Ulrika Malmgren

Рождение : 1960-09-12, Hässelby, Stockholms län, Sweden


Dear Molly
Bank Lady
A wonderfully poignant story based on a father-daughter relationship. The film explores the journey of a daughter in search of her father in Sweden. The protagonist Molly had last seen her father when she was five years old.
Королевские драгоценности
Фраганция арестованa за покушение на убийство Ричарда Перссонa, сынa влиятельного владельца обувного завода. Во время ее допроса открывается удивительная и замечательная история ее жизни. Мы следуем за ней через ее бедное детство, ее юность, где она встречает большую любовь своей жизни, звезду хоккея Петтерсона-Йонссона, прямо к той роковой ночи, откуда и начинается история.
Woman, 38, no children no husband! Lisa wants a change of life. She starts internetdating, but it turns out that the more men she meets, the further from family happiness she finds herself. An absurdly realistic journey through the bright nights of the big city filled with friendship, love, sex and selfbetrayal!
The Porridge Faggot
Asker is always aftemoney and everybody knows he doesn't have any scruples. He gets accused of stealing a lottery ticket from the mentally-handicapped Musse. Simultaneously he meets a man at a café named Claes Douglas who promises to pay Asker if he does a favour for him.