Bojan Krivokapić


A group of young men whose lack of prospects in their own society decide to change their image and way of life. They realize that taking action is the only thing that fulfills and satisfies them. They begin to hand out flyers, upload video clips on the Internet and spray-paint graffiti all over the city. They call on the youth to rebel, to change their lives and to awaken from the slumber they were in.
Stevan, a son of a local criminal, lives a peaceful life running a homestead. When his father is killed by the members of his gang, Stevan seeks revenge.
A documentary-narrative film which looks at real events and personal phenomena of artist Zarko Lausevic. "Laush" above all tells a story of an evil time we've all been through, represents both sides and is made with empathy and respect towards everyone involved in the tragic incident. Through recreations, narration, memories of colleagues and quotes from the book "A Year Passes, a Day Will Never Pass" which the artist wrote during the hardest stage of his life, the weight of his fate is presented. The aim of this project is to portray the life of brilliant actor, who in the midst of great fame, disappeared from the scene through the cruelty of dubious times.
Монтевидео: Божественное видение
Momčilo Đokić 'Gusar'
История команды, отправившейся на первый Чемпионат мира по футболу, чтобы воплотить в жизнь свою заветную мечту.