Iravati Harshe

Iravati Harshe

Рождение : 1982-10-08, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


Iravati Harshe is an Indian television and film actor and dubbing artist. Harshe has worked in many television serials. She is a trained Bharatanatyam dancer.


Iravati Harshe


Article 370
A high-octane, action political drama, that revolves around the takedown of terrorism in Kashmir by rendering Article 370 of the Indian constitution ineffective.
Balli's Mother
Шамшера — вождь племени, и под его руководством хамерцы стали печально известными и внушающими страх. Жители Каза обращаются к британскому правительству за помощью против хамеранцев. Ответственность возложена на инспектора Шаддха Сингха . Они нападают на хамерцев и почти побеждают их. Затем Шаддх Сингх делает Шамшере предложение. Он велит ему сдаться, а взамен позволяет остальным хамерианцам поселиться в отдаленном месте, где они смогут вернуть утраченную славу. Шамшера соглашается. Он и остальные племена доставлены в форт Каза. Однако Шаддх Сингх их обманывает. Он заключает в тюрьму всех хамерцев и пытает их.
Bhai - Vyakti Ki Valli - Uttarardha
Second part of the biopic of a Marathi comedian, India's first stand-up comedian P. L. Deshpande.
Bhai: Vyakti Ki Valli - Poorvardha
Biopic of Marathi comedian, India's first stand-up comedian P. L. Deshpande.
Tc Gn: Take Care Good Night
A Metro Family decides to fight a Cyber Criminal threatening their stability and pride.
Aapla Manus
Bhakti Gokhale
Sr Inspector Maruti Nagargoje is investigating a murder case which took place in the house of a couple.Who claim that they weren't in the house when the incident happened.Maruti has a different way of working as he doesn't consider statement given to police on crime scene as valuable and conducts his own interrogation with suspects.
Monsoon Shootout
A rookie cop joins the crime branch of the Mumbai police department, and on his first assignment is faced with the dilemma of whether he should shoot a murder suspect who is attempting to escape or not.
Janaki, a divorcee trying to find meaning of life in a sea-turtle conservation project run by the conservationist Dattabhau in a coastal village, accidentally meets an young man. Janaki, with her empathy for the young man, Manav, tries to create a non-judgmental, non-intrusive, warm atmosphere to help him bloom. Janaki herself, her driver-assistant Yadu, conservationist Dattabhau, servant Bablya and street-kid Parshu - none of them not related to each other - become the vulnerable young Manav's support system.
Astu - So Be It
The film revolves around Mr. Shastri, a retired Sanskrit professor who in due course suffers with Alzheimer's goes missing while travelling with his daughter .during this time of missing he gets fascinated with a elephant walking on street and goes to stay with the family which owns elephant. The film is inter cut to depict the human side of relationships with social message in end that only care and affection is medicine for Alzheimer's and there is no other cure for the same.
Gandhi of the Month
Education Minister
A secular expatriate American schoolmaster in India struggles to protect his students from fundamentalists.
Hate Story
Journalist Kavya Krishna loves tycoon Siddharth - who uses and abuses her. How far will Kavya go to get revenge?
Kaccha Limboo
The words Kaccha Limbo denotes a child who is not mature enough.The movie follows the trials and tribulations of 13 year old Shambu.His friends in school ostracize him for being obese calling him names. Despite his school problems, Shambu does have a loving and caring family. He does not seem to relate to his step father, who seems to have a highly sympathetic attitude. He has crush for a girl, who does seem to despise him for his looks. He continues talking to her as an anonymous another person on phone. Things take a turn for worse when he accidentally causes damage to Videocam of another student, for which he is asked to pay damages. On the same day his forging parental signatures in school diary is found out. He runs away from home and befriends few slum children.
A two-bit actor faces challenges after he is asked by Police to impersonate a look-alike gangster.
Встреча в аэропорту
Vibha Wadhwa
Кто бы мог подумать, что какой-то маленький аэропорт сможет изменить жизни многих людей! Но это случилось для счастливцев рейса TW 135. Застряв в аэропорту из-за задержки их рейса, их жизни делают кричащую остановку, давая им время, чтобы исследовать и рассмотреть их отношения. Это их истории... о любви, об эмоциях, об одном шансе, который подарили им в пределах мимолетного мгновения, когда их поездка стала их судьбой…
Вечные ценности
Сын миллионера Рахул из-за бесшабашности становится виновником крупной автомобильной аварии. В качестве наказания суд приговаривает его к одному месяцу исправительных работ в доме для престарелых. Но проведенный там месяц заставляет его полностью пересмотреть свои взгляды на жизнь. Он находит свою любовь...
Дыхание времени
Амджад Али Кхан по профессии - археолог. Его коллега Сакет женат на бенгальской красавице Апарне. Когда они были в Калькутте, начались столкновения на религиозной почве. Апарну изнасиловали и убили обезумевшие фанатики...