Jody Graber


Эдуард II
Prince Edward
Постмодернистская экранизация пьесы Кристофера Марло. Король Эдуард II, взойдя на престол, приближает к себе своего любовника Пьера Гавестона, которого ненавидит весь двор. Дорвавшийся до власти эгоистичный Гавестон удовлетворяет только личные прихоти и капризы. В результате этого за спиной Эдуарда начинает зреть заговор в лице лорда Мортимера и королевы Изабеллы.
The Garden
Young Boy
A nearly wordless visual narrative intercuts two main stories and a couple of minor ones. A woman, perhaps the Madonna, brings forth her baby to a crowd of intrusive paparazzi; she tries to flee them. Two men who are lovers marry and are arrested by the powers that be. The men are mocked and pilloried, tarred, feathered, and beaten. Loose in this contemporary world of electrical-power transmission lines is also Jesus. The elements, particularly fire and water, content with political power, which is intolerant and murderous.
War Requiem
Enemy Child
A film with no spoken dialogue, just follows the music and lyrics of Benjamin Britten's "War Requiem, which include WWI soldier poet Wilfred Owen's poems reflecting the war's horrors. It shows the story of an Englishman soldier (Wilfred Owen) and a nurse (his bride) during World War I. It also includes actual footage of contemporary wars (WWII, Vietnam, Angola, etc.)