Michèle-Barbara Pelletier

Michèle-Barbara Pelletier


Michèle-Barbara Pelletier


Trapped Ashes
Nathalie / Martine
Trapped in a house of horror, seven people discover that the only way they'll get out alive is to tell their scariest stories.
Пригласи меня домой
Céline Bourgeois
Литературный критик Феликс Лежандр, известный язвительностью и острым языком, в пух и прах разгромил первую книгу молодой писательницы Селин Буржуа, лишив ее веры в себя. Теперь она ненавидит злобного критика и винит его во всех своих неудачах. Однажды полиция задерживает Феликса за пьяное вождение, и в наказание он должен пройти общественные работы, примкнув к группе волонтеров, которые помогают подвыпившим горожанам добраться до дома. Среди волонтеров он встречает молодую писательницу и влюбляется в нее с первого взгляда, не подозревая, кто она. Селин же, напротив, прекрасно помнит автора убийственной рецензии. Уж теперь-то самовлюбленный критик побывает в самых смешных ситуациях и узнает, что такое изощренная женская месть! Но Лежандр так очарователен и так беззаветно влюблен, что Селин уже сама готова уступить нахлынувшим чувствам и позабыть о прошлых обидах. Но вскоре у нее появляется повод думать, что в действительности Феликс ведет свою коварную игру.
In a gritty retelling of the Dickens's classic, Twist takes Oliver and the Artful Dodger out of the poorhouse and onto the streets, where junk is the currency and hustling is the game.
The Favourite Game
As a kid, Leo thought he possessed, like a magician, the secret power to make things happen. As a young man, he certainly knows how to make things happen with women. But as his best friend Krantz would say to him, "Why do you always ask questions you already know answers to?" Leo believes firmly in what he invents from one day to the next. Images, impressions, stories fill his head. That's just how he is: life, for Leo, is just a game. Behind this childlike attitude, hides the very essence of his own life's quest.
Mr. Aiello
A father's love is not enough to keep his dreams and his family together in this drama. Joe Aiello (Tony Nardi) is an Italian immigrant who settled in Montreal and opened a construction firm in the early '60s. Thirty years later, Tony's business is a solid success, and Tony dreams of passing this legacy along to his family. But Tony's wife has passed on, his son Nuccio (Hugolin Chevrette Landesque) is developmentally disabled, and his daughter Bennie (Michele-Barbara Pelletier) can't decide what she wants to do with her life, dropping out of college against her father's wishes shortly before she is to graduate. Despite his disappointment with Nuccio and his exasperation with Bennie, Joe has a fierce love for his children, but Bennie feels that her father's affection is starting to crush her more than it nurtures her.
На закате
Isabel Marino
Перед Вами предстанет удивительный квартет влюбленных. Молодая, скучающая жена богатого маклера влюбляется в мастера на все руки. В свою очередь жена мастера, бывшая актриса, влюбляется в маклера. Захватывающая перекрестная любовь двух супружеских пар, вернувшая им утраченное чувство и смысл жизни.
Безумный город
Max's Mother
Обладатель награды Академии кино Коста Гаврас – режиссер этой взрывной драмы, исследующей влияние телевизионных новостей на современное общество. Дастин Хоффман и Джон Траволта играют «репортера» и «историю», оказавшихся в вышедшей из-под контроля череде событий.
The Countess of Baton Rouge
Julie Larousse
In a style evocative of Fellini at his most surreal, this bizarre French Canadian fantasy follows the romance between a young filmmaker and a bearded lady from a local circus during the 1960s. The story begins in a contemporary theater where a projectionist describes, to movie director Rex Prince, the ghostly spirit that seems to be haunting his film. The story then races backward to the 1960s when a half-mad, idealistic Rex was busily making his first film, a Marxist tract depicting poverty in Montreal. Edouard Dore, a well-connected editor works with him and it is he who takes Rex to a carnival late one night to meet the performers in a freakshow. The first person Rex meets is Le Grand Zenon, a hulking one-eyed fellow with the amazing ability to use his eye to project movie images on a screen with neither a projector nor film.
Spring Awakening
The failing economic fortunes of a small turn-of-the-century Nebraska town interrupt a blossoming romance between a pair of star-crossed lovers.
Love & Human Remains
In a Canadian metropolis, failed actor David shares a place with the bookish Candy, whom he dated before coming out as gay. While David, who now waits tables, pursues an aimless romance with a younger coworker, Candy dabbles in both same-sex and heterosexual affairs. As David and Candy's odd assortment of friends — including a telepathic sex worker and an ill-tempered yuppie — pass in and out of their beds, a serial murder stalks the city's women.
Сканирование мозга
Когда старшеклассник Майкл приобрел компьютерную интерактивную игру в виртуальной реальности «Сканирование мозга», он и не подозревал, что игрушка колдовским образом проникнет в его подсознание и выпустит на свободу самые потаенные страхи и фантазии.
The Lotus Eaters
Anne-Marie Andrews
Set off the West Coast of Canada in 1965, a hip new teacher with a miniskirt and lots of ideas turns a small town upside down. The soft autumn light of Galiano Island is beautifully rendered in writer/producer Peggy Thompson's The Lotus Eaters, and that's not the only elusive element that this film has captured. In revisiting its particular time and place - the Gulf Islands of the early '60s -Thompson obviously draws on her own family experiences there. For those who share Thompson's love of Gulf Islands magic, the elements she has assembled will feel as familiar as their own childhood blanket. But there are problems at the core of this story about a family's loss of innocence.
Embrasse-moi, c'est pour la vie
Denis comes out of a love affair that disturbs him a lot. One day he meets Simone in the university cafeteria and he immediately understands that she is the woman of his life. But Simone is not the type to fall into the arms of the first comer!