Marija Dakić

Marija Dakić

Рождение : 1982-11-08, Pančevo, Serbia, Yugoslavia


Marija Dakic was born on November 8, 1982 in Pancevo, Serbia, Yugoslavia. She is an actress and writer.


Marija Dakić


Structured as a labyrinth-like game and inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, Aleph is a travelogue of experience, a dreamer's journey through the lives, experiences, stories and musings of protagonists spanning ten countries and five continents.
Delirium Tremens
Olivera, glavna sestra
Dagi is a famous actor, but a heavy drinker. At one point his condition becomes critical and he ends up in the hospital where he is diagnosed with delirium tremens. Having lost sensation in his limbs, incapable of grasping what is happening around him, imagination plays tricks on him, and as he falls into delirium he finds himself in surreal situations. Once he comes round, he realizes that his life has been ruined and attempts suicide. Saved at the last moment, Dagi remains in the hospital overcome with apathy. However, things change when Lisa, a therapist from England, appears with a revolutionary new method of therapy for severely affected patients known as - psychodrama.
Debt to the Sea
At the very entrance of Boka Kotorska there is fortress named Fortica, which served as border control or quarantine in the past when ships used to dock in the bay. The most common goods taxed was salt. Its geographical position was significant during 1920s as well, while some speculate that the main hero of this story, Perisa, accumulated his fortune exactly in this way...
A Stowaway on the Ship of Fools
The story takes place in the Belgrade mental hospital on Guberevac during the WWI, where notable Serbian writer Petar Kočić spends his last years of life. The safety of mental hospital in a war-torn Belgrade is disrupted when the deputy military governor in occupied Belgrade, Kosta Herman, finds out that Kočić is in the hospital and decides to settle old scores with him.
Американский спутник терпит крушение и падает где то в районе Сербии. По его поиску организуют группу специальных сербских и американских агентов. Добравшись до места предполагаемого падения , отряд обнаруживает что по указанным координатам никакого спутника нет. Но вскоре , они понимают что вместе со спутником, на землю упало что-то ещё.
Человек ноября
Michelle (Barmaid)
Экс-агент ЦРУ, невольно вернувшись в дело, оказывается в эпицентре международной интриги, затеянной главами разведывательного управления. В их планах - внедрение во внутреннюю политику стран Восточной Европы через кандидата в президенты РФ с помощью шантажа грязным прошлым. На его совести - вторая вспышка войны на Северном Кавказе, жертвы, насилие. Но Питер Дэверо разгадывает тайны нечестной игры...
An omnibus film on children's rights and the problems that the youngest members of our society have to face. Each story tackles a specific theme and has its own hero.
How I Was Stolen by the Germans
How I Was Stolen by the Germans (Serbian: Koko su me ukrali Nemci) is a Serbian movie. Alex (52) is sufficiently renowned writer who is engaged in repairing other people's texts. It is vital, educated, talented but a bit of a misanthrope. One day in his life enters a girl Roma (6). Alex tells her the stories of his childhood ... The movie is a story of the film director childhood.
Слезы на продажу
Seoska udovica
Первая мировая война закончилась, в Сербии катастрофически не хватает мужчин. Женщины в каждой деревне превращаются в остервеневшие банды, которые охраняют своих выживших стариков и калек с оружием в руках, но одновременно нещадно их сексуально эксплуатируют. Кроме того в местном баре есть и ещё одно средство воспоминания о мужчинах: паучья настойка на спирту. Выпить её – и являются погибшие мужчины деревни. В деревне, о которой идёт речь, есть и ещё одна проблема: один из местных, вернувшись с войны, сошёл с ума и заминировал виноградник, который кормит всю деревню. Каждый день женщины тащат жребий, кому в этот раз идти собирать урожай. Сцены смерти, что характерно для всего балканского кино, обставлены с искромётным юмором и зрелищными аллегориями. В деревне живут две сестры – Мала Богиня и Огненка. Они хотят любви, и оправляются в трехдневное путешествие для поиска мужиков в другие деревни и города, их ждут мистические и любовные приключения
Almost Totally Ordinary Story
A look at the romantic relationship of a young couple that is shook when his old flame shows up.
The Cordon
Yugoslavian filmmaker Goran Markovic directs the psychological drama The Cordon. Set in Belgrade over Easter weekend in 1997, the film involves a group of policemen who respond to the city's political turmoil. Due to the overthrow of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, violence and protests have erupted all over the city. Patrolling the streets in a bus driven by Uros (Ratko Tankosic), the unit consists of Crni (Dragan Petrovic), Dule (Nikola Duricko), Kole (Nebojsa Milovanovic), and Seljak (Nenad Jezdic). They are led by commanding officer Dragon (Marko Nikolic), who isn't entirely sure what to do himself. Throughout their weekend-long shift, each man battles with his own personal problems as the political tension escalates. The Cordon won the top prize at the 2003 Montreal World Film Festival.