Kim Taylor


Claire in Motion
Claire is sure of herself, her work and family, until — like a bad dream — her husband disappears, leaving a trail of puzzling secrets that shatter her certainty.
Раньше я был темнее
Тарен проделала путь из Северной Ирландии в США ради любви, которая оказалась мимолетной. Она ищет убежища у родственников в Балтиморе, но ее тете и дяде совершенно не до нее.
Unmasked Part 25
Associate Producer
Jackson is a lonely serial killer who is really beginning to question the point of all his killing. He is losing focus on why he started to kill in the first place. The future looks bleak until he meets a blind girl, Shelly, who begins to show him that life isn't so bad. It is all up to Jackson to decide if he's going to stop killing and start learning responsibility and think about finding a real job and starting a family.