisly encounter with the Chetniks, to find the brigade and brave and daring capture of the entire Chetnik detachments and Chetnik duke who was responsible for the attack on the partisans.
Count Bobby, the Terror of the Wild West
Sheriff Martin Miller
An Austrian earl learns that he has inherited land in Arizona, in the American wild west. The count and his friend journey to America to claim the inheritance. There, they encounter danger, desperados, and the none-too-friendly daughter of the local sheriff.
Они шли за солдатами
В оккупированной итальянцами Греции осенью 1941 года лейтенант Мартино получает задание развести по армейским борделям 12 девушек. Эта поездка выявляет истинную человеческую сущность ее участников.
Man of the World
Šjor Bartol / Ivov brat
A young womanizer from the Dalmatian coastal town goes to Germany hoping to get easy money.
Prometheus from the Island of Viševica
Ratni drug
A middle-aged manager of a big-scale company pays visit to his native island with his wife, in order to attend ceremony of unveiling a memorial plaque dedicated to local partisan heroes. During his visit, he's constantly overwhelmed by the memories from the past, his first love, the combat days and his enthusiasm to introduce electricity on the island, which was not appreciated by his fellow islanders.
Мужская компания
По одноимённому роману Вернера Йорга Людекке. Группа западногерманских туристов попадает в югославскую деревню, где во время войны гитлеровцы расстреляли всё мужское население. Поэтому женщины враждебно встречают непрошенных гостей. Постепенно выясняется, что почти каждый из туристов в той или иной форме в своё время был связан с фашизмом, служил в армии Гитлера, захватывал чужие земли, участвовал в карательных операциях. Теперь эти туристы ведут себя бесцеремонно. И женщины, потеряв терпение, сталкивают их пустой автобус в пропасть. А когда за туристами прислали другую машину, они промолчали о случившемся и уехали.
Месть за убийство
Вторая мировая война. Западная Македония, где среди населения преобладали албанцы, после капитуляции контролировавшей этот регион Италии на какой-то момент оказалась предоставленной самой себе. Здесь разгорелась отчаянная борьба между прокоммунистическими партизанами, сторонниками которых было преимущественно славянское население, и националистическими албанскими отрядами из движения «Балли Комбетар». В небольшой городок, где власть находилась в руках албанцев, пробираются трое партизан, чтобы готовить диверсии при приближении армии Броз Тито. На улице они натыкаются на албанский патруль, возглавляемый братом командира отряда Мустафи. В завязавшейся перестрелке тот гибнет, партизанам же удается скрыться. Двое из них находят убежище в доме зажиточного македонца Крсте, но его сосед, албанец Реджеп, из малодушия выдает беглецов. Однако тайник столь хорошо замаскирован, что Мустафи не удается его найти. Тогда он угрожает расстрелять малолетнего внука Крсте...
Operation Titian
Mihin pomoćnik
In a small seaside town in the middle of tourist season, an old eccentric, Ugo Bonacic, is murdered. The homicide inspector leads the investigation, which directs him to a strange foreigner dressed in white, who came to town with an American diving representation. During the investigation, he finds out that old Ugo had a copy of one Titian paintings, for which unusual legend is bind. Finally, a new version of an old Titian painting legend is cleared up.
По мотивам одноименного романа Младена Олячи. В июне 1942 немцы и усташи решают уничтожить партизан, дислоцированных в лесах в районе горы Козара в Северной Боснии. Они окружают гору и начинают штурм. Осаждённые партизаны отчаянно сражаются с превосходящими силами противника. Оставить позиции и уйти от преследования они не могут: вместе с отрядом в лагере находятся беспомощные раненые, женщины, старики и дети.
The Shadow of Glory
An ex-motorcycle racing champion who gave up the sport after a serious crash meets a charming girl who came to watch one of the races. A new romance between them ratchets up his desire to compete again and apply for the race, whilst girl's boyfriend tries to win her heart back.
Inžinjer Živa
Young farmer Mikajlo while on youth labour action falls in love with a student Nada and infatuated with her, he leaves the peasant brigade and Malena, a girl who as if she were overabundant, followed him to work the labour action. Mikajlo's courtship of Nada provokes laughter and ridicule, so ambitious 'Don Juan' returns to his brigade and the girl.
