Mira Stupica

Mira Stupica

Рождение : 1923-08-17, Gnjilane, Serbia

Смерть : 2016-08-19


Miroslava "Mira" Stupica  (born August 17, 1923 in Gnjilane, Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) is a Serbian actress primarily famous for her illustrious work in the theatre. She began acting in high school and made her feature film debut in 1951 film Bakonja fra Brne by Fedor Hanžeković. She is, however, better known for her work in theatre where she met her second husband, famous theatre director Bojan Stupica. Her third husband was Cvijetin Mijatović, former president of Socialist Federative Republic Yugoslavia. Her first husband was Serbian actor and famous playboy Milivoje "Mavid" Popović. Her brother Bora Todorović is renowned actor in his own right.


Mira Stupica
Mira Stupica


Baka Olga
Радмило и Марко — молодая успешная пара геев. Счастливой эта пара могла бы быть где угодно, но не в Сербии. Парни не афишируют своих взаимоотношений, но ежедневно сталкиваются со всеобщей гомофобией. К тому же, Мирко — активист по защите прав геев. Его мечта — организовать в Белграде первый успешный гей-прайд. А это уже почти что «миссия невыполнима».
Seven and a Half
Seven stories from the hood that connects to the seven deadly sins.
Miloševa nana
After the end of World War II, a young partisan falls in love with a German secretary who is captured and imprisoned by partisans. He decides to free her and escape with her.
Poseta stare dame
Klara Zahanasijan
Mortal Spring
Tetka Ema
An adaptation of a well-known novel by Hungarian writer Lajos Zilahy.
How to Die
Destinies of two friends-fighters during WW2.
The Stars Are the Eyes of Warriors
When a warrior dies, a star is born, a company of us die when born to a group of stars. Small children are fascinated by ancient legends and stories of old people, people replace their signature ready to be shot and put yourself in front of the German pipe.
Breakfast with the Devil
The story of the collapse of Vojvodinian village during the great flood in 1947. The people, their fate and suffering, love and deaths.
Some Far-Away Light
Uroševa supruga
An ex-prosecutor comes to provincial hotel to commit suicide there. Prior to this act, he first calls persons who made him bring up such decision. Conversations over telephone reveal the causes and circumstances that led to tragedy.
A Bloody Tale
Piljakova majka
Memory of the victims of the Kragujevac massacre is described through the events that are related to a group of boys, shoe shiners. At that time, thousands of workers refused to work for the invaders, and the whole city was exposed to harsh repression and persecution of innocent citizens and the abolition of the regular rations of food.
The Sun of Another Sky
In a small railway station a group of building workers are organized by a man called Jakov to travel to Germany for work. In the meantime, local bar owner Kurjak is getting a visit from his son first time after three years.
The Tough Ones
Two soldiers can't deal with peacetime.
Palm Tree Among Palm Trees
An ex-prostitute, now a washerwoman, asks for a pension for her previous "employment", which socialism, with its human principles, does not disapprove. To realize her right, she needs two witnesses, and she has many more. But none of them will testify. A whole society shows its selfishness, false morality, prejudice. She dies without realizing her great wish.
Before the War
Engineer Maric finds out about an affair between his wife Rina and his best friend, a lawyer Novakovic. Maric leaves the house with suicidal intentions. At the big funeral, Novakovic consoles unfortunate Rina, while in the funeral procession a whole bunch of suspicious people try to claim close relations with the deceased one in order to get hold of a piece of his inheritance.
The Swarm
During turbulent times of the First Serbian uprising in 1804, on a freshly liberated land, a woman who betrayed her husband to the Turks has been taken to the court. A complicated truth and the real motives of the case get overlooked by the judge, a neutral Turk.
Мужская компания
По одноимённому роману Вернера Йорга Людекке. Группа западногерманских туристов попадает в югославскую деревню, где во время войны гитлеровцы расстреляли всё мужское население. Поэтому женщины враждебно встречают непрошенных гостей. Постепенно выясняется, что почти каждый из туристов в той или иной форме в своё время был связан с фашизмом, служил в армии Гитлера, захватывал чужие земли, участвовал в карательных операциях. Теперь эти туристы ведут себя бесцеремонно. И женщины, потеряв терпение, сталкивают их пустой автобус в пропасть. А когда за туристами прислали другую машину, они промолчали о случившемся и уехали.
People's Deputy
Film adaptation of “People’s Deputy” by Branislav Nusic, one of the most frequently staged plays in the history of Serbian theatre. It tells the story of a politician who’s only interested in personal benefits and chair in the national assembly.
The Steppe
Based on a Anton Chekhov short story, this slight tale has some good moments as the drama of a young boy's journey unfolds. The lad comes from peasant stock, and one day his family decides it would be best for him to go live with his uncle in the city. The only problem is that the city is all the way across the Russian steppes, and at this time in history, that arduous journey could only be undertaken by horse and carriage. Reminiscent of the American pioneer wagon trains heading West, the tale lacks any attacks from hostile forces but is filled with charming vignettes. In one part of the journey, the boy comes across some fishermen along a river, harpooning their catch for the day. In another segment, he is entertained when some folk dancers do a lively show. But in general, it is too long and unmomentous a journey to hold attention well for nearly two hours.
День четырнадцатый
Четверо заключенных, осужденных к длительным тюремным срокам, за примерное поведение получают отпуск на четырнадцать дней. За это время каждый из них должен разобраться с проблемами, накопившимися за годы их отсутствия на свободе. Один из «отпускников» пытается спасти рушащуюся семью; другой – найти доказательства своей невиновности; третий – разыскать девушку, которую когда-то любил; четвертый – исправить совершенную в прошлом ошибку.
Маленький человек
О том, как необходимо детям внимание и забота родителей, как важно, чтобы рядом был взрослый и разумный друг, который может вовремя помочь и предостеречь ребёнка от дурных влияний и проступков.
In the Net
A small coastal town, where almost everybody are into fishing. Niko and Mato are friends, both in loved with the same girl Visnja, in charge of the fishermen's strike against the owners of the fishing boats. After being caught, Mato betrays his friends. Thus he becomes the subject of scorn both by the entire village and Visnja, who then marries Niko.
Сельская драма о любви и ненависти среди цыган. Фильм основан на реальных событиях, произошедших в городке Бусовача (Босния и Герцеговина), а также произведении югославского боснийского писателя еврейского происхождения Исака Самоковлия. Героиня картины — красивая цыганка Ханка — отказывается выходить замуж за Мусана. Его семья организует похищение. Но Ханка остается верна себе, она — вольный человек. Но из-за ревности и мести жизнь девушки обрывается очень быстро.
Загубленные жизни
Gazdinica Anđa
Действие фильма происходит в 1893 году в Герцеговине, находившейся под властью Австро-Венгерской империи. Молодой Стоян, бедный деревенский парень приходит в город Мостар, готовый любой ценой преуспеть в своём намерении разбогатеть. Он начинает работать на богатого, но жадного владельца магазина Симу, чья жена Андя смотрит на него. Когда хозяин умирает, Стоян захватывает магазин и, поскольку он использует ростовщические методы покойного, его имя быстро обрастает дурной молвой. Стоян когда-то любил юную Розу, но забыл о ней из-за Анди…
I Was Stronger
Instead of running away from enemy raid, a female partisan-doctor decides to stay and help one of their wounded children.