Claes Ljungmark

Claes Ljungmark

Рождение : 1954-03-14,


Claes Ljungmark


Beck 33 - End of the Road
Three brutal murders are committed in a house in a quiet suburb. The victims are a former police officer, his wife and their 10 year old son. The Beck group takes on the case and find that there is a hidden security room in the victims’ house, containing stolen weapons. They find fingerprints from a criminal who was involved in a robbery 4 years ago. After the robbery, he shot his accomplices and disappeared without a trace, along with their haul of 6.3 million. The question is how the former police officer ended up with the weapons and how is he connected to the thieves? The case wakes strong feelings at Police Headquarters and takes highest priority.
Micke & Veronica
After hiring Micke, a carpenter from Stockholm, to help renovate her kitchen, upper class Veronica develops immediate feelings for him. The two are keen to start a relationship, but their two children are less enthusiastic. Veronica decides a holiday to Bohuslan where her parents live is just what the couple needs.
A Living Soul
Le professeur
A submerged self wakes up in a laboratory. Gradually we understand that it's the subjective experience of Ypsilon, a human brain being kept alive artificially.
Dangerous Dreams
Anders Hallman
Puck’s new boss turns out to be a control freak, who isolates everyone from the outside world. After a strange death, Puck calls on detective Wijk.
Мистериум. Начало
Экранизация приключений детективов Карла Мерке и Асада, работающих в Департаменте Q, занимающемся «глухарями». Взявшись за дело пятилетней давности об исчезновении женщины по имени Мерет они внезапно выходят на след маньяка-психопата, но преследуя его по всей стране, все равно на шаг отстают.
Если хочешь, ищи
Когда родители Тувы погибают в аварии,она обнаруживает в документах, что она приемная дочь. Поиски настоящих родителей, приводят ее в маленький городок, где люди отчаянно пытаются, что то скрыть от нее...
Rendez-vous à Kiruna
Девочка по вызову
The Minister of Justice
Политический триллер, основанный на событиях, произошедших в политический жизни Швеции в 1977 году — тогда достоянием общественности стала информация о том, что министр юстиции Леннарт Гейр является клиентом одного из публичных домов Стокгольма.
Arne Dahl: The Europe Blues
Viggo Norlander
Arne Dahl: Many Waters
Viggo Norlander
Arne Dahl: To the Top of the Mountain
Viggo Norlander
Арне Даль: Мудрая кровь
Viggo Norlander
Продолжение фильмов о о расследованиях «Группы А». На сей раз действие разворачивается в двух странах — Швеции и Америке, где много лет действует неуловимый серийный убийца «Киллер из Кентукки». Американские следователи не смогли найти преступника, но теперь в игру вступает «Группа А».
Арне Даль: Мистериозо
Viggo Norlander
Финансовый мир потрясён рядом жестоких и необъяснимых убийств. Шведский бизнесмен убит в своей гостиной, еще один в кругу близких и есть все признаки того, что убийства будут продолжаться. Департамент расследований создаёт специальная группу с шестью лучшими полицейскими со всей Швеции — A-group.
Wallander 26 - The Witness
Lennart Sylwan
A girl goes missing somewhere in Ystad. It is obvious that she has seen something terrible and that someone wants her silenced. At the same time, a trial of human traffickers begins.
A Rational Solution
Four of Sweden's top actors anchor Jörgen Bergmark's tragi-comedy about a couple, both marriage counsellors, who find themselves in deep water when the husband falls for his best friend's wife. A smart, funny film made for adults. Nominated for Best Film at the 2009 Ghent International Film Festival.
Life is Tennis
The words have run out long ago in Nils's and Ingegärd's marriage. But even though they don't show it, they love each other. In the opposite flat Suleiman lives, a divorced man longing for his daughter. When Suleiman discovers that he has a common interest with Nils, tennis, hopes of friendship awake.
Dorotea in the Kingdom of the Dead
Dorotea wakes up one morning and doesn't find her pulse. Is she dead?
A teenager visits his teacher after an attack on a refugee camp.
Young Jonsson Gang Reach For The Stars
Illusive Tracks
The Bartender
Christmas 1945. In a train from Stockholm to Berlin are a motley collection. It is the failure of the author Gunnar who wants to leave his old life and make a contribution in Berlin; physician Henry who plan to marry Marie and likewise Henry's current wife Karin, who he plans to kill during the journey, the middle-aged gay couple Pompe and Sixten, a soldier going to Uppsala but is on the wrong train: the cheerful and cynical old Margaret, and a dressed elf and a surly conductor. With the train are also a number of Baltic refugees accompanied by two nuns to be sent to Germany.
Scale 1:1
