Novak Bilbija

Рождение : 1950-01-01,


Because My Thoughts Are Struggling
The film tells about the period of Prince Mihailo Obrenović's life shortly before and during the assassination.
Operation Storm
Follow the story of the people who were expelled from Krajina in 1995 and the suffering of the Serb people in Croatia.
Trail of the Beast
An aspiring journalist in Communist Yugoslavia, sets out on a journey to investigate a brutal murder in rural countryside.
1999 год, войска НАТО бомбят Сербию. Дальнобойщик Влада получает задание перевезти секретный груз из Косово в Белград. Его путь лежит по изуродованной войной стране, которую он едва узнает. Влада понимает, что по завершении своей миссии ему придется вернуться домой и ответить за содеянное.
Южный ветер
Как и у многих в его неспокойной стране, единственный путь из бедности для Петара Мараша лежит по ту сторону закона. Профессиональный гонщик, он специализируется на краже очень дорогих автомобилей и крышуется местным авторитетом. Но однажды Петер угоняет Мерседесс, загруженный наркотиками и этим нарушает планы очень серьезных людей.
Mirko, an average football player at the end of his career, is back in his hometown because of a knee injury. His family owns a restaurant which is on the verge of collapsing, both because of the economic unprofitability, and because of the plans of local criminals who are interested in the plot where the restaurant is located. One of those criminals is Slavko, Mirko's childhood friend, who suddenly returns to his life, just when Mirko needs him the most.
По млечному пути
История о любви, происходящая в период боснийской войны.
The Man Who Defended Gavrilo Princip
Mitar Kerović
When Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand, Austrian future king , the World War I began. What will Gavrilo Princip do? He has to choose, hard jail untill death, or hanging. There are so much things happening in Bosnia.
A young fan of Red Star Belgrade FC is disappointed with team's performances in the last 20 years, ever since his beloved club won the European Champions Cup. He comes up with idea to bring the former Red Star player Nemanja Vidic from Manchester United F.C., by collecting money for this hardly feasible task.
Autumn in My Street
Mašinovođa 1
The main story is about two twenty year old guys who spend day in a remote suburb of Novi Sad. The are gathering money to go to seaside for the very first time since they finished primary school. Despite all the signs that this will be just another autumn day, on this trip they will experience the moment that will change their lives forever.
The Tour
Pukovnik Gavro
Year 1993, the bleakest time of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A group of actors from Belgrade, utterly unaware of what they're setting themselves up for, embark on a search for quick earnings - on a "tour" around the Serbian Krajina. However, there they are thrust into the heart of war and begin to wander from war front to war front, from one army to the next.
The Party
In the summer of 1991 the war broke out in Croatia. In a holiday house in Fruška Gora hills in Serbia, near the border with Croatia, a group of young people are having a birthday party. They try to have some fun and act like nothing is going on. The party is shattered by the war. They can hear the artillery, but something is also happening between them. Inevitably, some of the boys end up on the frontline and everyone of them is effected by the war that is starting to rage. "The Party" is about individual destinies of the characters trapped in isolated house in hills and surrounded by growing paranoia of the officially not yet declared war.
Казалось бы, ничто не может помешать счастью молодоженов Анны и Тома, несмотря на то, что она хорватка, а он серб. Ведь светлое чувство навеки соединило их сердца. Но страшная Югославская война врывается в мирную жизнь, круша и ломая все вокруг. Бывшие добрые соседи в одночасье становятся злейшими врагами. Города и села превращаются в поле битвы. Сохранить любовь и уберечь счастье в этом аду — непосильная задача…
Sex - Party's Enemy No. 1
The adventures of a young commie activist, whose love for the party is not even close to the one he has for women. Every action he undertakes is somehow connected to the love adventure, and his rise on a social ladder doesn't stops even in the turbulent period of Informbureau crisis.
Broad Are the Leaves
Partizan sa kočijama
The action takes place in 1943 and today, and a Partisan school in Srem is in the center of action. A young journalist gets appointed to shoot a film report about the participants in the Liberation War from this area. In Srem village she meets common, simple people. She discovers that a free territory and a Partisan school was there. She also finds out that everybody acted as one. Deply going through all of those events, young reporter grows mature, identifying herself with the revolution participants.