Predrag Damnjanović


Отель «Белград»
Влюблённые когда-то друг в друга Паша и Даша случайно встречаются в Белграде. Среди красоты и романтики древнего города их отношения зарождаются вновь. Кажется, им всё-таки суждено быть вместе. Если бы не несколько «но»...
I am Already Everything I Want to Have
The boy is new to the city. Daniel doesn't know what to do with himself. He visits his sister, he visits friends. Noise begins to emerge: how to say no to yourself?
Жизнь и смерть порнобанды
Marko, an aspiring filmmaker, is unable to pursue a career in horror films. He ventures into the porn industry, but his unorthodox style fails to impress producers. Frustrated, he assembles a crew of junkies, homosexuals and transvestites and starts a traveling live porn show. Soon a shady producer appears, he will pay them real money if they are willing to start making snuff films for him.
The Belgrade Phantom
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1979; a mysterious "Phantom" occupies the attention and hearts of Belgrade. Every night, he exhibits spectacular driving maneuvers using a stolen white Porsche car through the city streets.