A film crew is assembled to recreate a scene form a Swedish movie classic. The director analyzes the camera angles and the lighting, while chatting about the actor's work and their costumes with the members of the crew. As the set is being completed, a film within the film slowly develops, and all the false starts and phony lines start to take on a life of their own. Is this a documentary, a copy, or simply a unique adventure?
Viktor and his Brothers
Viktor's family doesn't get along very well; his older brothers fight, his father is tired and broken, his mother despondent. Viktor does what he can to make things better.
Kvinna med födelsemärke
Jesus lever
Tomas Eriksson
In an idyllic small town unpleasant things happen. A pastor gets upset by the wife walking on hot coals, his former wife's grave is desecrated and his son's girlfriend suddenly disappears. What is happening?
Alla var där!
A translation of Derek Benfield's farce "Anyone for breakfast?" Martina is tired of her boring life and her partner Roger and decides to have an affair. She borrows her friend Martina's house for this purpose and invites her workout partner Pontus over for dinner. Martina is away for crystal therapy and her husband Gilbert is in Düsseldorf on business, so they should have the house to themselves...
Set on a remote island, where the sorcerer Prospero, rightful Duke of Milan, plots to restore his daughter Miranda to her rightful place using illusion and skillful manipulation. He conjures up a storm, the eponymous tempest, to cause his usurping brother Antonio and the complicit King Alonso of Naples to believe they are shipwrecked and marooned on the island. There, his machinations bring about the revelation of Antonio's lowly nature, the redemption of the King, and the marriage of Miranda to Alonso's son, Ferdinand.
Величайшие герои
Hotel Manager
Фильм о настоящей дружбе и любви. Фильм о том, чтобы сделать что-то хорошее для кого-то. Два уголовника, Петер и Карстен, с "низким уровнем жизни" лучшие друзья всю жизнь. Они всем между собой делятся и всем друг для друга жертвуют, не важно сколько это стоит. Когда они внезапно узнают, что у Карстена есть дочь и что её отчим её бьёт, они решают забрать её в лучшее место. И вот, сбежав из тюрьмы, "похитив" свою дочь, Карстен и Петер едут в Швецию...
Старый коп и по совместительству социальный работник Лассе отвозит группу молодых заключенных на экскурсию на остров, в надежде, что суровая природа покажет им истинную ценность социума. Однако, у буйного Дэна совсем иные планы на эту поездку.
About Em: The Prince of Dreams
14-year old Em likes to hang around in her old play house. One day a boy, Jakob, sets fire to it, and Em catches a brief glimpse of him before he disappears. They meet again a few days later. For the first time in her life, Em falls in love.
Arne Anka - An Evening at Zekes
Krille Krokodil
Arne Anka had been declared dead as a comic strip character since a few months back. However, by this time Charlie Christensen's (a.k.a. Alexander Barks) creation had reached status as quite a cult phenomenon, so the play must have been received with much anticipation and enthusiasm, so much so that it was filmed and subsequently released on video-tape.
Gustav Hansson
Two Swedish business men are kidnapped in Rome by the Mob, and moved to Sicily. Carl Hamilton is sent to Sicily on direct order from the Swedish Government. He is sent to negotiate for their release. Hamiltons partner and best friend, Lundwall, is murdered by the Mob. Hamilton is dragged into a bitter and brutal vendetta between himself and the Mob-leader Don Tommaso.
Rosenbaum - Det sista vittnet
Erik Forslund, prosecutor
At a Swedish company with international contacts, a bestial murder is committed. The murdered person has been employed by the company - everything indicates that the chairman of the board is guilty.
Hassel 09 - Botgörarna
Fred Melinder
Roland Hassel gets involved in a tangle of lies, betrayal and industrial espionage.
Nicke loves practical jokes. When his best friend Pelle is getting married, Nicke is hosting the bachelor party. It will start with the kidnapping of Pelle. Everything goes wrong when Pelle is kidnapped for real by a terrorist group.
Lethal Film
The real horror is worse than - than a horror film, worse than - than the worst horror film. A story about some who are producing horror and special effects.
The Rooster
In 1944, Cederqvist comes to a small cloth factory to see how the all-women employees can work more efficiently. At the beginning he is greeted with suspicion and his efforts at courting the young ladies are futile. But as soon as he buys himself a car it becomes much easier, especially since he has the power to relocate people to an easier line of work. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
One Monday morning, a thousand children leave the suburb of Farsta and go to Stockholm to occupy the Royal Castle. The children have formed a group called S.O.P.O.R. as a protest against the way adults treat them and have destroyed their future. They demand that the robots in the industry are replaced by humans to create job opportunities. They take the royal family as hostages.