Ognjen Glavonić

Ognjen Glavonić

Рождение : 1985-01-01, Pancevo - Serbia - Yugoslavia


Ognjen Glavonić (1985, SFR Yugoslavia) graduated Film and TV directing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade. His films were shown at festivals in Cannes, Berlin, Toronto, Rotterdam and numerous others, winning several awards. His work was also shown at places like MOMA, MOMI and Lincoln Center in New York, Pompidou Center in Paris, ICA in London… Glavonić is the director and co-founder of Pančevo Film Festival.


Ognjen Glavonić
Ognjen Glavonić


The Elegy of Laurel
Filip, a sophisticated university professor, goes with his wife to a spa on the coast. After a few of days spent in the comfy and monotonous ambiance of the hotel, their seemingly ideal marriage is over. Filip is left by his wife. Everything seems to indicate that his life is collapsing, but Filip, refined and armed with confidence, faces each new circumstance with unusual ease. Deep in the forest, a new fantasy world will break him down, but also give him a chance for a new beginning.
1999 год, войска НАТО бомбят Сербию. Дальнобойщик Влада получает задание перевезти секретный груз из Косово в Белград. Его путь лежит по изуродованной войной стране, которую он едва узнает. Влада понимает, что по завершении своей миссии ему придется вернуться домой и ответить за содеянное.
1999 год, войска НАТО бомбят Сербию. Дальнобойщик Влада получает задание перевезти секретный груз из Косово в Белград. Его путь лежит по изуродованной войной стране, которую он едва узнает. Влада понимает, что по завершении своей миссии ему придется вернуться домой и ответить за содеянное.
Второе дно
1999 год. В то время, как НАТО бомбит Югославию, в Дунае, недалеко от границы с Румынией, тонет грузовик, в котором находятся 53 мертвых тела. Ни одной записи об этом происшествии не существует. За несколько дней до этого события, в Косово сербская полиция сгоняет вместе жителей деревни. Женщина, пережившая страшные вещи, зарытые в братских могилах безымянные трупы - люди значат не больше, чем расходный материал. Документальный материал, накопленный Огненом Главоничем в процессе создания этого фильма, стал основой его последующей работы – игровой картины «Груз».
Второе дно
1999 год. В то время, как НАТО бомбит Югославию, в Дунае, недалеко от границы с Румынией, тонет грузовик, в котором находятся 53 мертвых тела. Ни одной записи об этом происшествии не существует. За несколько дней до этого события, в Косово сербская полиция сгоняет вместе жителей деревни. Женщина, пережившая страшные вещи, зарытые в братских могилах безымянные трупы - люди значат не больше, чем расходный материал. Документальный материал, накопленный Огненом Главоничем в процессе создания этого фильма, стал основой его последующей работы – игровой картины «Груз».
Zivan Makes a Punk Festival
Like Don Quixote, Zivan Pujic Jimmy fights for his annual punk festival. A film about failure, ambition, friendship and clinging to your dreams. Glavonic received much praise for this exceptional film that doesn't reveal what's fact and what's fiction.
Zivan Makes a Punk Festival
Like Don Quixote, Zivan Pujic Jimmy fights for his annual punk festival. A film about failure, ambition, friendship and clinging to your dreams. Glavonic received much praise for this exceptional film that doesn't reveal what's fact and what's fiction.
Zivan Makes a Punk Festival
Like Don Quixote, Zivan Pujic Jimmy fights for his annual punk festival. A film about failure, ambition, friendship and clinging to your dreams. Glavonic received much praise for this exceptional film that doesn't reveal what's fact and what's fiction.
Through the intimate stories of seven young directors, October is the generational attitude towards Serbia today, shown in different perspectives and through different genres - from black comedy to melodrama, poetic portrait to the socially engaged horror. Motif that binds all of the stories together is the tenth anniversary of the democratic revolution. Each film is taking place on that day, 5th of October in 2010, and each film is differently related to the anniversary and what that event means 10 years after. The film brings fresh visions of the seven young directors who were teenagers at the time of the overthrow of president Milosevic and his regime. On a personal and emotional way they show a complex picture of modern Serbia.
Through the intimate stories of seven young directors, October is the generational attitude towards Serbia today, shown in different perspectives and through different genres - from black comedy to melodrama, poetic portrait to the socially engaged horror. Motif that binds all of the stories together is the tenth anniversary of the democratic revolution. Each film is taking place on that day, 5th of October in 2010, and each film is differently related to the anniversary and what that event means 10 years after. The film brings fresh visions of the seven young directors who were teenagers at the time of the overthrow of president Milosevic and his regime. On a personal and emotional way they show a complex picture of modern Serbia.
Zivan Pujic Jimmy
Zivan is at the peak of his creative power. However, the world is right behind him.
Zivan Pujic Jimmy
Zivan is at the peak of his creative power. However, the world is right behind him.
The Tost
Vojkan is a man who starts his days at precisely same time and according to strictly established „rituals.“ However, this day some unplanned events will happen.
The Tost
Vojkan is a man who starts his days at precisely same time and according to strictly established „rituals.“ However, this day some unplanned events will happen.