Boom Town
Farmers and their families, engineers, technicians, criminals and prostitutes were acquired on the construction of industrial facilities in Zenica. Siba tries to help them, working with dedication and love that goes beyond his duty. It is difficult to satisfy everyone and achieve more in this scorching city and Siba makes mistakes, carried by desire to achieve the impossible. With great effort, the builders manage to overcome the maelstrom after the dam burst, and while the first iron runs from the new furnace, Siba, dismissed because of errors committed, leaves a boom town of Zenica.
Square of Violence
Set in Italy, the story takes place in this very country, during WW2, where German occupation army ruled everything, just before the allied forces came, in 1944. Crawford plays here a doctor whose son has been shot by the Germans. Of course he has no more taste in life. He continues his work as a German officers' physician. One day, he throws a bomb just in the middle of German troops. Many soldiers and officers are killed. Some time later, the lead officer of the Nazis troops suspects the doctor to be the responsible of the explosion. He lets him know that he himself knows...
День четырнадцатый
Komandir milicije
Четверо заключенных, осужденных к длительным тюремным срокам, за примерное поведение получают отпуск на четырнадцать дней. За это время каждый из них должен разобраться с проблемами, накопившимися за годы их отсутствия на свободе. Один из «отпускников» пытается спасти рушащуюся семью; другой – найти доказательства своей невиновности; третий – разыскать девушку, которую когда-то любил; четвертый – исправить совершенную в прошлом ошибку.
The Wind Dropped Before Dawn
Members of Jasna's group are suspicious because of her firing from occupation Special police squad and they start avoiding her. She finds out the members of the group have been betrayed but they become even more suspicious. At the moment when they were ready to liquidate her the true traitor is revealed. Thanks to Jasna's courage an action becomes success and she regains their trust.
Вольная экранизация повести А.С.Пушкина "Дубровский". Владимир Дубровский возвращается из Петербурга в свое родовое имение, где застает умирающего отца и узнает, что все его земли и крепостных обманным путем забрал себе хозяин соседнего поместья. Организовав отряд из крестьян, отказавшихся подчиняться новому хозяину, наш герой собирается восстановить справедливость и отомстить своему обидчику.
Олеко Дундич
О подвигах героя Гражданской войны серба Олеко Дундича, сражавшегося в рядах первой конной армии.
Их было двое
Настоящая дружба оставляет в сердцах людей след, который не могут уничтожить ни время, ни тяжелые испытания. Такая дружба была между двумя односельчанами-соседями: человеком храброго сердца и благородной души Стояном и трусливым Ильёй. Пришло время суровых испытаний - гитлеровская окупация. Через село отступают отряды партизан. То, на что не отважился Илья, сделал его друг Стоян: он спрятал в подполе своего дома раненого партизана. В дом Стояна ворвались гитлеровцы. Разозлённые тем, что им не удалось найти раненого бойца, враги в бессильной злобе расстреляли Стояна. Всё это видел Илья. О душевном переломе, вызванном у Ильи смертью друга, о совершенном им подвиге рассказывает фильм.
Wolf's Night
A group of Macedonian partisans are hiding away in the mountains from Bulgarian fascist authorities that occupy Macedonia.
The Sun Is Far Away
Down under the constant attacks of the German and Bulgarian forces, headquarters one of the partisan detachment in the midst of a severe winter and snow and difficult terrain, with many wounded, he decided to leave the mountain Jastrebac. Gvozden, a peasant from that area, brave warrior, opposes such a decision, was gets ready to leave the unit before detachment. In the interests of discipline, however, Gvozden was convicted and executed on the spot, although it regrets the whole squad.
In the Storm
Rose is a young woman who lost her husband in WW2, leaving her and their daughter behind. She gets close with his good-natured brother Drago. However, an unscrupulous smuggler Vincenzo is always around him, and things get tough for the couple.
The Boy Mita
Instead of going to Belgrade, a boy called Mita joins illegal movement. Germans, who occupied Belgrade in the meantime, start to hunt down communists. Many of them are killed, but Mita succeeds to get to the freed land together with a girl who was going to Belgrade with him.
Major Bauk
Đura Ličanin
Partisans resist the terror of Italian fascists and Serbian Chetniks in the South-East of Bosnia and Herzegovina during WWII.
Red Flower
Story of Yugoslav prisoners of war in Germany during Second World War. Based on the novel “Farewell in October” by Oto Bihalji-Merin.
Uncle Zvane
Barba Žvane
Uncle Zvane is assigned by the underground People's Committee of a village to deliver a number of oxes to the Partisans in the Gorski Kotar Mountains. The story tells how the old man overcomes the difficulties, and succeeds.