María Duval

María Duval

Рождение : 1937-08-02, Querétaro, Mexico


María Duval
María Duval


La mafia amarilla
Blue Demon must stop an evil chinese gang and their reign of terror.
La otra mujer
Businessman hires a stand-in to pass as the father of his mistress' children.
Pepito y la lámpara maravillosa
Pepito The child misbehaves because his stepfather is scolding. Buy a sauceboat but when his cat rubs it a genie appears. The child understands that it is the magic lamp and asked all sorts of goodies and the solution of their tasks, but when he needs money stepfather tells of genius. The stepfather asked to topple his partner's plane. Pepito refuses and flees with the lamp and throws it into a river to avoid falling into its power. The stepfather drowns while trying to rescue him.
Pancho Tequila
Naïve moviegoers in his hometown think a certain actor is tough like the characters he plays and will be able to clear their town of badguys.
Смертельная загадка
Sandra / Tamara
Рестлер Миль Маскарас, тайный агент Интерпола, получает задание найти и ликвидировать нацистскую организацию. Имея сведения, что нацисты работают в Мексике под прикрытием карнавала, Маскарас решает внедриться туда, выдав себя за циркового силача.
The Vampire Girls
A wrestler tries to break up a covey of vampires, led by the King of Vampires.
Rocambole contra la secta del escorpión
Short-lived superhero-adventure series. One sequel.
Los alegres Aguilares
Identical cousins with mismatched Odd Couple personalities.
Rocambole contra las mujeres arpías
Super-detective muscle dude in tights vs a criminal mastermind who doses women with ugly serum to make them commit crimes.
El matrimonio es como el demonio
The story of a Playboy bachelor who does not know the good that is, until he is married. Slowly, the man discovers that having a woman is not easy, but sometimes ... being faithful recomended. After sympathetic experiences and funny situations, he realizes that there are two uncorrectable errors committed by the man in your life: Being born and married!
The Midshipmen
Chica en fiesta
A group of students preparing to be midshipmen at the Naval Academy live very different experiences: from the typical hazing the new responsibilities they will face when they obtain graduation.
House of Women
The women of a brothel adopt a foundling baby.
Juan Colorado
Silvia Guerrero
Silvia's father wants to marry her off to Rafael who, out of jealousy, wants to finish off Juan. Silvia dresses up as Juan to save his skin.
Gallo corriente, gallo valiente
A 1966 film.
Cada quién su lucha
Lucha García
Bumbling "comedians" klutz around with a fake spiritualist-medium and a bunch of pro wrestlers.
Martín Romero El Rápido
Quick-drawing cowboy hero, first in series. (See also:Frontera sin ley.)
Santo vs. the Ghost of the Strangler
When Santo beat to Estrangulador, one of his strongest enemies, thought not ever see it, but thanks to Tor returns to avenge the death of Santo.
La cigüeña distraída
Alma Castillo
El asalto
Series western: decent guy with young son takes the rap for a bank robbery; justice-dude and sidekick smoke out his accomplices and the mastermind to clear the first guy's record.
Santo vs. the Strangler
Santo battles the Strangler.
La conquista de El Dorado
A new Judge and Sheriff, plus support staff, come to town to clean up El Dorado's lawless ways.
Nos lleva la tristeza
Love in bloom between two ranching families: boy A and girl B, boy B and girl A, the surviving grandparent of each family, their elderly man-baby house stewards, and the prize racehorse from each family all end up pairing off together. Transitory problems, inevitable happy solutions.
La sombra del mano negra
Semi-comic series western about two brothers what is good-guys. From the series "Los Hermanos Barragan."
Un padre a toda máquina
Two neighboring towns have a hostile relationship... but one town has a surplus of marriageable bachelors, and the other has too many young women to marry off locally, so both towns need to get over their damn selves. A hip young priest on a motorcycle is assigned to set things right between them.
Ruletero a toda marcha
Country-boy migrates to the big city to work as a taxi-driver.
Tres muchachas de Jalisco
Divorced Dad's planning to remarry, so Daughter #1 notifies Mom and Daughters #2&3. Then parents, daughters and boyfriends act out for 80 minutes.
Juan guerrero
Government official in charge of land grants for tenant farmers gets into a ruckus with the feisty daughter of a landower whose estate is up for redistribution.
Barridos y regados
Two bozos take varied assignments from an employment agency.
El amor llegó a Jalisco
A couple of modern city women find love in Jalisco.
Tres palomas alborotadas
Controlling papa won't let his daughters have boyfriends.
Los parranderos
Romantic complications and silliness when two farmhands are sent to the next town to track down their employer's daughter and baby-mama from thirty years earlier.
Dos gallos y dos gallinas
Two brothers are trying to raise emergency cash by doing cockfights and horse-races. They meet two sisters.
Santo vs. the Vampire Women
Diana Orlof
A professor recruits a professional wrestler to protect his daughter from vampires intent on kidnapping her and marrying her to the devil.
Jóvenes y bellas
Five city boys and five country boys compete for the attentions of five city girls.
Young woman manipulates all three of the men of the hacienda, planning to marry the father and play with one or both of the young ones.
Cuando Regrese Mamá
A family of six children are orphaned on Christmas Eve and struggle through a year without parental support.
Dos hijos desobedientes
Meddling mom tries to set up her two cowboy sons to marry two sisters who are looking for domesticated, 'indoor' husbands that cook and keep house.
The Living Coffin
María Elena García
A cowboy and his sidekick meet a ranching family that is haunted by spirits and vampires.
Тайна Жоао Карраль
Жоао Карраль, владелец крупной гасиенды в Перу, должен ехать в Белен на свадьбу своей дочери Миньи и Мануэля, друга его старшего сына Бенито. Он говорит жене Яките, что пока не может ехать в Белен. Она подозревает, что у мужа есть какая-то тайна. Жоао обещает со временем рассказать ей все и, в конце концов, соглашается на эту поездку. Для этого долгого и трудного путешествия был построен большой плот – «жангада», на котором Жоао с семьей и многочисленными слугами отправляется в путь по Амазонке. Прибыв в Белен, Жоао был тут же арестован и обвинен в преступлении, которое произошло много лет назад.
Del suelo no paso
Poetic-type dude gets mixed up with gangsters, a millionaire's dog and some stolen jewels.
Flor de canela
Nightclub entertainer discovers the truth about her birth mother while making the right choice in her love life, choosing the good guy over the slimy, exploitative hoodlum.
Melodías inolvidables